Solver Settings

Users can use any of OpenMDAO’s solvers for aerostructural analysis and derivative computation. This does not means that all solvers are guaranteed to converge. Details about the OpenMDAO’s solvers can be found in the OpenMDAO documentation.

Default Solvers

The default nonlinear solver for aerostructural coupling is NonlinearBlockGS. For underlying aerodynamic and structural analysis, we use Scipy’s LU factorization to solve linear systems (scipy.sparse.linal.splu for structural FEM, and scipy.linalg.lu_factor/lu_solve for VLM).

The default linear solver for computing derivatives is DirectSolver, which uses LU factorization and back substitution. The default settings are defined in openaerostruct/integration/


For the aerostructural nonlinear solver, we recommend the default NonlinearBlockGS solver. This solver is suitable for the circular dependency between aerodynamics and structure. A more detailed discussion on the solver selection can be found in this paper.

For derivative computation, the default DirectSolver works well when the mesh is coarse. If your mesh is large (say, nx=5 and ny=15 or more), you may want to consider a different solver, such as LinearBlockGS or PETScKrylov. Note that these iterative linear solvers are not guaranteed to find the solution unlike the direct solver.

A good discussion on the linear solver selection can be found here.

Changing Solvers in Runscript

You can update both the linear and nonlinear solver settings in runscript. This should be done after calling prob.setup() and before running prob.run_model() or prob.run_driver().

Here is an example:

# First, define the problem as usual ...
prob = Om.Problem()
prob.model.add_subsystem('AS_point_0', AerostructPoint(), ...)

# setup the OpenMDAO problem. This model will be initialized with the default solvers.

# Let's try using Newton as a nonlinear solver.
prob.model.AS_point_0.coupled.nonlinear_solver = om.NewtonSolver(solve_subsystems=True, iprint=2, maxiter=10)
# Set a linear solver for Newton step computation (if not specified here, the linear solver attached to `prob.model.AS_point_0.coupled` will be used).
prob.model.AS_point_0.coupled.nonlinear_solver.linear_solver = om.LinearBlockGS(iprint=-1, maxiter=30, use_aitken=True)

# Set a linear solver to solve (a part of) the unified derivative equations.
prob.model.AS_point_0.coupled.linear_solver = om.LinearBlockGS(iprint=1, maxiter=30, use_aitken=True)

# Alternatively, you could use PETSc's Krylov solver with a preconditioner.
# Note that this solver requires PETSc/petsc4py, which does not come with OpenAeroStruct by default.
### prob.model.linear_solver = om.PETScKrylov(assemble_jac=True, iprint=1)
### prob.model.options["assembled_jac_type"] = "csc"
### prob.model.linear_solver.precon = om.LinearRunOnce(iprint=-1)

# run analysis or optimization.