import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
from openaerostruct.structures.utils import norm
class WingboxGeometry(om.ExplicitComponent):
Compute effective chord lengths and twists normal to the wingbox elements.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
VLM mesh
streamwise_chords[ny-1] : numpy array
Average streamwise chord lengths for each streamwise VLM panel.
fem_chords[ny-1] : numpy array
Effective chord lengths normal to the FEM elements.
fem_twists[ny-1] : numpy array
Twist angles in planes normal to the FEM elements.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surface", types=dict)
def setup(self):
self.surface = self.options["surface"]
mesh = self.surface["mesh"]
nx, ny = mesh.shape[0], mesh.shape[1]
self.add_input("mesh", val=np.zeros((nx, ny, 3)), units="m")
self.add_output("streamwise_chords", val=np.ones((ny - 1)), units="m")
self.add_output("fem_chords", val=np.ones((ny - 1)), units="m")
self.add_output("fem_twists", val=np.ones((ny - 1)), units="deg")
self.declare_partials("*", "*", method="fd")
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
mesh = inputs["mesh"]
vectors = mesh[-1, :, :] - mesh[0, :, :]
streamwise_chords = np.sqrt(np.sum(vectors**2, axis=1))
streamwise_chords = 0.5 * streamwise_chords[:-1] + 0.5 * streamwise_chords[1:]
# Chord lengths for the panel strips at the panel midpoint
outputs["streamwise_chords"] = streamwise_chords.copy()
fem_twists = np.zeros(streamwise_chords.shape, dtype=type(mesh[0, 0, 0]))
fem_chords = streamwise_chords.copy()
surface = self.surface
# Gets the shear center by looking at the four corners.
# Assumes same spar thickness for front and rear spar.
w = (
surface["data_x_upper"][0] * (surface["data_y_upper"][0] - surface["data_y_lower"][0])
+ surface["data_x_upper"][-1] * (surface["data_y_upper"][-1] - surface["data_y_lower"][-1])
) / (
(surface["data_y_upper"][0] - surface["data_y_lower"][0])
+ (surface["data_y_upper"][-1] - surface["data_y_lower"][-1])
# TODO: perhaps replace this or link with existing nodes computation
nodes = (1 - w) * mesh[0, :, :] + w * mesh[-1, :, :]
mesh_vectors = mesh[-1, :, :] - mesh[0, :, :]
# Loop over spanwise elements
for ielem in range(mesh.shape[1] - 1):
# Obtain the element nodes
P0 = nodes[ielem, :]
P1 = nodes[ielem + 1, :]
elem_vec = P1 - P0 # vector along element
temp_vec = elem_vec.copy()
temp_vec[0] = 0.0 # vector along element without x component
# This is used to get chord length normal to FEM element.
# To be clear, this 3D angle sweep measure.
# This is the projection to the wing orthogonal to the FEM direction.
cos_theta_fe_sweep = norm(temp_vec) / norm(elem_vec)
fem_chords[ielem] = fem_chords[ielem] * cos_theta_fe_sweep
outputs["fem_chords"] = fem_chords
# Loop over spanwise elements
for ielem in range(mesh.shape[1] - 1):
# The following is used to approximate the twist angle for the section normal to the FEM element
mesh_vec_0 = mesh_vectors[ielem]
temp_mesh_vectors_0 = mesh_vec_0.copy()
temp_mesh_vectors_0[2] = 0.0
cos_twist_0 = norm(temp_mesh_vectors_0) / norm(mesh_vec_0)
if cos_twist_0 > 1.0:
theta_0 = 0.0 # to prevent nan in case value for arccos is greater than 1 due to machine precision
theta_0 = np.arccos(cos_twist_0)
mesh_vec_1 = mesh_vectors[ielem + 1]
temp_mesh_vectors_1 = mesh_vec_1.copy()
temp_mesh_vectors_1[2] = 0.0
cos_twist_1 = norm(temp_mesh_vectors_1) / norm(mesh_vec_1)
if cos_twist_1 > 1.0:
theta_1 = 0.0 # to prevent nan in case value for arccos is greater than 1 due to machine precision
theta_1 = np.arccos(cos_twist_1)
fem_twists[ielem] = (theta_0 + theta_1) / 2 * streamwise_chords[ielem] / fem_chords[ielem]
outputs["fem_twists"] = fem_twists