Source code for openaerostruct.structures.failure_ks

import numpy as np

import openmdao.api as om

[docs] class FailureKS(om.ExplicitComponent): """ Aggregate failure constraints from the structure. To simplify the optimization problem, we aggregate the individual elemental failure constraints using a Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser (KS) function. The KS function produces a smoother constraint than using a max() function to find the maximum point of failure, which produces a better-posed optimization problem. The rho inputeter controls how conservatively the KS function aggregates the failure constraints. A lower value is more conservative while a greater value is more aggressive (closer approximation to the max() function). parameters ---------- vonmises[ny-1, 2] : numpy array von Mises stress magnitudes for each FEM element. Returns ------- failure : float KS aggregation quantity obtained by combining the failure criteria for each FEM node. Used to simplify the optimization problem by reducing the number of constraints. """ def initialize(self): self.options.declare("surface", types=dict) self.options.declare("rho", types=float, default=100.0) def setup(self): surface = self.options["surface"] rho = self.options["rho"] if surface["fem_model_type"] == "tube": num_failure_criteria = 2 elif surface["fem_model_type"] == "wingbox": num_failure_criteria = 4 self.ny = surface["mesh"].shape[1] self.add_input("vonmises", val=np.zeros((self.ny - 1, num_failure_criteria)), units="N/m**2") self.add_output("failure", val=0.0) self.sigma = surface["yield"] self.rho = rho self.declare_partials("*", "*") def compute(self, inputs, outputs): sigma = self.sigma rho = self.rho vonmises = inputs["vonmises"] fmax = np.max(vonmises / sigma - 1) nlog, nsum, nexp = np.log, np.sum, np.exp ks = 1 / rho * nlog(nsum(nexp(rho * (vonmises / sigma - 1 - fmax)))) outputs["failure"] = fmax + ks def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): vonmises = inputs["vonmises"] sigma = self.sigma rho = self.rho # Find the location of the max stress constraint fmax = np.max(vonmises / sigma - 1) i, j = np.where((vonmises / sigma - 1) == fmax) i, j = i[0], j[0] # Set incoming seed as 1 so we simply get the jacobian entries ksb = 1.0 # Use results from the AD code to compute the jacobian entries tempb0 = ksb / (rho * np.sum(np.exp(rho * (vonmises / sigma - fmax - 1)))) tempb = np.exp(rho * (vonmises / sigma - fmax - 1)) * rho * tempb0 fmaxb = ksb - np.sum(tempb) # Populate the entries derivs = tempb / sigma derivs[i, j] += fmaxb / sigma # Reshape and save them to the jac dict partials["failure", "vonmises"] = derivs.reshape(1, -1)