import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
class LoadTransfer(om.ExplicitComponent):
Perform aerodynamic load transfer.
Apply the computed sectional forces on the aerodynamic surfaces to
obtain the deformed mesh FEM loads.
def_mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Array defining the lifting surfaces after deformation.
Arrays will be flattened in Fortran order (only relevant when more than one chordwise panel).
sec_forces[nx-1, ny-1, 3] : numpy array
Array containing the sectional forces acting on each panel.
loads[ny, 6] : numpy array
Array containing the loads applied on the FEM component at each node,
computed from the sectional forces. The first 3 columns are N, and the last 3 are N*m.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surface", types=dict)
def setup(self):
self.surface = surface = self.options["surface"]
self.nx = nx = surface["mesh"].shape[0]
self.ny = ny = surface["mesh"].shape[1]
if surface["fem_model_type"] == "tube":
self.fem_origin = surface["fem_origin"]
y_upper = surface["data_y_upper"]
x_upper = surface["data_x_upper"]
y_lower = surface["data_y_lower"]
fem_origin = (x_upper[0] * (y_upper[0] - y_lower[0]) + x_upper[-1] * (y_upper[-1] - y_lower[-1])) / (
(y_upper[0] - y_lower[0]) + (y_upper[-1] - y_lower[-1])
# For some reason, surface data is complex in some tests.
self.fem_origin = float(fem_origin)
self.w1 = 0.25
self.w2 = self.fem_origin
self.add_input("def_mesh", val=np.zeros((nx, ny, 3)), units="m")
self.add_input("sec_forces", val=np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1, 3)), units="N")
self.add_output("loads", val=np.zeros((self.ny, 6)), units="N") # WARNING!!! UNITS ARE A MIXTURE OF N & N*m
# Well, technically the units of this load array are mixed.
# The first 3 indices are N and the last 3 are N*m.
# Derivatives
# First, the direct loads wrt sec_forces terms.
base_row = np.array([0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8])
base_col = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])
row = np.tile(base_row, ny - 1) + np.repeat(6 * np.arange(ny - 1), 6)
col = np.tile(base_col, ny - 1) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny - 1), 6)
rows1 = np.tile(row, nx - 1)
cols1 = np.tile(col, nx - 1) + np.repeat(3 * (ny - 1) * np.arange(nx - 1), 6 * (ny - 1))
# Then, the term from the cross product.
base_row = np.array([3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5])
base_col = np.array([1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1])
row = np.tile(base_row, ny - 1) + np.repeat(6 * np.arange(ny - 1), 6)
col = np.tile(base_col, ny - 1) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny - 1), 6)
row1 = np.tile(row, nx - 1)
col1 = np.tile(col, nx - 1) + np.repeat(3 * (ny - 1) * np.arange(nx - 1), 6 * (ny - 1))
rows2 = np.tile(row1, 2) + np.repeat(np.array([0, 6]), 6 * (nx - 1) * (ny - 1))
cols2 = np.tile(col1, 2)
rows = np.concatenate([rows1, rows2])
cols = np.concatenate([cols1, cols2])
self.declare_partials(of="loads", wrt="sec_forces", rows=rows, cols=cols)
# Top diagonal is forward-most mesh point.
base_row = np.array([3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5])
base_col = np.array([4, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4])
row = np.tile(base_row, ny - 1) + np.repeat(6 * np.arange(ny - 1), 6)
col = np.tile(base_col, ny - 1) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny - 1), 6)
rows1 = np.tile(row, nx)
cols1 = np.tile(col, nx) + np.repeat(3 * ny * np.arange(nx), 6 * (ny - 1))
# Bottom diagonal is backward-most mesh point.
base_row = np.array([9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11])
base_col = np.array([1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1])
row = np.tile(base_row, ny - 1) + np.repeat(6 * np.arange(ny - 1), 6)
col = np.tile(base_col, ny - 1) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny - 1), 6)
rows2 = np.tile(row, nx)
cols2 = np.tile(col, nx) + np.repeat(3 * ny * np.arange(nx), 6 * (ny - 1))
# Central Diagonal blocks
base_row = np.array([3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5])
base_col = np.array([1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1])
row = np.tile(base_row, ny) + np.repeat(6 * np.arange(ny), 6)
col = np.tile(base_col, ny) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny), 6)
rows3 = np.tile(row, nx)
cols3 = np.tile(col, nx) + np.repeat(3 * ny * np.arange(nx), 6 * ny)
rows = np.concatenate([rows1, rows2, rows3])
cols = np.concatenate([cols1, cols2, cols3])
self.declare_partials(of="loads", wrt="def_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols)
# -------------------------------- Check Partial Options-------------------------------------
self.set_check_partial_options("*", method="cs", step=1e-40)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
mesh = inputs["def_mesh"] # [nx, ny, 3]
sec_forces = inputs["sec_forces"]
# ----- 1. Forces transfer -----
# Only need to zero out the part that is assigned via +=
outputs["loads"][-1, :] = 0.0
# The aero force acting on each panel is evenly transferred to the adjacent FEM nodes.
sec_forces_sum = 0.5 * np.sum(sec_forces, axis=0)
outputs["loads"][:-1, :3] = sec_forces_sum
outputs["loads"][1:, :3] += sec_forces_sum
# ----- 2. Moments transfer -----
# Compute the aerodynamic centers at the quarter-chord point of each panel
# a_pts [nx-1, ny-1, 3]
a_pts = (
0.5 * (1 - self.w1) * mesh[:-1, :-1, :]
+ 0.5 * self.w1 * mesh[1:, :-1, :]
+ 0.5 * (1 - self.w1) * mesh[:-1, 1:, :]
+ 0.5 * self.w1 * mesh[1:, 1:, :]
# Compute the structural nodes based on the fem_origin location (weighted sum of the LE and TE mesh vertices)
# s_pts [ny, 3]
s_pts = (1 - self.w2) * mesh[0, :, :] + self.w2 * mesh[-1, :, :]
# The moment arm is between the aerodynamic centers of each panel and the FEM nodes.
# Moment contribution of sec_forces (acting on aero center) to the inner/outer adjacent node
moment_in = np.sum(np.cross(a_pts - s_pts[:-1, :], 0.5 * sec_forces), axis=0) # [ny-1, 3]
moment_out = np.sum(np.cross(a_pts - s_pts[1:, :], 0.5 * sec_forces), axis=0)
# Total moment at each node = sum of moment_in and moment_out, except the edge nodes.s
outputs["loads"][:-1, 3:] = moment_in
outputs["loads"][1:, 3:] += moment_out
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
mesh = inputs["def_mesh"]
sec_forces = inputs["sec_forces"]
ny = self.ny
nx = self.nx
w1 = self.w1
w2 = self.w2
# Compute the aerodynamic centers at the quarter-chord point of each panel
a_pts = (
0.5 * (1 - w1) * mesh[:-1, :-1, :]
+ 0.5 * w1 * mesh[1:, :-1, :]
+ 0.5 * (1 - w1) * mesh[:-1, 1:, :]
+ 0.5 * w1 * mesh[1:, 1:, :]
# Compute the structural nodes
s_pts = (1 - self.w2) * mesh[0, :, :] + self.w2 * mesh[-1, :, :]
# ----- 1. dmoment__dsec_forces -----
# Sensitivity of loads (moments) at inner node wrt sec_force
diff_in = 0.5 * (a_pts - s_pts[:-1, :]) # moment arm from inner node to aero center.
dmom_dsec_in = np.empty((nx - 1, ny - 1, 6))
dmom_dsec_in[:, :, 0] = -diff_in[:, :, 2]
dmom_dsec_in[:, :, 1] = diff_in[:, :, 1]
dmom_dsec_in[:, :, 2] = diff_in[:, :, 2]
dmom_dsec_in[:, :, 3] = -diff_in[:, :, 0]
dmom_dsec_in[:, :, 4] = -diff_in[:, :, 1]
dmom_dsec_in[:, :, 5] = diff_in[:, :, 0]
# Repeat for moments at outer node wrt sec_force
diff_out = 0.5 * (a_pts - s_pts[1:, :]) # moment arm from outer node to aero center.
dmom_dsec_out = np.empty((nx - 1, ny - 1, 6))
dmom_dsec_out[:, :, 0] = -diff_out[:, :, 2]
dmom_dsec_out[:, :, 1] = diff_out[:, :, 1]
dmom_dsec_out[:, :, 2] = diff_out[:, :, 2]
dmom_dsec_out[:, :, 3] = -diff_out[:, :, 0]
dmom_dsec_out[:, :, 4] = -diff_out[:, :, 1]
dmom_dsec_out[:, :, 5] = diff_out[:, :, 0]
id1 = 6 * (ny - 1) * (nx - 1)
partials["loads", "sec_forces"][:id1] = 0.5
id2 = id1 * 2
dmom_dsec_in = dmom_dsec_in.flatten()
dmom_dsec_out = dmom_dsec_out.flatten()
partials["loads", "sec_forces"][id1:id2] = dmom_dsec_in
partials["loads", "sec_forces"][id2:] = dmom_dsec_out
# ----- 2. dmoment__dmesh -----
# Sensitivity of moments at inner nodes wrt diff_in (upper diagonal)
dmom_ddiff_in = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1, 6))
dmom_ddiff_in[:, :, 0] = sec_forces[:, :, 2]
dmom_ddiff_in[:, :, 1] = -sec_forces[:, :, 1]
dmom_ddiff_in[:, :, 2] = -sec_forces[:, :, 2]
dmom_ddiff_in[:, :, 3] = sec_forces[:, :, 0]
dmom_ddiff_in[:, :, 4] = sec_forces[:, :, 1]
dmom_ddiff_in[:, :, 5] = -sec_forces[:, :, 0]
dmom_ddiff_in_sum = np.sum(dmom_ddiff_in, axis=0)
# Sensitivity of moments at outer nodes wrt diff_out (lower diagonal)
dmom_ddiff_out = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1, 6))
dmom_ddiff_out[:, :, 0] = sec_forces[:, :, 2]
dmom_ddiff_out[:, :, 1] = -sec_forces[:, :, 1]
dmom_ddiff_out[:, :, 2] = -sec_forces[:, :, 2]
dmom_ddiff_out[:, :, 3] = sec_forces[:, :, 0]
dmom_ddiff_out[:, :, 4] = sec_forces[:, :, 1]
dmom_ddiff_out[:, :, 5] = -sec_forces[:, :, 0]
dmom_ddiff_out_sum = np.sum(dmom_ddiff_out, axis=0)
dmon_ddiff_diag = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny, 6))
dmon_ddiff_diag[:, 1:, :] = dmom_ddiff_out
dmon_ddiff_diag[:, :-1, :] += dmom_ddiff_in
dmon_ddiff_diag_sum = np.zeros((1, ny, 6))
dmon_ddiff_diag_sum[:, :-1, :] = dmom_ddiff_in_sum
dmon_ddiff_diag_sum[:, 1:, :] += dmom_ddiff_out_sum
dmom_ddiff_in = dmom_ddiff_in.flatten()
dmom_ddiff_out = dmom_ddiff_out.flatten()
dmon_ddiff_diag = dmon_ddiff_diag.flatten()
dmon_ddiff_diag_sum = dmon_ddiff_diag_sum.flatten()
idy = 6 * (ny - 1)
idx = idy * nx
idw = idy * (nx - 1)
# Need to zero out what's there because our assignments overlap.
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][:] = 0.0
# Upper diagonal blocks
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][:idw] = dmom_ddiff_in * ((1 - w1) * 0.25)
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][idy:idx] += dmom_ddiff_in * (w1 * 0.25)
# Lower Diagonal blocks
id2 = idx * 2
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][idx : idx + idw] = dmom_ddiff_out * ((1 - w1) * 0.25)
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][idx + idy : id2] += dmom_ddiff_out * (w1 * 0.25)
# Central Diagonal blocks
idy = 6 * ny
idz = 6 * (nx - 1)
id3 = id2 + idw + idz
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][id2:id3] = dmon_ddiff_diag * ((1 - w1) * 0.25)
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][id2 : id2 + idy] -= dmon_ddiff_diag_sum * ((1 - w2) * 0.5)
id2 += idy
id3 += idy
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][id2:id3] += dmon_ddiff_diag * (w1 * 0.25)
partials["loads", "def_mesh"][id3 - idy : id3] -= dmon_ddiff_diag_sum * (w2 * 0.5)