class openaerostruct.geometry.geometry_multi_join.GeomMultiJoin(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ExplicitComponent

OpenMDAO component that outputs the distance between the leading and trailing edge corners of each section corresponding to each shared edge. Users can specify along which axes the distance should be computed([x y z]).


List of section OpenAeroStruct surface dictionaries


A list of vectors of length three corresponding to each edge. Entries correspond to the dimension([x,y,z]) the user wishes to constraint should be set to 1. Remaining entries should be zero.

section_separation[2*count_nonzero(concatenate(dim_constr)]numpy array

Numpy array of distances along each axis between corresponding leading and trailing edge points between subsequent sections.

Store some bound methods so we can detect runtime overrides.

abs_meta_iter(iotype, local=True, cont=True, discrete=False)

Iterate over absolute variable names and their metadata for this System.

By setting appropriate values for ‘cont’ and ‘discrete’, yielded variable names can be continuous only, discrete only, or both.


Either ‘input’ or ‘output’.


If True, include only names of local variables. Default is True.


If True, include names of continuous variables. Default is True.


If True, include names of discrete variables. Default is False.

str, dict
abs_name_iter(iotype, local=True, cont=True, discrete=False)

Iterate over absolute variable names for this System.

By setting appropriate values for ‘cont’ and ‘discrete’, yielded variable names can be continuous only, discrete only, or both.


Either ‘input’ or ‘output’.


If True, include only names of local variables. Default is True.


If True, include names of continuous variables. Default is True.


If True, include names of discrete variables. Default is False.

add_discrete_input(name, val, desc='', tags=None, primal_name=None)

Add a discrete input variable to the component.


Name of the variable in this component’s namespace.

vala picklable object

The initial value of the variable being added.


Description of the variable.

tagsstr or list of strs

User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed when calling list_inputs and list_outputs.

primal_namestr or None

Valid python name to represent the variable in compute_primal if ‘name’ is not a valid python name.


Metadata for added variable.

add_discrete_output(name, val, desc='', tags=None, primal_name=None)

Add an output variable to the component.


Name of the variable in this component’s namespace.

vala picklable object

The initial value of the variable being added.


Description of the variable.

tagsstr or list of strs or set of strs

User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed when calling list_inputs and list_outputs.

primal_namestr or None

Valid python name to represent the variable in compute_primal if ‘name’ is not a valid python name.


Metadata for added variable.


Return the best direction for partial deriv calculations based on input and output sizes.


The best direction for derivative calculations, ‘fwd’ or ‘rev’.

check_partials(out_stream=DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, compact_print=False, abs_err_tol=1e-06, rel_err_tol=1e-06, method='fd', step=None, form='forward', step_calc='abs', minimum_step=1e-12, force_dense=True, show_only_incorrect=False, show_worst=True)

Check partial derivatives comprehensively for this component.

out_streamfile-like object

Where to send human readable output. By default it goes to stdout. Set to None to suppress.


Set to True to just print the essentials, one line per input-output pair.


Threshold value for absolute error. Errors about this value will have a ‘*’ displayed next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Default is 1.0E-6.


Threshold value for relative error. Errors about this value will have a ‘*’ displayed next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Note at times there may be a significant relative error due to a minor absolute error. Default is 1.0E-6.


Method, ‘fd’ for finite difference or ‘cs’ for complex step. Default is ‘fd’.

stepNone, float, or list/tuple of float

Step size(s) for approximation. Default is None, which means 1e-6 for ‘fd’ and 1e-40 for ‘cs’.


Form for finite difference, can be ‘forward’, ‘backward’, or ‘central’. Default ‘forward’.


Step type for computing the size of the finite difference step. It can be ‘abs’ for absolute, ‘rel_avg’ for a size relative to the absolute value of the vector input, or ‘rel_element’ for a size relative to each value in the vector input. In addition, it can be ‘rel_legacy’ for a size relative to the norm of the vector. For backwards compatibilty, it can be ‘rel’, which is now equivalent to ‘rel_avg’. Defaults to None, in which case the approximation method provides its default value.


Minimum step size allowed when using one of the relative step_calc options.


If True, analytic derivatives will be coerced into arrays. Default is True.

show_only_incorrectbool, optional

Set to True if output should print only the subjacs found to be incorrect.

show_worstbool, optional

Set to False to suppress the display of the worst subjac.

tuple of the form (derivs_dict, worst)

Where derivs_dict is a dict, where the top key is the component pathname. Under the top key, the subkeys are the (of, wrt) keys of the subjacs. Within the (of, wrt) entries are the following keys: ‘rel error’, ‘abs error’, ‘magnitude’, ‘J_fd’, ‘J_fwd’, ‘J_rev’, ‘vals_at_max_abs’, ‘vals_at_max_rel’, and ‘rank_inconsistent’. For ‘J_fd’, ‘J_fwd’, ‘J_rev’ the value is a numpy array representing the computed Jacobian for the three different methods of computation. For ‘rel error’, ‘abs error’, ‘vals_at_max_abs’ and ‘vals_at_max_rel’ the value is a tuple containing values for forward - fd, reverse - fd, forward - reverse. For ‘magnitude’ the value is a tuple indicating the maximum magnitude of values found in Jfwd, Jrev, and Jfd. The boolean ‘rank_inconsistent’ indicates if the derivative wrt a serial variable is inconsistent across MPI ranks.

worst is either None or a tuple of the form (error, table_row, header) where error is the max relative error found, table_row is the formatted table row containing the max relative error, and header is the formatted table header. ‘worst’ is not None only if compact_print is True.

check_sparsity(method='fd', max_nz=90.0, out_stream=DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM)

Check the sparsity of the computed jacobian against the declared sparsity.

Check is skipped if one of the dimensions of the jacobian is 1 or if the percentage of nonzeros in the computed jacobian is greater than max_nz%.


The type of finite difference to perform. Valid options are ‘fd’ for forward difference, or ‘cs’ for complex step.


If the percentage of nonzeros in a sub-jacobian exceeds this, no warning is issued if the computed sparsity does not match the declared sparsity.

out_streamfile-like object

Where to send the output. If None, output will be suppressed.


A list of tuples, one for each subjacobian that has a mismatch between the computed sparsity and the declared sparsity. Each tuple has the form (of, wrt, computed_rows, computed_cols, declared_rows, declared_cols, shape, pct_nonzero).

property checking

Return True if check_partials or check_totals is executing.


True if we’re running within check_partials or check_totals.

property comm

Return the MPI communicator object for the system.


MPI communicator object.


Yield comm size for this system and all subsystems.


A tuple of the form (abs_name, comm_size).

compute_fd_jac(jac, method='fd')

Force the use of finite difference to compute a jacobian.

This can be used to compute sparsity for a component that computes derivatives analytically in order to check the accuracy of the declared sparsity.


The Jacobian object that will contain the computed jacobian.


The type of finite difference to perform. Valid options are ‘fd’ for forward difference, or ‘cs’ for complex step.

compute_fd_sparsity(method='fd', num_full_jacs=2, perturb_size=1e-09)

Use finite difference to compute a sparsity matrix.


The type of finite difference to perform. Valid options are ‘fd’ for forward difference, or ‘cs’ for complex step.


Number of times to repeat jacobian computation using random perturbations.


Size of the random perturbation.


The sparsity matrix.

compute_sparsity(direction=None, num_iters=2, perturb_size=1e-09)

Compute the sparsity of the partial jacobian.


Compute derivatives in fwd or rev mode, or whichever is based based on input and output sizes if value is None. Note that only fwd is possible when using finite difference.


Number of times to compute the full jacobian.


Size of relative perturbation. If base value is 0.0, perturbation is absolute.


The sparsity matrix.


Metadata about the sparsity computation.

convert2units(name, val, units)

Convert the given value to the specified units.


Name of the variable.

valfloat or ndarray of float

The value of the variable.


The units to convert to.

float or ndarray of float

The value converted to the specified units.

convert_from_units(name, val, units)

Convert the given value from the specified units to those of the named variable.


Name of the variable.

valfloat or ndarray of float

The value of the variable.


The units to convert to.

float or ndarray of float

The value converted to the specified units.

convert_units(name, val, units_from, units_to)

Wrap the utility convert_units and give a good error message.


Name of the variable.

valfloat or ndarray of float

The value of the variable.


The units to convert from.


The units to convert to.

float or ndarray of float

The value converted to the specified units.

declare_coloring(wrt=('*',), method='fd', form=None, step=None, per_instance=True, num_full_jacs=3, tol=1e-25, orders=None, perturb_size=1e-09, min_improve_pct=5.0, show_summary=True, show_sparsity=False)

Set options for deriv coloring of a set of wrt vars matching the given pattern(s).

wrtstr or list of str

The name or names of the variables that derivatives are taken with respect to. This can contain input names, output names, or glob patterns.


Method used to compute derivative: “fd” for finite difference, “cs” for complex step.


Finite difference form, can be “forward”, “central”, or “backward”. Leave undeclared to keep unchanged from previous or default value.


Step size for finite difference. Leave undeclared to keep unchanged from previous or default value.


If True, a separate coloring will be generated for each instance of a given class. Otherwise, only one coloring for a given class will be generated and all instances of that class will use it.


Number of times to repeat partial jacobian computation when computing sparsity.


Tolerance used to determine if an array entry is nonzero during sparsity determination.


Number of orders above and below the tolerance to check during the tolerance sweep.


Size of input/output perturbation during generation of sparsity.


If coloring does not improve (decrease) the number of solves more than the given percentage, coloring will not be used.


If True, display summary information after generating coloring.


If True, display sparsity with coloring info after generating coloring.

dist_size_iter(io, top_comm)

Yield names and distributed ranges of all local and remote variables in this system.


Either ‘input’ or ‘output’.

top_commMPI.Comm or None

The top-level MPI communicator.


A tuple of the form ((abs_name, rank), start, end).


Return the full pathname to a coloring file.


The type of coloring file desired. Must be either ‘input’ or ‘output’.


Full pathname of the coloring file.


Return a string containing declare_partials() calls based on the subjac sparsity.

sparsitycoo_matrix or None

Sparsity matrix to use. If None, compute_sparsity will be called to compute it.


A string containing a declare_partials() call for each nonzero subjac. This string may be cut and pasted into a component’s setup() method.

get_io_metadata(iotypes=('input', 'output'), metadata_keys=None, includes=None, excludes=None, is_indep_var=None, is_design_var=None, tags=None, get_remote=False, rank=None, return_rel_names=True)

Retrieve metadata for a filtered list of variables.

iotypesstr or iter of str

Will contain either ‘input’, ‘output’, or both. Defaults to both.

metadata_keysiter of str or None

Names of metadata entries to be retrieved or None, meaning retrieve all available ‘allprocs’ metadata. If ‘val’ or ‘src_indices’ are required, their keys must be provided explicitly since they are not found in the ‘allprocs’ metadata and must be retrieved from local metadata located in each process.

includesstr, iter of str or None

Collection of glob patterns for pathnames of variables to include. Default is None, which includes all variables.

excludesstr, iter of str or None

Collection of glob patterns for pathnames of variables to exclude. Default is None.

is_indep_varbool or None

If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs. If True, list only inputs connected to an output tagged openmdao:indep_var. If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs tagged openmdao:indep_var.

is_design_varbool or None

If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs. If True, list only inputs connected to outputs that are driver design variables. If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs that are driver design variables.

tagsstr or iter of strs

User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed. Only inputs with the given tags will be listed. Default is None, which means there will be no filtering based on tags.


If True, retrieve variables from other MPI processes as well.

rankint or None

If None, and get_remote is True, retrieve values from all MPI process to all other MPI processes. Otherwise, if get_remote is True, retrieve values from all MPI processes only to the specified rank.


If True, the names returned will be relative to the scope of this System. Otherwise they will be absolute names.


A dict of metadata keyed on name, where name is either absolute or relative based on the value of the return_rel_names arg, and metadata is a dict containing entries based on the value of the metadata_keys arg. Every metadata dict will always contain two entries, ‘prom_name’ and ‘discrete’, to indicate a given variable’s promoted name and whether or not it is discrete.

get_outputs_dir(*subdirs, mkdir=True)

Get the path under which all output files of this system are to be placed.


Subdirectories nested under the relevant problem output directory. To create {prob_output_dir}/a/b one would pass system.get_outputs_dir(‘a’, ‘b’).


If True, attempt to create this directory if it does not exist.


The path of the outputs directory for the problem.

get_promotions(inprom=None, outprom=None)

Return all promotions for the given promoted variable(s).

In other words, how and where did promotions occur to convert absolute variable names into the given promoted name(s) at the current System level.

inpromstr or None

The promoted input variable name.

outpromstr or None

The promoted output variable name.


Dictionary keyed on system pathname containing input and/or output promotion lists for each System where promotions occurred to produce the given promoted variable(s).


Get the path to the directory where the report files should go.

If it doesn’t exist, it will be created.


The path to the directory where reports should be written.


Override this in derived classes if compute_primal references static values.

Do NOT include self._discrete_inputs in the returned tuple. Include things like self.options[‘opt_name’], etc., that are used in compute_primal but are assumed to be constant during derivative computation.

Return value MUST be a tuple. Don’t forget the trailing comma if tuple has only one item. Return value MUST be hashable.

The order of these values doesn’t matter. They are only checked (by computing their hash) to see if they have changed since the last time compute_primal was jitted, and if so, compute_primal will be re-jitted.


Tuple containing all static values required by compute_primal.


Return the source variable connected to the given named variable.

The name can be a promoted name or an absolute name. If the given variable is an input, the absolute name of the connected source will be returned. If the given variable itself is a source, its own absolute name will be returned.


Absolute or promoted name of the variable.


The absolute name of the source variable.

get_val(name, units=None, indices=None, get_remote=False, rank=None, vec_name='nonlinear', kind=None, flat=False, from_src=True)

Get an output/input/residual variable.

Function is used if you want to specify display units.


Promoted or relative variable name in the root system’s namespace.

unitsstr, optional

Units to convert to before return.

indicesint or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None, optional

Indices or slice to return.

get_remotebool or None

If True, retrieve the value even if it is on a remote process. Note that if the variable is remote on ANY process, this function must be called on EVERY process in the Problem’s MPI communicator. If False, only retrieve the value if it is on the current process, or only the part of the value that’s on the current process for a distributed variable. If None and the variable is remote or distributed, a RuntimeError will be raised.

rankint or None

If not None, only gather the value to this rank.


Name of the vector to use. Defaults to ‘nonlinear’.

kindstr or None

Kind of variable (‘input’, ‘output’, or ‘residual’). If None, returned value will be either an input or output.


If True, return the flattened version of the value.


If True, retrieve value of an input variable from its connected source.


The value of the requested output/input variable.

get_var_dup_info(name, io)

Return information about how the given variable is duplicated across MPI processes.


Name of the variable.


Either ‘input’ or ‘output’.


A tuple of the form (is_duplicated, num_zeros, is_distributed).

get_var_sizes(name, io)

Return the sizes of the given variable on all procs.


Name of the variable.


Either ‘input’ or ‘output’.


Array of sizes of the variable on all procs.


Return True if this is an explicit component.


True if this is an explicit component.

list_vars(val=True, prom_name=True, residuals=False, residuals_tol=None, units=False, shape=False, global_shape=False, bounds=False, scaling=False, desc=False, print_arrays=False, tags=None, print_tags=False, includes=None, excludes=None, is_indep_var=None, is_design_var=None, all_procs=False, list_autoivcs=False, out_stream=DEFAULT_OUT_STREAM, print_min=False, print_max=False, return_format='list')

Write a list of inputs and outputs sorted by component in execution order.

valbool, optional

When True, display output values. Default is True.

prom_namebool, optional

When True, display the promoted name of the variable. Default is True.

residualsbool, optional

When True, display residual values. Default is False.

residuals_tolfloat, optional

If set, limits the output of list_outputs to only variables where the norm of the resids array is greater than the given ‘residuals_tol’. Default is None.

unitsbool, optional

When True, display units. Default is False.

shapebool, optional

When True, display/return the shape of the value. Default is False.

global_shapebool, optional

When True, display/return the global shape of the value. Default is False.

boundsbool, optional

When True, display/return bounds (lower and upper). Default is False.

scalingbool, optional

When True, display/return scaling (ref, ref0, and res_ref). Default is False.

descbool, optional

When True, display/return description. Default is False.

print_arraysbool, optional

When False, in the columnar display, just display norm of any ndarrays with size > 1. The norm is surrounded by vertical bars to indicate that it is a norm. When True, also display full values of the ndarray below the row. Format is affected by the values set with numpy.set_printoptions Default is False.

tagsstr or list of strs

User defined tags that can be used to filter what gets listed. Only outputs with the given tags will be listed. Default is None, which means there will be no filtering based on tags.


When true, display tags in the columnar display.

includesNone, str, or iter of str

Collection of glob patterns for pathnames of variables to include. Default is None, which includes all output variables.

excludesNone, str, or iter of str

Collection of glob patterns for pathnames of variables to exclude. Default is None.

is_indep_varbool or None

If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs. If True, list only outputs tagged openmdao:indep_var. If False, list only outputs that are _not_ tagged openmdao:indep_var.

is_design_varbool or None

If None (the default), do no additional filtering of the inputs. If True, list only inputs connected to outputs that are driver design variables. If False, list only inputs _not_ connected to outputs that are driver design variables.

all_procsbool, optional

When True, display output on all processors. Default is False.


If True, include auto_ivc outputs in the listing. Defaults to False.


Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout. Set to None to suppress.


When true, if the output value is an array, print its smallest value.


When true, if the output value is an array, print its largest value.


Indicates the desired format of the return value. Can have value of ‘list’ or ‘dict’. If ‘list’, the return value is a list of (name, metadata) tuples. if ‘dict’, the return value is a dictionary mapping {name: metadata}.

list of (name, metadata) or dict of {name: metadata}

List or dict of output names and other optional information about those outputs.


Pull all input and output variables from a Case into this System.

Override this method if the System requires special handling when loading a case.

caseCase or dict

A Case from a CaseReader, or a dictionary with key ‘inputs’ mapped to the output of problem.model.list_inputs and key ‘outputs’ mapped to the output of prob.model.list_outputs. Both list_inputs and list_outputs should be called with prom_name=True and return_format=’dict’.


Load the relevant model options from Problem._metadata[‘model_options’].

This method examines each path filter and corresponding options in self._problem_meta[‘model_options’]. If this System’s pathname matches the given path filter, it will assume the value for each given option which it possesses.


Yield names and local ranges of all local variables in this system.


Either ‘input’ or ‘output’.


A tuple of the form (abs_name, start, end).

property msginfo

Our instance pathname, if available, or our class name. For use in error messages.


Either our instance pathname or class name.

set_constraint_options(name, ref=UNDEFINED, ref0=UNDEFINED, equals=UNDEFINED, lower=UNDEFINED, upper=UNDEFINED, adder=UNDEFINED, scaler=UNDEFINED, alias=UNDEFINED)

Set options for constraints in the model.

Can be used to set options that were set using add_constraint.


Name of the response variable in the system, or alias if given.

reffloat or ndarray, optional

Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver.

ref0float or ndarray, optional

Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver.

equalsfloat or ndarray, optional

Equality constraint value for the variable.

lowerfloat or ndarray, optional

Lower boundary for the variable.

upperfloat or ndarray, optional

Upper boundary for the variable.

adderfloat or ndarray, optional

Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref and ref0.

scalerfloat or ndarray, optional

Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref and ref0.

aliasstr, optional

Alias for this response. Necessary when adding multiple constraints on different indices or slices of a single variable.

set_design_var_options(name, lower=UNDEFINED, upper=UNDEFINED, scaler=UNDEFINED, adder=UNDEFINED, ref=UNDEFINED, ref0=UNDEFINED)

Set options for design vars in the model.

Can be used to set the options outside of setting them when calling add_design_var


Name of the variable in this system’s namespace.

lowerfloat or ndarray, optional

Lower boundary for the input.

upperupper or ndarray, optional

Upper boundary for the input.

scalerfloat or ndarray, optional

Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref and ref0.

adderfloat or ndarray, optional

Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref and ref0.

reffloat or ndarray, optional

Value of design var that scales to 1.0 in the driver.

ref0float or ndarray, optional

Value of design var that scales to 0.0 in the driver.

set_objective_options(name, ref=UNDEFINED, ref0=UNDEFINED, adder=UNDEFINED, scaler=UNDEFINED, alias=UNDEFINED)

Set options for objectives in the model.

Can be used to set options after they have been set by add_objective.


Name of the response variable in the system, or alias if given.

reffloat or ndarray, optional

Value of response variable that scales to 1.0 in the driver.

ref0float or ndarray, optional

Value of response variable that scales to 0.0 in the driver.

adderfloat or ndarray, optional

Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. adder is first in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref and ref0.

scalerfloat or ndarray, optional

Value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value for the driver. scaler is second in precedence. adder and scaler are an alterantive to using ref and ref0.


Alias for this response. Used to disambiguate variable names when adding multiple objectives on different indices or slices of a single variable. Deprecated.

set_output_solver_options(name, lower=UNDEFINED, upper=UNDEFINED, ref=UNDEFINED, ref0=UNDEFINED, res_ref=UNDEFINED)

Set solver output options.

Allows the user to set output solver options after the output has been defined and metadata set using the add_ouput method.


Name of the variable in this system’s namespace.

lowerfloat or list or tuple or ndarray or None

Lower bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no lower bound. Default is None.

upperfloat or list or tuple or ndarray or None

Upper bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no upper bound. Default is None.


Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.


Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when the scaled value is 0. Default is 0.


Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined res_units of this output’s residual when the scaled value is 1. Default is None, which means residual scaling matches output scaling.

set_solver_print(level=2, depth=1e+99, type_='all')

Control printing for solvers and subsolvers in the model.


Iprint level. Set to 2 to print residuals each iteration; set to 1 to print just the iteration totals; set to 0 to disable all printing except for failures, and set to -1 to disable all printing including failures.


How deep to recurse. For example, you can set this to 0 if you only want to print the top level linear and nonlinear solver messages. Default prints everything.


Type of solver to set: ‘LN’ for linear, ‘NL’ for nonlinear, or ‘all’ for all.

set_val(name, val, units=None, indices=None)

Set an input or output variable.


Promoted or relative variable name in the system’s namespace.


Value to assign to this variable.

unitsstr, optional

Units of the value.

indicesint or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None, optional

Indices or slice to set.


Declare partials.

This is meant to be overridden by component classes. All partials should be declared here since this is called after all size/shape information is known for all variables.

sparsity_matches_fd(direction=None, outstream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)

Compare the sparsity computed by this system vs. the sparsity computed using fd.

Note that some systems use fd to compute their sparsity, so no difference will ever be found even if the sparsity is somehow incorrect.

directionstr or None

Compute derivatives in fwd or rev mode, or whichever is based based on input and output sizes if value is None. Note that only fwd is possible when using finite difference.


Stream where output will be written. If None, no output will be written. The output is a text visualization of the sparsity difference.


True if they match, False otherwise.

subjac_sparsity_iter(sparsity=None, wrt_matches=None)

Iterate over sparsity for each subjac in the jacobian.

sparsitycoo_matrix or None

Sparsity matrix to use. If None, compute_sparsity will be called to compute it.

wrt_matchesset or None

Only include row vars that are contained in this set.


Name of ‘of’ variable.


Name of ‘wrt’ variable.


Row indices of the non-zero elements local to the subjac.


Column indices of the non-zero elements local to the subjac.


Shape of the subjac.

property under_approx

Return True if under complex step or finite difference.


True if under CS or FD.

use_fixed_coloring(coloring=<openmdao.utils.coloring.STD_COLORING_FNAME object>, recurse=True)

Use a precomputed coloring for this System.


A coloring filename. If no arg is passed, filename will be determined automatically.


If True, set fixed coloring in all subsystems that declare a coloring. Ignored if a specific coloring is passed in.


Return True if the system uses approximations to compute derivatives.


True if the system uses approximations to compute derivatives, False otherwise.

openaerostruct.geometry.geometry_multi_join.get_section_edge_left(mesh, v=array([1., 1., 1.]), edge_cur=0, edges_all_constraints=array([1., 1., 1.]))[source]

Function that gets the coordinates of the leading and trailing edge points of the left edge of a section. The output can be masked to only retreive the x,y, or z coordinate. The function also returns the row and column vectors of non zero entries in the edge coordinate jacobian.

meshnumpy array

OAS mesh of a given section

vnumpy array[3]

Numpy array of length three populuted with ones and zeros used to mask the output so that only the specified of the x, y, and z coordinates are returned.


Integer indicating which unique intersection of edges this particular edge is associated with. Required to return the correct jacobian sparsity pattern.

edges_all_constraints: list

See dim_constr in the GeomMultiJoin component. This array needs to passed into this function from the component in order to return the correct jacobian sparsity pattern.

edge pointsnumpy array

Array of points corresponding to the leading and trailing edges of the left section edge. Masked according to input.

rowsnumpy array

Array of the rows of the non-zero jacobian entries

colsnumpy array

Array of the columns of the non-zero jacobian entries

openaerostruct.geometry.geometry_multi_join.get_section_edge_right(mesh, v=array([1., 1., 1.]), edge_cur=0, edges_all_constraints=array([1., 1., 1.]))[source]

Function that gets the coordinates of the leading and trailing edge points of the right edge of a section. The output can be masked to only retreive the x,y, or z coordinate. The function also returns the row and column vectors of non zero entries in the edge coordinate jacobian.

meshnumpy array

OAS mesh of a given section

vnumpy array[3]

Numpy array of length three populuted with ones and zeros used to mask the output so that only the specified of the x, y, and z coordinates are returned.


Integer indicating which unique intersection of edges this particular edge is associated with. Required to return the correct jacobian sparsity pattern.

edges_all_constraints: list

See dim_constr in the GeomMultiJoin component. This array needs to passed into this function from the component in order to return the correct jacobian sparsity pattern.

edge pointsnumpy array

Array of points corresponding to the leading and trailing edges of the right section edge. Masked according to input.

rowsnumpy array

Array of the rows of the non-zero jacobian entries

colsnumpy array

Array of the columns of the non-zero jacobian entries