import numpy as np
from numpy import cos, sin, tan
import warnings
# openvsp python interface
import openvsp as vsp
import degen_geom as dg
except ImportError:
vsp = None
dg = None
from openaerostruct.geometry.CRM_definitions import get_crm_points
def rotate(mesh, theta_y, symmetry, rotate_x=True):
Compute rotation matrices given mesh and rotation angles in degrees.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
theta_y[ny] : numpy array
1-D array of rotation angles about y-axis for each wing slice in degrees.
symmetry : boolean
Flag set to True if surface is reflected about y=0 plane.
rotate_x : boolean
Flag set to True if the user desires the twist variable to always be
applied perpendicular to the wing (say, in the case of a winglet).
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the twisted aerodynamic surface.
te = mesh[-1]
le = mesh[0]
quarter_chord = 0.25 * te + 0.75 * le
nx, ny, _ = mesh.shape
if rotate_x:
# Compute spanwise z displacements along quarter chord
if symmetry:
dz_qc = quarter_chord[:-1, 2] - quarter_chord[1:, 2]
dy_qc = quarter_chord[:-1, 1] - quarter_chord[1:, 1]
theta_x = np.arctan(dz_qc / dy_qc)
# Prepend with 0 so that root is not rotated
rad_theta_x = np.append(theta_x, 0.0)
root_index = int((ny - 1) / 2)
dz_qc_left = quarter_chord[:root_index, 2] - quarter_chord[1 : root_index + 1, 2]
dy_qc_left = quarter_chord[:root_index, 1] - quarter_chord[1 : root_index + 1, 1]
theta_x_left = np.arctan(dz_qc_left / dy_qc_left)
dz_qc_right = quarter_chord[root_index + 1 :, 2] - quarter_chord[root_index:-1, 2]
dy_qc_right = quarter_chord[root_index + 1 :, 1] - quarter_chord[root_index:-1, 1]
theta_x_right = np.arctan(dz_qc_right / dy_qc_right)
# Concatenate thetas
rad_theta_x = np.concatenate((theta_x_left, np.zeros(1), theta_x_right))
rad_theta_x = 0.0
rad_theta_y = theta_y * np.pi / 180.0
mats = np.zeros((ny, 3, 3), dtype=type(rad_theta_y[0]))
cos_rtx = cos(rad_theta_x)
cos_rty = cos(rad_theta_y)
sin_rtx = sin(rad_theta_x)
sin_rty = sin(rad_theta_y)
mats[:, 0, 0] = cos_rty
mats[:, 0, 2] = sin_rty
mats[:, 1, 0] = sin_rtx * sin_rty
mats[:, 1, 1] = cos_rtx
mats[:, 1, 2] = -sin_rtx * cos_rty
mats[:, 2, 0] = -cos_rtx * sin_rty
mats[:, 2, 1] = sin_rtx
mats[:, 2, 2] = cos_rtx * cos_rty
mesh[:] = np.einsum("ikj, mij -> mik", mats, mesh - quarter_chord) + quarter_chord
def scale_x(mesh, chord_dist):
Modify the chords along the span of the wing by scaling only the x-coord.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
chord_dist[ny] : numpy array
Spanwise distribution of the chord scaler.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh with the new chord lengths.
te = mesh[-1]
le = mesh[0]
quarter_chord = 0.25 * te + 0.75 * le
ny = mesh.shape[1]
for i in range(ny):
mesh[:, i, 0] = (mesh[:, i, 0] - quarter_chord[i, 0]) * chord_dist[i] + quarter_chord[i, 0]
def shear_x(mesh, xshear):
Shear the wing in the x direction (distributed sweep).
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
xshear[ny] : numpy array
Distance to translate wing in x direction.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh with the new chord lengths.
mesh[:, :, 0] += xshear
def shear_y(mesh, yshear):
"""Shear the wing in the y direction (distributed span).
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
yshear[ny] : numpy array
Distance to translate wing in y direction.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh with the new span widths.
mesh[:, :, 1] += yshear
def shear_z(mesh, zshear):
Shear the wing in the z direction (distributed dihedral).
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
zshear[ny] : numpy array
Distance to translate wing in z direction.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh with the new chord lengths.
mesh[:, :, 2] += zshear
def sweep(mesh, sweep_angle, symmetry):
Apply shearing sweep. Positive sweeps back.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
sweep_angle : float
Shearing sweep angle in degrees.
symmetry : boolean
Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the swept aerodynamic surface.
# Get the mesh parameters and desired sweep angle
num_x, num_y, _ = mesh.shape
le = mesh[0]
p180 = np.pi / 180
tan_theta = tan(p180 * sweep_angle)
# If symmetric, simply vary the x-coord based on the distance from the
# center of the wing
if symmetry:
y0 = le[-1, 1]
dx = -(le[:, 1] - y0) * tan_theta
# Else, vary the x-coord on either side of the wing
ny2 = (num_y - 1) // 2
y0 = le[ny2, 1]
dx_right = (le[ny2:, 1] - y0) * tan_theta
dx_left = -(le[:ny2, 1] - y0) * tan_theta
dx = np.hstack((dx_left, dx_right))
# dx added spanwise.
mesh[:, :, 0] += dx
def dihedral(mesh, dihedral_angle, symmetry):
Apply dihedral angle. Positive angles up.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
dihedral_angle : float
Dihedral angle in degrees.
symmetry : boolean
Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the aerodynamic surface with dihedral angle.
# Get the mesh parameters and desired sweep angle
num_x, num_y, _ = mesh.shape
le = mesh[0]
p180 = np.pi / 180
tan_theta = tan(p180 * dihedral_angle)
# If symmetric, simply vary the z-coord based on the distance from the
# center of the wing
if symmetry:
y0 = le[-1, 1]
dz = -(le[:, 1] - y0) * tan_theta
ny2 = (num_y - 1) // 2
y0 = le[ny2, 1]
dz_right = (le[ny2:, 1] - y0) * tan_theta
dz_left = -(le[:ny2, 1] - y0) * tan_theta
dz = np.hstack((dz_left, dz_right))
# dz added spanwise.
mesh[:, :, 2] += dz
def stretch(mesh, span, symmetry):
Stretch mesh in spanwise direction to reach specified span.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
span : float
Relative stetch ratio in the spanwise direction.
symmetry : boolean
Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the stretched aerodynamic surface.
# Set the span along the quarter-chord line
le = mesh[0]
te = mesh[-1]
quarter_chord = 0.25 * te + 0.75 * le
# The user always deals with the full span, so if they input a specific
# span value and have symmetry enabled, we divide this value by 2.
if symmetry:
span /= 2.0
# Compute the previous span and determine the scalar needed to reach the
# desired span
prev_span = quarter_chord[-1, 1] - quarter_chord[0, 1]
s = quarter_chord[:, 1] / prev_span
mesh[:, :, 1] = s * span
def taper(mesh, taper_ratio, symmetry):
Alter the spanwise chord linearly to produce a tapered wing. Note that
we apply taper around the quarter-chord line.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.
taper_ratio : float
Taper ratio for the wing; 1 is untapered, 0 goes to a point.
symmetry : boolean
Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the tapered aerodynamic surface.
# Get mesh parameters and the quarter-chord
le = mesh[0]
te = mesh[-1]
num_x, num_y, _ = mesh.shape
quarter_chord = 0.25 * te + 0.75 * le
x = quarter_chord[:, 1]
span = x[-1] - x[0]
# If symmetric, solve for the correct taper ratio, which is a linear
# interpolation problem
if symmetry:
xp = np.array([-span, 0.0])
fp = np.array([taper_ratio, 1.0])
# Otherwise, we set up an interpolation problem for the entire wing, which
# consists of two linear segments
xp = np.array([-span / 2, 0.0, span / 2])
fp = np.array([taper_ratio, 1.0, taper_ratio])
taper = np.interp(x.real, xp.real, fp.real)
# Modify the mesh based on the taper amount computed per spanwise section
mesh[:] = np.einsum("ijk, j->ijk", mesh - quarter_chord, taper) + quarter_chord
def gen_rect_mesh(num_x, num_y, span, chord, span_cos_spacing=0.0, chord_cos_spacing=0.0):
Generate simple rectangular wing mesh.
num_x : float
Desired number of chordwise node points for the final mesh.
num_y : float
Desired number of chordwise node points for the final mesh.
span : float
Total wingspan.
chord : float
Root chord.
span_cos_spacing : float (optional)
Blending ratio of uniform and cosine spacing in the spanwise direction.
A value of 0. corresponds to uniform spacing and a value of 1.
corresponds to regular cosine spacing. This increases the number of
spanwise node points near the wingtips.
chord_cos_spacing : float (optional)
Blending ratio of uniform and cosine spacing in the chordwise direction.
A value of 0. corresponds to uniform spacing and a value of 1.
corresponds to regular cosine spacing. This increases the number of
chordwise node points near the wingtips.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Rectangular nodal mesh defining the final aerodynamic surface with the
specified parameters.
mesh = np.zeros((num_x, num_y, 3))
ny2 = (num_y + 1) // 2
# --- spanwise discretization ---
# Hotfix a special case for spacing bunched at the root and tips
if span_cos_spacing == 2.0:
beta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, ny2)
# mixed spacing with span_cos_spacing as a weighting factor
# this is for the spanwise spacing
cosine = 0.25 * (1 - np.cos(beta)) # cosine spacing
uniform = np.linspace(0, 0.5, ny2)[::-1] # uniform spacing
half_wing = cosine[::-1] * span_cos_spacing + (1 - span_cos_spacing) * uniform
full_wing = np.hstack((-half_wing[:-1], half_wing[::-1])) * span
beta = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, ny2)
# mixed spacing with span_cos_spacing as a weighting factor
# this is for the spanwise spacing
cosine = 0.5 * np.cos(beta) # cosine spacing
uniform = np.linspace(0, 0.5, ny2)[::-1] # uniform spacing
half_wing = cosine * span_cos_spacing + (1 - span_cos_spacing) * uniform
full_wing = np.hstack((-half_wing[:-1], half_wing[::-1])) * span
# --- chordwise discretization ---
cosine = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(np.linspace(0, np.pi, num_x))) # cosine spacing from 0 to 1
uniform = np.linspace(0, 1, num_x) # uniform spacing
# mixed spacing with chord_cos_spacing as a weighting factor
wing_x = cosine * chord_cos_spacing + (1 - chord_cos_spacing) * uniform
wing_x *= chord # apply chord length
# --- form 3D mesh array ---
for ind_x in range(num_x):
for ind_y in range(num_y):
mesh[ind_x, ind_y, :] = [wing_x[ind_x], full_wing[ind_y], 0]
return mesh
def gen_crm_mesh(num_x, num_y, span_cos_spacing=0.0, chord_cos_spacing=0.0, wing_type="CRM:jig"):
Generate Common Research Model wing mesh.
num_x : float
Desired number of chordwise node points for the final mesh.
num_y : float
Desired number of chordwise node points for the final mesh.
span : float
Total wingspan.
chord : float
Root chord.
span_cos_spacing : float (optional)
Blending ratio of uniform and cosine spacing in the spanwise direction.
A value of 0. corresponds to uniform spacing and a value of 1.
corresponds to regular cosine spacing. This increases the number of
spanwise node points near the wingtips.
chord_cos_spacing : float (optional)
Blending ratio of uniform and cosine spacing in the chordwise direction.
A value of 0. corresponds to uniform spacing and a value of 1.
corresponds to regular cosine spacing. This increases the number of
chordwise node points near the wingtips.
wing_type : string (optional)
Describes the desired CRM shape. Current options are:
"CRM:jig" (undeformed jig shape),
"CRM:alpha_2.75" (shape from wind tunnel testing at a=2.75 from DPW6)
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Rectangular nodal mesh defining the final aerodynamic surface with the
specified parameters.
eta : numpy array
Spanwise locations of the airfoil slices. Later used in the
interpolation function to obtain correct twist values at
points along the span that are not aligned with these slices.
twist : numpy array
Twist along the span at the spanwise eta locations. We use these twists
as training points for interpolation to obtain twist values at
arbitrary points along the span.
# Call an external function to get the data points for the specific CRM
# type requested. See `` for more information and the
# raw data.
raw_crm_points = get_crm_points(wing_type)
# If this is a jig shape, remove all z-deflection to create a
# poor person's version of the undeformed CRM.
if "jig" in wing_type or "CRM" == wing_type:
raw_crm_points[:, 3] = 0.0
# Get the leading edge of the raw crm points
le = np.vstack((raw_crm_points[:, 1], raw_crm_points[:, 2], raw_crm_points[:, 3]))
# Get the chord, twist(in correct order), and eta values from the points
chord = raw_crm_points[:, 5]
twist = raw_crm_points[:, 4][::-1]
eta = raw_crm_points[:, 0]
# Get the trailing edge of the crm points, based on the chord + le distance.
# Note that we do not account for twist here; instead we set that using
# the twist design variable later in
te = np.vstack((raw_crm_points[:, 1] + chord, raw_crm_points[:, 2], raw_crm_points[:, 3]))
# Get the number of points that define this CRM shape and create a mesh
# array based on this size
n_raw_points = raw_crm_points.shape[0]
mesh = np.empty((2, n_raw_points, 3))
# Set the leading and trailing edges of the mesh matrix
mesh[0, :, :] = le.T
mesh[1, :, :] = te.T
# Convert the mesh points to meters from inches.
raw_mesh = mesh * 0.0254
# Create the blended spacing using the user input for span_cos_spacing
ny2 = (num_y + 1) // 2
beta = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, ny2)
# Distribution for cosine spacing
cosine = np.cos(beta)
# Distribution for uniform spacing
uniform = np.linspace(0, 1.0, ny2)[::-1]
# Combine the two distrubtions using span_cos_spacing as the weighting factor.
# span_cos_spacing == 1. is for fully cosine, 0. for uniform
lins = cosine * span_cos_spacing + (1 - span_cos_spacing) * uniform
# Populate a mesh object with the desired num_y dimension based on
# interpolated values from the raw CRM points.
mesh = np.empty((2, ny2, 3))
for j in range(2):
for i in range(3):
mesh[j, :, i] = np.interp(lins[::-1], eta, raw_mesh[j, :, i].real)
# That is just one half of the mesh and we later expect the full mesh,
# even if we're using symmetry == True.
# So here we mirror and stack the two halves of the wing.
full_mesh = getFullMesh(right_mesh=mesh)
# If we need to add chordwise panels, do so
if num_x > 2:
full_mesh = add_chordwise_panels(full_mesh, num_x, chord_cos_spacing)
return full_mesh, eta, twist
def add_chordwise_panels(mesh, num_x, chord_cos_spacing):
Generate a new mesh with multiple chordwise panels.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface with only
the leading and trailing edges defined.
num_x : float
Desired number of chordwise node points for the final mesh.
chord_cos_spacing : float
Blending ratio of uniform and cosine spacing in the chordwise direction.
A value of 0. corresponds to uniform spacing and a value of 1.
corresponds to regular cosine spacing. This increases the number of
chordwise node points near the wingtips.
new_mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the final aerodynamic surface with the
specified number of chordwise node points.
# Obtain mesh and num properties
num_y = mesh.shape[1]
# chordwise discretization
cosine = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(np.linspace(0, np.pi, num_x))) # cosine spacing from 0 to 1
uniform = np.linspace(0, 1, num_x) # uniform spacing
# mixed spacing with chord_cos_spacing as a weighting factor
wing_x = cosine * chord_cos_spacing + (1 - chord_cos_spacing) * uniform
# Obtain the leading and trailing edges
le = mesh[0, :, :]
te = mesh[-1, :, :]
# Create a new mesh with the desired num_x and set the leading and trailing edge values
new_mesh = np.zeros((num_x, num_y, 3))
new_mesh[0, :, :] = le
new_mesh[-1, :, :] = te
for i in range(1, num_x - 1):
w = wing_x[i]
new_mesh[i, :, :] = (1 - w) * le + w * te
return new_mesh
def get_default_geo_dict():
Obtain the default settings for the surface descriptions. Note that
these defaults are overwritten based on user input for each surface.
Each dictionary describes one surface.
defaults : dict
A python dict containing the default surface-level settings.
defaults = {
# Wing definition
"num_x": 3, # number of chordwise points
"num_y": 5, # number of spanwise points
"span_cos_spacing": 0, # 0 for uniform spanwise panels
# 1 for cosine-spaced panels
# any value between 0 and 1 for
# a mixed spacing
"chord_cos_spacing": 0.0, # 0 for uniform chordwise panels
# 1 for cosine-spaced panels
# any value between 0 and 1 for
# a mixed spacing
"wing_type": "rect", # initial shape of the wing
# either 'CRM' or 'rect'
# 'CRM' can have different options
# after it, such as 'CRM:alpha_2.75'
# for the CRM shape at alpha=2.75
"symmetry": True, # if true, model one half of wing
# reflected across the plane y = 0
"offset": np.zeros((3)), # coordinates to offset
# the surface from its default location
# Simple Geometric Variables
"span": 10.0, # full wingspan, even for symmetric cases
"root_chord": 1.0, # root chord
"num_twist_cp": 2, # number of twist controling point, only relevant for CRM wings.
return defaults
def generate_mesh(input_dict):
Generate an OAS mesh.
input_dict : dict
Dictionary containing user-provided parameters for the surface definition.
See the following for more information:
mesh : numpy array
Nodal coordinates defining the mesh.
shape = (nx, ny, 3),
where nx is the number of chordwise discretization nodes, ny is the number of spanwise discretization nodes.
If input_dict["symmetry"] is True, mesh defines left half of wing.
twist : numpy array, optional
Only for CRM wing (input_dict["wing_type"] == "CRM").
Twist values at the spanwise locations.
# Get defaults and update surface with the user-provided input
surf_dict = get_default_geo_dict()
# Warn if a user provided a key that is not implemented
user_defined_keys = input_dict.keys()
for key in user_defined_keys:
if key not in surf_dict:
"Key `{}` in mesh_dict is not implemented and will be ignored".format(key),
# Warn if a user did not define important keys
for key in ["num_x", "num_y", "wing_type", "symmetry"]:
if key not in user_defined_keys:
"Missing `{}` in mesh_dict. The default value of {} will be used.".format(key, surf_dict[key]),
# Apply user-defined options
# Warn if a user defined span and root_chord for CRM
if surf_dict["wing_type"] == "CRM":
if "span" in user_defined_keys or "root_chord" in user_defined_keys:
"`span` and `root_chord` in mesh_dict will be ignored for the CRM wing.",
num_x = surf_dict["num_x"]
num_y = surf_dict["num_y"]
span_cos_spacing = surf_dict["span_cos_spacing"]
chord_cos_spacing = surf_dict["chord_cos_spacing"]
# Check to make sure that an odd number of spanwise points (num_y) was provided
if not num_y % 2:
raise ValueError("num_y must be an odd number.")
# Generate rectangular mesh
if surf_dict["wing_type"] == "rect":
span = surf_dict["span"]
chord = surf_dict["root_chord"]
mesh = gen_rect_mesh(num_x, num_y, span, chord, span_cos_spacing, chord_cos_spacing)
# Generate CRM mesh. Note that this outputs twist information
# based on the data from the CRM definition paper, so we save
# this twist information to the surf_dict.
elif "CRM" in surf_dict["wing_type"]:
mesh, eta, twist = gen_crm_mesh(num_x, num_y, span_cos_spacing, chord_cos_spacing, surf_dict["wing_type"])
surf_dict["crm_twist"] = twist
raise NameError("wing_type option not understood. Must be either a type of " + '"CRM" or "rect".')
# Chop the mesh in half if using symmetry during analysis.
# Note that this means that the provided mesh should be the full mesh
if surf_dict["symmetry"]:
num_y = int((num_y + 1) / 2)
mesh = mesh[:, :num_y, :]
# Apply the user-provided coordinate offset to position the mesh
mesh = mesh + surf_dict["offset"]
# If CRM wing, then compute the jig twist values.
# Interpolate the twist values from the CRM wing definition to the twist
# control points.
if "CRM" in surf_dict["wing_type"]:
num_twist = surf_dict["num_twist_cp"]
# If the surface is symmetric, simply interpolate the initial
# twist_cp values based on the mesh data
if surf_dict["symmetry"]:
twist = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, num_twist), eta, surf_dict["crm_twist"])
# If num_twist is odd, create the twist vector and mirror it
# then stack the two together, but remove the duplicated twist
# value.
if num_twist % 2:
twist = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, (num_twist + 1) // 2), eta, surf_dict["crm_twist"])
twist = np.hstack((twist[:-1], twist[::-1]))
# If num_twist is even, mirror the twist vector and stack
# them together
twist = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, num_twist // 2), eta, surf_dict["crm_twist"])
twist = np.hstack((twist, twist[::-1]))
return mesh, twist
return mesh
def generate_vsp_surfaces(vsp_file, symmetry=False, include=None, scale=1.0):
Generate a series of VLM surfaces based on geometries in an OpenVSP model.
vsp_file : str
OpenVSP file to generate meshes from.
symmetry : bool
Flag specifying if the full model should be read in (False) or only half (True).
Half model only reads in right side surfaces.
Defaults to full model.
include : list[str]
List of body names defined in OpenVSP model that should be included in VLM mesh output.
Defaults to all bodies found in model.
scale: float
A global scale factor from the OpenVSP geometry to incoming VLM mesh
geometry. For example, if the OpenVSP model is in inches, and the VLM
in meters, scale=0.0254. Defaults to 1.0.
surfaces : list[dict]
List of surfaces dictionaries, one (two if symmetry==False) for each body requested in include.
This is a relatively empty surface dictionary that contains only basic information about the VLM mesh
(i.e. name, symmetry, mesh).
if vsp is None:
raise ImportError("The OpenVSP Python API is required in order to use generate_vsp_surfaces")
# Check if VSPVehicle class exits
if hasattr(vsp, "VSPVehicle"):
# Create a private vehicle geometry instance
vsp_model = vsp.VSPVehicle()
# Otherwise use module level API
# This is less safe since any python module that loads
# the OpenVSP module has access to our geometry instance
vsp_model = vsp
# Read in file
# Find all vsp bodies
all_geoms = vsp_model.FindGeoms()
# If surfaces to include were not specified, we'll output all of them
if include is None:
include = []
for geom_id in all_geoms:
geom_name = vsp_model.GetContainerName(geom_id)
if geom_name not in include:
# Create a VSP set that we'll use to identify surfaces we want to output
for geom_id in all_geoms:
geom_name = vsp_model.GetContainerName(geom_id)
if geom_name in include:
set_flag = True
set_flag = False
vsp_model.SetSetFlag(geom_id, 3, set_flag)
# Create a degengeom set that will have our VLM surfaces in it
vsp_model.SetIntAnalysisInput("DegenGeom", "WriteCSVFlag", [0], 0)
vsp_model.SetIntAnalysisInput("DegenGeom", "WriteMFileFlag", [0], 0)
vsp_model.SetIntAnalysisInput("DegenGeom", "Set", [3], 0)
# Export all degengeoms to a list
degen_results_id = vsp_model.ExecAnalysis("DegenGeom")
# Get all of the degen geom results managers ids
degen_ids = vsp_model.GetStringResults(degen_results_id, "Degen_DegenGeoms")
# Create a list of all degen surfaces
degens = []
# loop over all degen objects
for degen_id in degen_ids:
res = vsp_model.parse_results_object(degen_id)
degen_obj = dg.DegenGeom(res)
# Create a degengeom object for the cambersurface
plate_ids = vsp_model.GetStringResults(degen_id, "plates")
for plate_id in plate_ids:
res = vsp_model.parse_results_object(plate_id)
# Loop through each included body and generate a surface dict
surfaces = {}
symm_surfaces = []
for degen in degens:
if in include:
# We found a right surface or a full model was requested
if degen.surf_index == 0 or symmetry is False:
flip_normal = degen.flip_normal
for plate_idx, plate in enumerate(degen.plates):
# Some vsp bodies (fuselages) have two surfaces associated with them
if len(degen.plates) > 1:
surf_name = f"{}_{plate_idx}"
# If there's only one surface (wings) we don't need to append plate id
surf_name =
# Remove any spaces from name to be OpenMDAO-compatible
surf_name = surf_name.replace(" ", "_")
# For now, set symmetry to false, we'll update in next step if user requested a half model
surf_dict = {"name": surf_name, "symmetry": False}
nx = (plate.num_pnts + 1) // 2
ny = plate.num_secs
mesh = np.zeros([nx, ny, 3])
# Extract camber-surface from plate info
x = np.array(plate.x) + np.array(plate.nCamber_x) * np.array(plate.zCamber)
y = np.array(plate.y) + np.array(plate.nCamber_y) * np.array(plate.zCamber)
z = np.array(plate.z) + np.array(plate.nCamber_z) * np.array(plate.zCamber)
# Make sure VLM mesh is ordered in right direction
if not flip_normal:
x = np.flipud(x)
y = np.flipud(y)
z = np.flipud(z)
mesh[:, :, 0] = np.flipud(x.T)
mesh[:, :, 1] = np.flipud(y.T)
mesh[:, :, 2] = np.flipud(z.T)
mesh *= scale
# Check if the surface has already been added (i.e. symmetry == False)
if surf_name not in surfaces:
surf_dict["mesh"] = mesh
surfaces[surf_name] = surf_dict
# If so, this surface has a left and right segment that must be concatonated
if degen.surf_index == 0:
right_mesh = mesh
left_mesh = surfaces[surf_name]["mesh"]
right_mesh = surfaces[surf_name]["mesh"]
left_mesh = mesh
new_mesh = np.hstack((left_mesh[:, :-1, :], right_mesh))
surfaces[surf_name]["mesh"] = new_mesh
# We found a left surface, but a half-model was requested, flag the surface as symmetrical
elif degen.surf_index == 1 and symmetry is True:
surf_name =
surf_name = surf_name.replace(" ", "_")
# If a half-model was requested, go through and flag each surface as symmetrical
# if a left and right surface was found.
# NOTE: We don't necessarily want to mark every surface as symmetrical,
# even if a half-model is requested, since some surfaces, like vertical tails,
# might lie perfectly on the symmetry plane.
if symmetry:
for surf_name in surfaces:
if surf_name in symm_surfaces:
surfaces[surf_name]["symmetry"] = True
# Make sure vsp model is cleared before exit
# Return surfaces as list
return list(surfaces.values())
def write_FFD_file(surface, mx, my):
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx, ny = mesh.shape[:2]
half_ffd = np.zeros((mx, my, 3))
LE = mesh[0, :, :]
TE = mesh[-1, :, :]
half_ffd[0, :, 0] = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, my), np.linspace(0, 1, ny), LE[:, 0])
half_ffd[0, :, 1] = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, my), np.linspace(0, 1, ny), LE[:, 1])
half_ffd[0, :, 2] = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, my), np.linspace(0, 1, ny), LE[:, 2])
half_ffd[-1, :, 0] = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, my), np.linspace(0, 1, ny), TE[:, 0])
half_ffd[-1, :, 1] = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, my), np.linspace(0, 1, ny), TE[:, 1])
half_ffd[-1, :, 2] = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, my), np.linspace(0, 1, ny), TE[:, 2])
for i in range(my):
half_ffd[:, i, 0] = np.linspace(half_ffd[0, i, 0], half_ffd[-1, i, 0], mx)
half_ffd[:, i, 1] = np.linspace(half_ffd[0, i, 1], half_ffd[-1, i, 1], mx)
half_ffd[:, i, 2] = np.linspace(half_ffd[0, i, 2], half_ffd[-1, i, 2], mx)
cushion = 0.5
half_ffd[0, :, 0] -= cushion
half_ffd[-1, :, 0] += cushion
half_ffd[:, 0, 1] -= cushion
half_ffd[:, -1, 1] += cushion
bottom_ffd = half_ffd.copy()
bottom_ffd[:, :, 2] -= cushion
top_ffd = half_ffd.copy()
top_ffd[:, :, 2] += cushion
ffd = np.vstack((bottom_ffd, top_ffd))
# ### Uncomment this to plot the FFD points
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# fig = plt.figure()
# axes = []
# axes.append(fig.add_subplot(221, projection='3d'))
# axes.append(fig.add_subplot(222, projection='3d'))
# axes.append(fig.add_subplot(223, projection='3d'))
# axes.append(fig.add_subplot(224, projection='3d'))
# for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
# xs = ffd[:, :, 0].flatten()
# ys = ffd[:, :, 1].flatten()
# zs = ffd[:, :, 2].flatten()
# ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c='red', alpha=1., clip_on=False)
# xs = ffd[:, :, 0].flatten()
# ys = ffd[:, :, 1].flatten()
# zs = ffd[:, :, 2].flatten()
# ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c='blue', alpha=1.)
# xs = mesh[:, :, 0]
# ys = mesh[:, :, 1]
# zs = mesh[:, :, 2]
# ax.plot_wireframe(xs, ys, zs, color='k')
# ax.set_xlim([-5, 5])
# ax.set_ylim([-5, 5])
# ax.set_zlim([-5, 5])
# ax.set_xlim([20, 40])
# ax.set_ylim([-25, -5.])
# ax.set_zlim([-10, 10])
# ax.set_xlabel('x')
# ax.set_ylabel('y')
# ax.set_zlabel('z')
# ax.set_axis_off()
# ax.set_axis_off()
# if i == 0:
# ax.view_init(elev=0, azim=180)
# elif i == 1:
# ax.view_init(elev=0, azim=90)
# elif i == 2:
# ax.view_init(elev=100000, azim=0)
# else:
# ax.view_init(elev=40, azim=-30)
# plt.tight_layout()
# plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
filename = surface["name"] + "_ffd.fmt"
with open(filename, "w") as f:
f.write("{} {} {}\n".format(mx, 2, my))
x = np.array_str(ffd[:, :, 0].flatten(order="F"))[1:-1] + "\n"
y = np.array_str(ffd[:, :, 1].flatten(order="F"))[1:-1] + "\n"
z = np.array_str(ffd[:, :, 2].flatten(order="F"))[1:-1] + "\n"
return filename
def writeMesh(mesh, filename):
Writes the OAS mesh in Tecplot .dat file format, for visualization and debugging purposes.
mesh[nx,ny,3] : numpy array
The OAS mesh to be written.
filename : str
The file name including the .dat extension.
num_y = mesh.shape[0]
num_x = mesh.shape[1]
f = open(filename, "w")
f.write("\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\n" % (num_y, num_x, 1))
x = mesh[:, :, 0]
y = mesh[:, :, 1]
z = mesh[:, :, 2]
for dim in [x, y, z]:
for iy in range(num_x):
row = dim[:, iy]
for val in row:
f.write("\t{: 3.6f}".format(val))
def getFullMesh(left_mesh=None, right_mesh=None):
For a symmetric wing, OAS only keeps and does computation on the left half.
This script mirros the OAS mesh and attaches it to the existing mesh to
obtain the full mesh.
left_mesh[nx,ny,3] or right_mesh : numpy array
The half mesh to be mirrored.
full_mesh[nx,2*ny-1,3] : numpy array
The computed full mesh.
if left_mesh is None and right_mesh is None:
raise ValueError("Either the left or right mesh need to be supplied.")
elif left_mesh is not None and right_mesh is not None:
raise ValueError("Please only provide either left or right mesh, not both.")
elif left_mesh is not None:
right_mesh = np.flip(left_mesh, axis=1).copy()
right_mesh[:, :, 1] *= -1
left_mesh = np.flip(right_mesh, axis=1).copy()
left_mesh[:, :, 1] *= -1
full_mesh = np.concatenate((left_mesh, right_mesh[:, 1:, :]), axis=1)
return full_mesh
def plot3D_meshes(file_name, zero_tol=0):
Reads in multi-surface meshes from a Plot3D mesh file for VLM analysis.
fileName : str
Plot3D file name to be read in.
zero_tol : float
If a node location read in the file is below this magnitude we will just
make it zero. This is useful for getting rid of noise in the surface
that may be due to the meshing tools geometry tolerance.
mesh_dict : dict
Dictionary holding the mesh of every surface included in the plot3D
sorted by surface name.
file_handle = open(file_name, "r")
num_panels = int(file_handle.readline())
# Get the multi-block dimensions of every included surface
block_dims = file_handle.readline().split()
# Now loop through remainder of file and pluck out mesh node locations
mesh_list = []
mesh_dict = {}
for i in range(num_panels):
[nx, ny, nz] = block_dims[3 * i : 3 * i + 3]
# Use nx and ny to intialize mesh. Since these are surfaces nz always
# equals 1, so no need to use it
mesh = np.zeros(int(nx) * int(ny) * 3)
for j in range(mesh.size):
line = file_handle.readline()
val = float(line)
if np.abs(val) < zero_tol:
val = 0
mesh[j] = val
# Restructure mesh as 3D array,
# Plot3D files are always written using Fortran order
mesh_list.append(mesh.reshape([int(nx), int(ny), 3], order="f"))
# Now read in names for each surface mesh
for i in range(num_panels):
name = file_handle.readline()[:-1]
mesh_dict[name] = mesh_list[i]
return mesh_dict