Source code for openaerostruct.integration.aerostruct_groups

from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.geometry import VLMGeometry
from openaerostruct.geometry.geometry_group import Geometry
from openaerostruct.transfer.displacement_transfer_group import DisplacementTransferGroup
from openaerostruct.structures.spatial_beam_setup import SpatialBeamSetup
from openaerostruct.structures.spatial_beam_states import SpatialBeamStates
from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.functionals import VLMFunctionals
from openaerostruct.structures.spatial_beam_functionals import SpatialBeamFunctionals
from openaerostruct.functionals.total_performance import TotalPerformance
from openaerostruct.transfer.load_transfer import LoadTransfer
from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.states import VLMStates
from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.compressible_states import CompressibleVLMStates
from openaerostruct.structures.tube_group import TubeGroup
from openaerostruct.structures.wingbox_group import WingboxGroup
from openaerostruct.utils.check_surface_dict import check_surface_dict_keys

import openmdao.api as om

[docs] class AerostructGeometry(om.Group): def initialize(self): self.options.declare("surface", types=dict) self.options.declare("DVGeo", default=None) self.options.declare("connect_geom_DVs", default=True) def setup(self): surface = self.options["surface"] DVGeo = self.options["DVGeo"] connect_geom_DVs = self.options["connect_geom_DVs"] # key validation of the surface dict check_surface_dict_keys(surface) geom_promotes_in = [] geom_promotes_out = ["mesh"] if connect_geom_DVs: # If connect_geom_DVs is true, then we promote all of the geometric design variables. # If it's false, then we do not promote them, which means that the geometry at each AeroStruct point is independent, # and the user can provide different values at each point. # This is useful when you want to have morphing DVs, such as twist or span, that are different at each point in a multipoint scheme. if "twist_cp" in surface.keys(): geom_promotes_in.append("twist_cp") if "t_over_c_cp" in surface.keys(): geom_promotes_out.append("t_over_c") if "sweep" in surface.keys(): geom_promotes_in.append("sweep") if "taper" in surface.keys(): geom_promotes_in.append("taper") if "mx" in surface.keys(): geom_promotes_in.append("shape") self.add_subsystem( "geometry", Geometry(surface=surface, DVGeo=DVGeo), promotes_inputs=geom_promotes_in, promotes_outputs=geom_promotes_out, ) if surface["fem_model_type"] == "tube": tube_promotes_input = [] tube_promotes_output = ["A", "Iy", "Iz", "J", "radius", "thickness"] if "thickness_cp" in surface.keys() and connect_geom_DVs: tube_promotes_input.append("thickness_cp") if "radius_cp" not in surface.keys(): tube_promotes_input = tube_promotes_input + ["mesh", "t_over_c"] self.add_subsystem( "tube_group", TubeGroup(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=tube_promotes_input, promotes_outputs=tube_promotes_output, ) elif surface["fem_model_type"] == "wingbox": wingbox_promotes_in = ["mesh", "t_over_c"] wingbox_promotes_out = ["A", "Iy", "Iz", "J", "Qz", "A_enc", "A_int", "htop", "hbottom", "hfront", "hrear"] if "skin_thickness_cp" in surface.keys() and "spar_thickness_cp" in surface.keys(): wingbox_promotes_in.append("skin_thickness_cp") wingbox_promotes_in.append("spar_thickness_cp") wingbox_promotes_out.append("skin_thickness") wingbox_promotes_out.append("spar_thickness") elif "skin_thickness_cp" in surface.keys() or "spar_thickness_cp" in surface.keys(): raise NameError("Please have both skin and spar thickness as design variables, not one or the other.") self.add_subsystem( "wingbox_group", WingboxGroup(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=wingbox_promotes_in, promotes_outputs=wingbox_promotes_out, ) else: raise NameError("Please select a valid `fem_model_type` from either `tube` or `wingbox`.") if surface["fem_model_type"] == "wingbox": promotes = ["A_int"] else: promotes = [] self.add_subsystem( "struct_setup", SpatialBeamSetup(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=["mesh", "A", "Iy", "Iz", "J"] + promotes, promotes_outputs=["nodes", "local_stiff_transformed", "structural_mass", "cg_location", "element_mass"], )
[docs] class CoupledAS(om.Group): def initialize(self): self.options.declare("surface", types=dict) def setup(self): surface = self.options["surface"] promotes = [] if surface["struct_weight_relief"]: promotes = promotes + list(set(["nodes", "element_mass", "load_factor"])) if surface["distributed_fuel_weight"]: promotes = promotes + list(set(["nodes", "load_factor"])) if "n_point_masses" in surface.keys(): promotes = promotes + list( set(["point_mass_locations", "point_masses", "nodes", "load_factor", "engine_thrusts"]) ) self.add_subsystem( "struct_states", SpatialBeamStates(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=["local_stiff_transformed", "forces", "loads"] + promotes, promotes_outputs=["disp"], ) self.add_subsystem( "def_mesh", DisplacementTransferGroup(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=["nodes", "mesh", "disp"], promotes_outputs=["def_mesh"], ) self.add_subsystem( "aero_geom", VLMGeometry(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=["def_mesh"], promotes_outputs=["b_pts", "widths", "lengths_spanwise", "lengths", "chords", "normals", "S_ref"], ) self.linear_solver = om.LinearRunOnce()
[docs] class CoupledPerformance(om.Group): def initialize(self): self.options.declare("surface", types=dict) def setup(self): surface = self.options["surface"] self.add_subsystem( "aero_funcs", VLMFunctionals(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=[ "v", "alpha", "beta", "Mach_number", "re", "rho", "widths", "lengths_spanwise", "lengths", "S_ref", "sec_forces", "t_over_c", ], promotes_outputs=["CDv", "CDw", "L", "D", "CL1", "CDi", "CD", "CL", "Cl"], ) if surface["fem_model_type"] == "tube": self.add_subsystem( "struct_funcs", SpatialBeamFunctionals(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=["thickness", "radius", "nodes", "disp"], promotes_outputs=["thickness_intersects", "vonmises", "failure"], ) elif surface["fem_model_type"] == "wingbox": self.add_subsystem( "struct_funcs", SpatialBeamFunctionals(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=[ "Qz", "J", "A_enc", "spar_thickness", "htop", "hbottom", "hfront", "hrear", "nodes", "disp", ], promotes_outputs=["vonmises", "failure"], ) else: raise NameError("Please select a valid `fem_model_type` from either `tube` or `wingbox`.")
[docs] class AerostructPoint(om.Group): def initialize(self): self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list) self.options.declare("user_specified_Sref", types=bool, default=False) self.options.declare("internally_connect_fuelburn", types=bool, default=True) self.options.declare( "compressible", types=bool, default=False, desc="Turns on compressibility correction for moderate Mach number " "flows. Defaults to False.", ) self.options.declare( "rotational", False, types=bool, desc="Set to True to turn on support for computing angular velocities" ) def setup(self): surfaces = self.options["surfaces"] rotational = self.options["rotational"] coupled = om.Group() for surface in surfaces: name = surface["name"] # Connect the output of the loads component with the FEM # displacement parameter. This links the coupling within the coupled # group that necessitates the subgroup solver. coupled.connect(name + "_loads.loads", name + ".loads") # Perform the connections with the modified names within the # 'aero_states' group. coupled.connect(name + ".normals", "aero_states." + name + "_normals") coupled.connect(name + ".def_mesh", "aero_states." + name + "_def_mesh") # Connect the results from 'coupled' to the performance groups coupled.connect(name + ".def_mesh", name + "_loads.def_mesh") coupled.connect("aero_states." + name + "_sec_forces", name + "_loads.sec_forces") # Connect the results from 'aero_states' to the performance groups self.connect("coupled.aero_states." + name + "_sec_forces", name + "_perf" + ".sec_forces") # Connection performance functional variables self.connect(name + "_perf.CL", "total_perf." + name + "_CL") self.connect(name + "_perf.CD", "total_perf." + name + "_CD") self.connect("coupled.aero_states." + name + "_sec_forces", "total_perf." + name + "_sec_forces") self.connect("coupled." + name + ".chords", name + "_perf.aero_funcs.chords") # Connect parameters from the 'coupled' group to the performance # groups for the individual surfaces. self.connect("coupled." + name + ".disp", name + "_perf.disp") self.connect("coupled." + name + ".S_ref", name + "_perf.S_ref") self.connect("coupled." + name + ".widths", name + "_perf.widths") # self.connect('coupled.' + name + '.chords', name + '_perf.chords') self.connect("coupled." + name + ".lengths", name + "_perf.lengths") self.connect("coupled." + name + ".lengths_spanwise", name + "_perf.lengths_spanwise") # Connect parameters from the 'coupled' group to the total performance group. self.connect("coupled." + name + ".S_ref", "total_perf." + name + "_S_ref") self.connect("coupled." + name + ".widths", "total_perf." + name + "_widths") self.connect("coupled." + name + ".chords", "total_perf." + name + "_chords") self.connect("coupled." + name + ".b_pts", "total_perf." + name + "_b_pts") # Add components to the 'coupled' group for each surface. # The 'coupled' group must contain all components and parameters # needed to converge the aerostructural system. coupled_AS_group = CoupledAS(surface=surface) if ( surface["distributed_fuel_weight"] or "n_point_masses" in surface.keys() or surface["struct_weight_relief"] ): prom_in = ["load_factor"] else: prom_in = [] coupled.add_subsystem(name, coupled_AS_group, promotes_inputs=prom_in) # check for ground effect and if so, promote ground_effect = False for surface in surfaces: if surface.get("groundplane", False): ground_effect = True if self.options["compressible"] is True: aero_states = CompressibleVLMStates(surfaces=surfaces, rotational=rotational) prom_in = ["v", "alpha", "beta", "rho", "Mach_number"] else: aero_states = VLMStates(surfaces=surfaces, rotational=rotational) prom_in = ["v", "alpha", "beta", "rho"] if ground_effect: prom_in.append("height_agl") # Add a single 'aero_states' component for the whole system within the # coupled group. coupled.add_subsystem("aero_states", aero_states, promotes_inputs=prom_in) # Explicitly connect parameters from each surface's group and the common # 'aero_states' group. for surface in surfaces: name = surface["name"] # Add a loads component to the coupled group coupled.add_subsystem(name + "_loads", LoadTransfer(surface=surface)) """ ### Change the solver settings here ### """ # Set solver properties for the coupled group # coupled.linear_solver = ScipyKrylov() # coupled.linear_solver.precon = om.LinearRunOnce() coupled.nonlinear_solver = om.NonlinearBlockGS(use_aitken=True) coupled.nonlinear_solver.options["maxiter"] = 100 coupled.nonlinear_solver.options["atol"] = 1e-7 coupled.nonlinear_solver.options["rtol"] = 1e-30 coupled.nonlinear_solver.options["iprint"] = 2 coupled.nonlinear_solver.options["err_on_non_converge"] = True # coupled.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver() coupled.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver(assemble_jac=True) coupled.options["assembled_jac_type"] = "csc" # coupled.nonlinear_solver = om.NewtonSolver(solve_subsystems=True) # coupled.nonlinear_solver.options['maxiter'] = 50 """ ### End change of solver settings ### """ prom_in = ["v", "alpha", "beta", "rho"] if self.options["compressible"] is True: prom_in.append("Mach_number") if ground_effect: prom_in.append("height_agl") # Add the coupled group to the model problem self.add_subsystem("coupled", coupled, promotes_inputs=prom_in) for surface in surfaces: name = surface["name"] # Add a performance group which evaluates the data after solving # the coupled system perf_group = CoupledPerformance(surface=surface) self.add_subsystem( name + "_perf", perf_group, promotes_inputs=["rho", "v", "alpha", "beta", "re", "Mach_number"] ) # Add functionals to evaluate performance of the system. # Note that only the interesting results are promoted here; not all # of the parameters. self.add_subsystem( "total_perf", TotalPerformance( surfaces=surfaces, user_specified_Sref=self.options["user_specified_Sref"], internally_connect_fuelburn=self.options["internally_connect_fuelburn"], ), promotes_inputs=[ "v", "rho", "empty_cg", "total_weight", "CT", "speed_of_sound", "R", "Mach_number", "W0", "load_factor", "S_ref_total", ], promotes_outputs=["L_equals_W", "fuelburn", "CL", "CD", "CM", "cg"], )