import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
def compute_uni_mesh_dims(sections):
Function computes the dimensions of the unified mesh as well as an index array
sections : list
List of section OpenAeroStruct surface dictionaries
uni_mesh_indices : numpy array
Array of indicies matching the size of the mesh array
uni_nx : int
Number of chordwise points in the unified mesh
uni_ny : int
Number of spanwise points in the unified mesh
uni_nx = sections[0]["mesh"].shape[0]
uni_ny = 0
for i_sec in range(len(sections)):
if i_sec == len(sections) - 1:
uni_ny += sections[i_sec]["mesh"].shape[1]
uni_ny += sections[i_sec]["mesh"].shape[1] - 1
uni_mesh_indices = np.arange(uni_nx * uni_ny * 3).reshape((uni_nx, uni_ny, 3))
return uni_mesh_indices, uni_nx, uni_ny
def compute_uni_mesh_index_blocks(sections, uni_mesh_indices):
Function that computes the index block that corresponds to each individual wing section
sections : list
List of section OpenAeroStruct surface dictionaries
uni_mesh_indices : numpy array
Array of indicies matching the size of the mesh array
blocks : list
List of numpy arrays containing the incidies corresponding to each section. Basically breaks the uni_mesh_indices
array up into pieces that correspond to each section.
blocks = []
# cursor to track the y position of each section along the unified mesh
y_curr = 0
for i_sec in range(len(sections)):
mesh = sections[i_sec]["mesh"]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
if i_sec == len(sections) - 1:
block = uni_mesh_indices[:, y_curr:, :]
y_curr += ny
block = uni_mesh_indices[:, y_curr : y_curr + (ny - 1), :]
y_curr += ny - 1
return blocks
def unify_mesh(sections):
Function that produces a unified mesh from all the individual wing section meshes.
sections : list
List of section OpenAeroStruct surface dictionaries
uni_mesh : numpy array
Unfied surface mesh in OAS format
for i_sec in np.arange(0, len(sections) - 1):
mesh = sections[i_sec]["mesh"]
import copy
if i_sec == 0:
uni_mesh = copy.deepcopy(mesh[:, :-1, :])
uni_mesh = np.concatenate([uni_mesh, mesh[:, :-1, :]], axis=1)
# Stitch the results into a singular mesh
mesh = sections[len(sections) - 1]["mesh"]
if len(sections) == 1:
import copy
uni_mesh = copy.deepcopy(mesh)
uni_mesh = np.concatenate([uni_mesh, mesh], axis=1)
return uni_mesh
class GeomMultiUnification(om.ExplicitComponent):
OpenMDAO component that combines the meshes associated with each individual section
of a multi-section wing into a unified mesh. Section 0 as defined by the user(typically
the most inboard section) will be added to the unified mesh unchanged. The remaining sections
are then sequencially added outboard to section 0 along the y-direction. The mesh unification
component operates under the assumption that it is unifying section that are C0 continous along
the span. The most inboard column of points of section i+1 will be coincident with the
most outbord column of points of section i. As result, the inboard column of points for each section
after section 0 are removed prior to the section being added to the unified mesh. The component also
produces the appropriate sparse Jacobian matrix for the column removal so that the partials can be computed
sections : list
A list of section surface dictionaries in OAS format.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the unified surface
def initialize(self):
Declare options.
self.options.declare("sections", types=list, desc="A list of section surface dictionaries to be unified.")
self.options.declare("surface_name", types=str, desc="The name of the multi-section surface")
def setup(self):
sections = self.options["sections"]
name = self.options["surface_name"]
# Get the unified mesh size, index array, and block of indicies for each section
[uni_mesh_indices, uni_nx, uni_ny] = compute_uni_mesh_dims(sections)
uni_mesh_blocks = compute_uni_mesh_index_blocks(sections, uni_mesh_indices)
uni_mesh_name = "{}_uni_mesh".format(name)
# Loop through each section to build the sparsity pattern for the Jacobian. This Jacobian is fixed based on the mesh size so can be declared here
for i_sec, section in enumerate(sections):
mesh = section["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = section["name"]
mesh_name = "{}_def_mesh".format(name)
self.add_input(mesh_name, shape=(nx, ny, 3), units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
# Generate index array
mesh_indices = np.arange(nx * ny * 3).reshape((nx, ny, 3))
if i_sec == len(sections) - 1:
cols = mesh_indices.flatten()
# If not section N then the most inboard column is disregarded
cols = mesh_indices[:, :-1, :].flatten()
# Get data from section block in unified mesh
rows = uni_mesh_blocks[i_sec]
# Fill non zero Jacobian entries with ones
data = np.ones_like(rows)
self.declare_partials(uni_mesh_name, mesh_name, val=data, rows=rows, cols=cols)
self.add_output(uni_mesh_name, shape=(uni_nx, uni_ny, 3), units="m")
# Unify the t/c output of each section if that has been specified
if "t_over_c_cp" in sections[0].keys():
uni_tc_name = "{}_uni_t_over_c".format(self.options["surface_name"])
n_acc = 0
for section in sections:
name = section["name"]
t_over_c_name = "{}_t_over_c".format(name)
n = int(ny - 1)
self.add_input(t_over_c_name, shape=(n), tags=["mphys_coupling"])
uni_tc_name, t_over_c_name, rows=np.arange(0, n) + n_acc, cols=np.arange(0, n), val=np.ones(n)
n_acc += n
self.add_output(uni_tc_name, shape=(uni_ny - 1))
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
sections = self.options["sections"]
surface_name = self.options["surface_name"]
uni_mesh_name = "{}_uni_mesh".format(surface_name)
# Loop through all sections to unify the mesh
for i_sec in np.arange(0, len(sections) - 1):
name = sections[i_sec]["name"]
mesh_name = "{}_def_mesh".format(name)
if i_sec == 0:
uni_mesh = inputs[mesh_name][:, :-1, :]
uni_mesh = np.concatenate([uni_mesh, inputs[mesh_name][:, :-1, :]], axis=1)
mesh_name = "{}_def_mesh".format(sections[len(sections) - 1]["name"])
if len(sections) == 1:
uni_mesh = inputs[mesh_name]
uni_mesh = np.concatenate([uni_mesh, inputs[mesh_name]], axis=1)
if "t_over_c_cp" in sections[0].keys():
uni_tc_name = "{}_uni_t_over_c".format(self.options["surface_name"])
for i_sec, section in enumerate(sections):
name = section["name"]
t_over_c_name = "{}_t_over_c".format(name)
t_over_c = inputs[t_over_c_name]
if i_sec == 0:
uni_t_over_c = inputs[t_over_c_name]
uni_t_over_c = np.concatenate([uni_t_over_c, t_over_c])
outputs[uni_tc_name] = uni_t_over_c
outputs[uni_mesh_name] = uni_mesh