Multi-section Surfaces
OpenAeroStruct features the ability to specify surfaces as a series of sequentially connected sections. Rather than controling the geometry of the surface as a whole, the optimizer can control the geometric parameters of each section individually using any of the geometric transformations available in OpenAeroStruct. This feature was developed for the modular wing morphing applications but can be useful in situations where the user wishes to optimize a particular wing section while leaving the others fixed.
Please note that aerostructural optimization with multi-section wings is currently not supported
This example script demonstrate the usage of the multi-section wing geometry features in OpenAeroStruct. We first start with the induced drag minimization of a simple two-section symmetrical wing.
Let’s start with the necessary imports.
import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
from openaerostruct.geometry.geometry_group import MultiSecGeometry
from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.aero_groups import AeroPoint
from openaerostruct.geometry.geometry_group import build_sections
from openaerostruct.geometry.geometry_unification import unify_mesh
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Then we are ready to discuss the multi-section parameterization and multi-section surface dictionary.
# The multi-section geometry parameterization number section from left to right starting with section #0. A two-section symmetric wing parameterization appears as follows.
# For a symmetrical wing the last section in the sequence will always be marked as the "root section" as it's adjacent to the geometric centerline of the wing.
# Geometeric parameters must be specified for each section using lists with values corresponding in order of the surface numbering. Section section supports all the
# standard OpenAeroStruct geometery transformations including B-splines.
----------------------------------------------- ^
| | | |
| | | |
| sec 0 | sec 1 | | root symmetrical BC
| | "root section" | | chord
|______________________|_______________________| |
y = 0 ------------------> + y
# A multi-section surface dictionary is very similar to the standard one. However, it features some additional options and requires that the user specify
# parameters for each desired section. The multi-section geometery group also features an built in mesh generator so the wing mesh parameters can be specified right
# in the surface dictionary. Let's create a dictionary with info and options for a two-section aerodynamic lifting surface
surface = {
# Wing definition
# Basic surface parameters
"name": "surface",
"is_multi_section": True, # This key must be present for the AeroPoint to correctly interpret this surface as multi-section
"num_sections": 2, # The number of sections in the multi-section surface
"sec_name": [
], # names of the individual sections. Each section must be named and the list length must match the specified number of sections.
"symmetry": True, # if true, model one half of wing. reflected across the midspan of the root section
"S_ref_type": "wetted", # how we compute the wing area, can be 'wetted' or 'projected'
# Geometry Parameters
"taper": [1.0, 1.0], # Wing taper for each section. The list length must match the specified number of sections.
"span": [2.0, 2.0], # Wing span for each section. The list length must match the specified number of sections.
"sweep": [0.0, 0.0], # Wing sweep for each section. The list length must match the specified number of sections.
"chord_cp": [
np.array([1, 1]),
np.array([1, 1]),
], # The chord B-spline parameterization for EACH SECTION. The list length must match the specified number of sections.
"twist_cp": [
], # The twist B-spline parameterization for EACH SECTION. The list length must match the specified number of sections.
"root_chord": 1.0, # Root chord length of the section indicated as "root section"(required if using the built-in mesh generator)
# Mesh Parameters
"meshes": "gen-meshes", # Supply a list of meshes for each section or "gen-meshes" for automatic mesh generation
"nx": 2, # Number of chordwise points. Same for all sections.(required if using the built-in mesh generator)
"ny": [
], # Number of spanwise points for each section. The list length must match the specified number of sections. (required if using the built-in mesh generator)
# Aerodynamic Parameters
"CL0": 0.0, # CL of the surface at alpha=0
"CD0": 0.015, # CD of the surface at alpha=0
# Airfoil properties for viscous drag calculation
"k_lam": 0.05, # percentage of chord with laminar
# flow, used for viscous drag
"c_max_t": 0.303, # chordwise location of maximum (NACA0015)
# thickness
"with_viscous": False, # if true, compute viscous drag
"with_wave": False, # if true, compute wave drag
"groundplane": False,
Next, we setup the flow variables.
# Create the OpenMDAO problem
prob = om.Problem()
# Create an independent variable component that will supply the flow
# conditions to the problem.
indep_var_comp = om.IndepVarComp()
indep_var_comp.add_output("v", val=1.0, units="m/s")
indep_var_comp.add_output("alpha", val=10.0, units="deg")
indep_var_comp.add_output("Mach_number", val=0.3)
indep_var_comp.add_output("re", val=1.0e5, units="1/m")
indep_var_comp.add_output("rho", val=0.38, units="kg/m**3")
indep_var_comp.add_output("cg", val=np.zeros((3)), units="m")
# Add this IndepVarComp to the problem model
prob.model.add_subsystem("prob_vars", indep_var_comp, promotes=["*"])
Giving the optimizer control of each wing section without any measure to constrain its motion can lead to undesirable geometries, such as wing sections separating from each other or large kinks appearing along the span, that cause numerical deficiencies in the optimization. This concern is addressed by enforcing C0 continuity along the span-wise junctions between the sections. C0 continuity can be enforced for any geometric parameter OAS controls for a given section. For example, the tip chord or twist of a given section should match the root chord or twist of the subsequent section. There are two approaches for enforcing C0 continuity between sections: a constraint-based approach and a construction-based approach.
The constaint-based approach involves explicitly setting a position constraint that joins the surface points at section junctions to a specified tolerance. This constraint is useful when varying section parameters like span or dihedral, where entire sections could collide or separate if C0 continuity is not strictly enforced. A fully differentiated implementation that facilitates setting this constraint is incorporated into OAS. This approach is robust but introduces at least two linear constraints per segment junction. The number of linear constraints can quickly grow for problems with many sections that this study anticipates for morphing applications. In cases where geometric parameters can be specified as a function of span, however, it is possible to eliminate these additional constraints and maintain C0 continuity using the construction-based approach.
# Instead of creating a standard geometery group, here we will create a multi-section group that will accept our multi-section surface
# dictionary and allow us to specify any C0 continuity constraints between the sections. In this example we will constrain the sections
# into a C0 continuous surface using a component that the optimizer can use as a constraint. The joining constraint component returns the
# distance between the leading edge and trailing edge points at section interections. Any combination of the x,y, and z distances can be returned
# to constrain the surface in a particular direction.
LE1 LE2 cLE = [LE2x-LE1x,LE2y-LE1y,LE2z-LE1z]
------------------------- <-------------> -------------------------
| | | |
| | | |
| sec 0 | | sec 1 |
| | | "root section" |
|______________________ | <-------------> |_______________________|
TE1 TE2 cTE = [TE2x-TE1x,TE2y-TE1y,TE2z-TE1z]
# We pass in the multi-section surface dictionary to the MultiSecGeometry geometery group. We also enabled joining_comp and pass two array to dim_contr
# These two arrays should only consists of 1 and 0 and tell the joining component which of the x,y, and z distance constraints we wish to enforce at the LE and TE
# In this example, we only wish to constraint the x-distance between the sections at both the leading and trailing edge.
multi_geom_group = MultiSecGeometry(
surface=surface, joining_comp=True, dim_constr=[np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 0, 0])]
prob.model.add_subsystem(surface["name"], multi_geom_group)
The construction-based approach forgoes the constraint entirely. Continuity by construction is enforced by assigning the B-spline control point located at section edges to the same independent variable controlled by the optimizer. Enforcing C0 continuity by construction solely applies to geometric parameters that employ B-spline parametrization in OAS. These include chord distribution, twist distribution, shear distribution in all three directions, and thickness and radius distributions for structural spars. Geometric transformations parameterized by a single value, such as sweep, taper, and dihedral, cannot be used with C0 continuity enforcement by construction.
# To use the construction based approach an additional import is required.
from openaerostruct.geometry.multi_unified_bspline_utils import build_multi_spline, connect_multi_spline
"""This functions builds an OpenMDAO B-spline component for the surface with the correct number of control points
corresponding to each section junction on the surface. Refer to the functions documentions for input details. After
the compnent has been generated it needs to be added to the model."""
chord_comp = build_multi_spline("chord_cp", len(section_surfaces), sec_chord_cp)
prob.model.add_subsystem("chord_bspline", chord_comp)
"""In order to properly transform the surface geometry the surface B-spline's control points need to be connected
to the corresponding control points of the local B-spline component on each section. This function automates this
process as it can be tedious.
The figure below explains how the surface B-spline's control points are connected to the control point of the local
section B-spline. In this example, each section features a two point B-spline with control points at the section tips
however the principle is the same for B-splines with more points.
surface B-spline
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | |
| | sec 1 B-spline |
sec 0 B-spline c:::::::::::::::::::::::d
----------------------------------------------- ^
| | | |
| | | |
| sec 0 | sec 1 | | root
| | | | chord
|______________________|_______________________| |
y = 0 ------------------> + y
An edge case in this process is when a section features a B-spline with a single control point. The same control point
cannot be assigned to two different control points on the surface B-spline. In these situations a constraint will need
to be used to maintain C0 continuity. See the connect_multi_spline documentation for details.
connect_multi_spline(prob, section_surfaces, sec_chord_cp, "chord_cp", "chord_bspline")
""" With the surface B-spline connected we can add the multi-section geometry group. Note that in this case the joining
component does not need to be specified as we are not joining the sections by constraint."""
multi_geom_group = MultiSecGeometry(surface=surface)
prob.model.add_subsystem(surface["name"], multi_geom_group)
We can now create the aerodynamic analysis group.
# In this next part, we will setup the aerodynamics group. First we use a utility function called build_sections which takes our multi-section surface dictionary and outputs a
# surface dictionary for each individual section. We then inputs these dictionaries into the mesh unification function unify_mesh to produce a single mesh array for the the entire surface.
# We then add this mesh to the multi-section surface dictionary
section_surfaces = build_sections(surface)
uniMesh = unify_mesh(section_surfaces)
surface["mesh"] = uniMesh
# Create the aero point group, which contains the actual aerodynamic
# analyses. This step is exactly as it's normally done except the surface dictionary we pass in is the multi-surface one
aero_group = AeroPoint(surfaces=[surface])
point_name = "aero_point_0"
prob.model.add_subsystem(point_name, aero_group, promotes_inputs=["v", "alpha", "Mach_number", "re", "rho", "cg"])
Connecting the geometry and analysis groups requires care when using the multi-section parameterization. While the multi-section geometry group is effectively a drop-in replacement for the standard geometery group for multi-section wings, it does require that the unified mesh component be connected to the AeroPoint analysis.
# The following steps are similar to a normal OAS surface script but note the differences in surface naming. Note that
# unified surface created by the multi-section geometry group needs to be connected to AeroPoint(be careful with the naming)
# Get name of surface and construct the name of the unified surface mesh
name = surface["name"]
unification_name = "{}_unification".format(surface["name"])
# Connect the mesh from the mesh unification component to the analysis point.
prob.model.connect(name + "." + unification_name + "." + name + "_uni_mesh", point_name + "." + "surface" + ".def_mesh")
# Perform the connections with the modified names within the
# 'aero_states' group.
name + "." + unification_name + "." + name + "_uni_mesh", point_name + ".aero_states." + "surface" + "_def_mesh"
The following section applies to user considering cases with thickess to chord B-splines and viscous effects.
When using a thickness to chord ratio B-spline to account for viscous effects the user should be careful to connect the unified thickess to chord ratio B-spline automatically generated by the multi-section geometery group.
"""If the surface features a thickness to chord ratio B-spline, then the Muli-section geometry component will automatically
combine them together while enforcing C0 continuity. This process will occurs regardless of whether the constraint or construction-based
section joining method are used as otherwise OAS will not be able to calculate the viscous drag correctly. Pay close attention to how the
unified t_over_c B-spline(given a unique name by the multi-section geometry group) needs to be connect to the AeroPoint performance component."""
name + "." + unification_name + "." + name + "_uni_t_over_c", point_name + "." + name + "_perf." + "t_over_c"
We can now setup our optimization problem and run it.
# Next, we add the DVs to the OpenMDAO problem. Note that each surface's geometeric parameters are under the given section names specified in the multi-surface dictionary earlier.
# Here we use the chord B-spline that we specified earlier for each section and the angle-of-attack as DVs.
prob.model.add_design_var("surface.sec0.chord_cp", lower=0.1, upper=10.0, units=None)
prob.model.add_design_var("surface.sec1.chord_cp", lower=0.1, upper=10.0, units=None)
prob.model.add_design_var("alpha", lower=0.0, upper=10.0, units="deg")
# Next, we add the C0 continuity constraint for this problem by constraining the x-distance between sections to 0.
# NOTE: SLSQP optimizer does not handle the joining equality constraint properly so the constraint needs to be specified as an inequality constraint
# All other optimizers like SNOPT can handle the equality constraint as is.
prob.model.add_constraint("surface.surface_joining.section_separation", upper=0, lower=0) # FOR SLSQP
# prob.model.add_constraint('surface.surface_joining.section_separation',equals=0.0,scaler=1e-4) #FOR OTHER OPTIMIZERS
# Add CL constraint
prob.model.add_constraint(point_name + ".CL", equals=0.3)
# Add Wing total area constraint
prob.model.add_constraint(point_name + ".total_perf.S_ref_total", equals=2.0)
# Add objective
prob.model.add_objective(point_name + ".CD", scaler=1e4)
prob.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver()
prob.driver.options["optimizer"] = "SLSQP"
prob.driver.options["tol"] = 1e-3
prob.driver.options["disp"] = True
prob.driver.options["maxiter"] = 1000
prob.driver.options["debug_print"] = ["nl_cons", "objs", "desvars"]
# Set up and run the optimization problem
# prob.run_model()
# om.n2(prob)
We then finish by plotting the result.
# Get each section mesh
mesh1 = prob.get_val("surface.sec0.mesh", units="m")
mesh2 = prob.get_val("surface.sec1.mesh", units="m")
# Get the unified mesh
meshUni = prob.get_val(name + "." + unification_name + "." + name + "_uni_mesh")
# Plot the results
def plot_meshes(meshes):
"""this function plots to plot the mesh"""
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
for i, mesh in enumerate(meshes):
mesh_x = mesh[:, :, 0]
mesh_y = mesh[:, :, 1]
color = "k"
for i in range(mesh_x.shape[0]):
plt.plot(mesh_y[i, :], 1 - mesh_x[i, :], color, lw=1)
plt.plot(-mesh_y[i, :], 1 - mesh_x[i, :], color, lw=1) # plots the other side of symmetric wing
for j in range(mesh_x.shape[1]):
plt.plot(mesh_y[:, j], 1 - mesh_x[:, j], color, lw=1)
plt.plot(-mesh_y[:, j], 1 - mesh_x[:, j], color, lw=1) # plots the other side of symmetric wing
plt.xlabel("y (m)")
plt.ylabel("x (m)")
# plot_meshes([mesh1,mesh2])
The following shows the resulting optimized mesh. The result is identical regardless of if the constraint-based or construction-based joining approahces are used.
