- openaerostruct.geometry.multi_unified_bspline_utils.build_multi_spline(out_name, num_sections, control_points)[source]
This function returns an OpenMDAO Independent Variable Component with an output vector appropriately named and sized to function as an unified set of B-spline control poitns that join multiple sections by construction.
- Parameters:
- out_name: string
Name of the output to assign to the B-spline
- num_sectionsint
Number of sections
- control_points: list
List of B-spline control point arrays corresponding to each section
- Returns:
- spline_controlOpenMDAO component object
The unified B-spline control point indpendent variable component
- openaerostruct.geometry.multi_unified_bspline_utils.connect_multi_spline(prob, section_surfaces, sec_cp, out_name, comp_name, geom_name, return_bind_inds=False)[source]
This function connects the the unified B-spline component with the individual B-splines of each section. There is a point of overlap at each section so that each edge control point control the edge controls points of each section’s B-spline. This is how section joining by consturction is acheived. An issue occurs however when a B-spline in a particular section only has one control point. In this case the one section control point is bound to the left edge B-spline component control point. As result, there is nothing to maintain C0 continuity with the next section. As result a constraint will need to be manually set. To facilitate this, the array bind_inds will contain a list of the B-spline control point indicies that will need to be manually constrained to their previous sections.
- Parameters:
- probOpenMDAO problem object
The OpenAeroStruct problem object with the unified B-spline component added.
- section_surfaceslist
List of the surface dictionaries for each section.
- sec_cplist
List of B-spline control point arrays for each section.
- out_name: string
Name of the unified B-spline component output to connect from
- comp_name: string
Name of the unified B-spline component added to the problem object
- geom_namestring
Name of the multi-section geometry group
- return_bind_inds: bool
Return list of unjoined unified B-spline inidices. Default is False.
- Returns:
- bind_indslist
List of unified B-spline control point indicies not connected due to the presence of a single control point section.(Only if return bind_inds specified)