Source code for openaerostruct.geometry.geometry_mesh_transformations

""" A set of components that manipulate geometry mesh
    based on high-level design parameters. """

import numpy as np

import openmdao.api as om

[docs] class Taper(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh by altering the spanwise chord linearly to produce a tapered wing. Note that we apply taper around the reference axis line which is the quarter-chord by default. Parameters ---------- taper : float Taper ratio for the wing; 1 is untapered, 0 goes to a point at the tip. Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the tapered aerodynamic surface. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for the taper ratio.") self.options.declare("mesh", desc="Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface.") self.options.declare( "symmetry", default=False, desc="Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane." ) self.options.declare( "ref_axis_pos", default=0.25, desc="Fraction of the chord to use as the reference axis", ) def setup(self): mesh = self.options["mesh"] val = self.options["val"] self.ref_axis_pos = self.options["ref_axis_pos"] self.add_input("taper", val=val) self.add_output("mesh", val=mesh, units="m") self.declare_partials("*", "*") def compute(self, inputs, outputs): mesh = self.options["mesh"] symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] taper_ratio = inputs["taper"][0] # Get mesh parameters and the quarter-chord le = mesh[0] te = mesh[-1] num_x, num_y, _ = mesh.shape ref_axis = self.ref_axis_pos * te + (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * le x = ref_axis[:, 1] span = x[-1] - x[0] # If symmetric, solve for the correct taper ratio, which is a linear # interpolation problem if symmetry: xp = np.array([-span, 0.0]) fp = np.array([taper_ratio, 1.0]) # Otherwise, we set up an interpolation problem for the entire wing, which # consists of two linear segments else: xp = np.array([-span / 2, 0.0, span / 2]) fp = np.array([taper_ratio, 1.0, taper_ratio]) taper = np.interp(x.real, xp.real, fp.real) # Modify the mesh based on the taper amount computed per spanwise section outputs["mesh"] = np.einsum("ijk,j->ijk", mesh - ref_axis, taper) + ref_axis def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): mesh = self.options["mesh"] symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] taper_ratio = inputs["taper"][0] # Get mesh parameters and the quarter-chord le = mesh[0] te = mesh[-1] num_x, num_y, _ = mesh.shape ref_axis = self.ref_axis_pos * te + (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * le x = ref_axis[:, 1] span = x[-1] - x[0] # If symmetric, solve for the correct taper ratio, which is a linear # interpolation problem if symmetry: xp = np.array([-span, 0.0]) fp = np.array([taper_ratio, 1.0]) # Otherwise, we set up an interpolation problem for the entire wing, which # consists of two linear segments else: xp = np.array([-span / 2, 0.0, span / 2]) fp = np.array([taper_ratio, 1.0, taper_ratio]) taper = np.interp(x, xp, fp) if taper_ratio == 1.0: dtaper = np.zeros(taper.shape) else: dtaper = (1.0 - taper) / (1.0 - taper_ratio) partials["mesh", "taper"] = np.einsum("ijk, j->ijk", mesh - ref_axis, dtaper)
[docs] class ScaleX(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh by modifying the chords along the span of the wing by scaling only the x-coord. Parameters ---------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface. chord[ny] : numpy array Spanwise distribution of the chord scaler. Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh with the new chord lengths. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for chord lengths") self.options.declare("mesh_shape", desc="Tuple containing mesh shape (nx, ny).") self.options.declare( "ref_axis_pos", default=0.25, desc="Fraction of the chord to use as the reference axis", ) def setup(self): mesh_shape = self.options["mesh_shape"] val = self.options["val"] self.ref_axis_pos = self.options["ref_axis_pos"] self.add_input("chord", units=None, val=val) self.add_input("in_mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") self.add_output("mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") nx, ny, _ = mesh_shape nn = nx * ny * 3 rows = np.arange(nn) col = np.tile(np.zeros(3), ny) + np.repeat(np.arange(ny), 3) cols = np.tile(col, nx) self.declare_partials("mesh", "chord", rows=rows, cols=cols) p_rows = np.arange(nn) te_rows = np.arange(((nx - 1) * ny * 3)) le_rows = te_rows + ny * 3 le_cols = np.tile(np.arange(3 * ny), nx - 1) te_cols = le_cols + ny * 3 * (nx - 1) rows = np.concatenate([p_rows, te_rows, le_rows]) cols = np.concatenate([p_rows, te_cols, le_cols]) self.declare_partials("mesh", "in_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] chord_dist = inputs["chord"] te = mesh[-1] le = mesh[0] ref_axis = self.ref_axis_pos * te + (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * le outputs["mesh"] = np.einsum("ijk,j->ijk", mesh - ref_axis, chord_dist) + ref_axis def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] chord_dist = inputs["chord"] te = mesh[-1] le = mesh[0] ref_axis = self.ref_axis_pos * te + (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * le partials["mesh", "chord"] = (mesh - ref_axis).flatten() nx, ny, _ = mesh.shape nn = nx * ny * 3 d_mesh = np.einsum("i,ij->ij", chord_dist, np.ones((ny, 3))).flatten() partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][:nn] = np.tile(d_mesh, nx) d_qc = (np.einsum("ij,i->ij", np.ones((ny, 3)), 1.0 - chord_dist)).flatten() nnq = (nx - 1) * ny * 3 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn : nn + nnq] = np.tile(self.ref_axis_pos * d_qc, nx - 1) partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn + nnq :] = np.tile((1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_qc, nx - 1) nnq = ny * 3 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn - nnq : nn] += self.ref_axis_pos * d_qc partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][:nnq] += (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_qc
[docs] class Sweep(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh applying shearing sweep. Positive sweeps back. Parameters ---------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface. sweep : float Shearing sweep angle in degrees. symmetry : boolean Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane. Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the swept aerodynamic surface. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for x shear.") self.options.declare("mesh_shape", desc="Tuple containing mesh shape (nx, ny).") self.options.declare( "symmetry", default=False, desc="Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane." ) def setup(self): mesh_shape = self.options["mesh_shape"] val = self.options["val"] self.add_input("sweep", val=val, units="deg") self.add_input("in_mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") self.add_output("mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") nx, ny, _ = mesh_shape nn = nx * ny rows = 3 * np.arange(nn) cols = np.zeros(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "sweep", rows=rows, cols=cols) nn = nx * ny * 3 n_rows = np.arange(nn) if self.options["symmetry"]: y_cp = ny * 3 - 2 te_cols = np.tile(y_cp, nx * (ny - 1)) te_rows = np.tile(3 * np.arange(ny - 1), nx) + np.repeat(3 * ny * np.arange(nx), ny - 1) se_cols = np.tile(3 * np.arange(ny - 1) + 1, nx) else: y_cp = 3 * (ny + 1) // 2 - 2 n_sym = (ny - 1) // 2 te_row = np.tile(3 * np.arange(n_sym), 2) + np.repeat([0, 3 * (n_sym + 1)], n_sym) te_rows = np.tile(te_row, nx) + np.repeat(3 * ny * np.arange(nx), ny - 1) te_col = np.tile(y_cp, n_sym) se_col1 = 3 * np.arange(n_sym) + 1 se_col2 = 3 * np.arange(n_sym) + 4 + 3 * n_sym # neat trick: swap columns on reflected side so we can assign in just two operations te_cols = np.tile(np.concatenate([te_col, se_col2]), nx) se_cols = np.tile(np.concatenate([se_col1, te_col]), nx) rows = np.concatenate(([n_rows, te_rows, te_rows])) cols = np.concatenate(([n_rows, te_cols, se_cols])) self.declare_partials("mesh", "in_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] sweep_angle = inputs["sweep"][0] mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] # Get the mesh parameters and desired sweep angle nx, ny, _ = mesh.shape le = mesh[0] p180 = np.pi / 180 tan_theta = np.tan(p180 * sweep_angle) # If symmetric, simply vary the x-coord based on the distance from the # center of the wing if symmetry: y0 = le[-1, 1] dx = -(le[:, 1] - y0) * tan_theta # Else, vary the x-coord on either side of the wing else: ny2 = (ny - 1) // 2 y0 = le[ny2, 1] dx_right = (le[ny2:, 1] - y0) * tan_theta dx_left = -(le[:ny2, 1] - y0) * tan_theta dx = np.hstack((dx_left, dx_right)) # dx added spanwise. outputs["mesh"][:] = mesh outputs["mesh"][:, :, 0] += dx def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] sweep_angle = inputs["sweep"][0] mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] # Get the mesh parameters and desired sweep angle nx, ny, _ = mesh.shape le = mesh[0] p180 = np.pi / 180 tan_theta = np.tan(p180 * sweep_angle) dtan_dtheta = p180 / np.cos(p180 * sweep_angle) ** 2 # If symmetric, simply vary the x-coord based on the distance from the # center of the wing if symmetry: y0 = le[-1, 1] dx_dtheta = -(le[:, 1] - y0) # Else, vary the x-coord on either side of the wing else: ny2 = (ny - 1) // 2 y0 = le[ny2, 1] dx_dtheta_right = le[ny2:, 1] - y0 dx_dtheta_left = -(le[:ny2, 1] - y0) dx_dtheta = np.hstack((dx_dtheta_left, dx_dtheta_right)) partials["mesh", "sweep"] = np.tile(dx_dtheta * dtan_dtheta, nx) nn = nx * ny * 3 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][:nn] = 1.0 nn2 = nx * (ny - 1) partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn : nn + nn2] = tan_theta partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn + nn2 :] = -tan_theta
[docs] class ShearX(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh by shearing the wing in the x direction (distributed sweep). Parameters ---------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface. xshear[ny] : numpy array Distance to translate wing in x direction. Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh with the new chord lengths. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for x shear.") self.options.declare("mesh_shape", desc="Tuple containing mesh shape (nx, ny).") def setup(self): mesh_shape = self.options["mesh_shape"] val = self.options["val"] self.add_input("xshear", val=val, units="m") self.add_input("in_mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") self.add_output("mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") nx, ny, _ = mesh_shape nn = nx * ny rows = 3.0 * np.arange(nn) cols = np.tile(np.arange(ny), nx) val = np.ones(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "xshear", rows=rows, cols=cols, val=val) nn = nx * ny * 3 rows = np.arange(nn) cols = np.arange(nn) val = np.ones(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "in_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols, val=val) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): outputs["mesh"][:] = inputs["in_mesh"] outputs["mesh"][:, :, 0] += inputs["xshear"]
[docs] class Stretch(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh by stretching the mesh in spanwise direction to reach specified span Parameters ---------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface. span : float Relative stetch ratio in the spanwise direction. symmetry : boolean Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane. Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the stretched aerodynamic surface. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for span.") self.options.declare("mesh_shape", desc="Tuple containing mesh shape (nx, ny).") self.options.declare( "symmetry", default=False, desc="Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane." ) self.options.declare( "ref_axis_pos", default=0.25, desc="Fraction of the chord to use as the reference axis", ) def setup(self): mesh_shape = self.options["mesh_shape"] val = self.options["val"] self.ref_axis_pos = self.options["ref_axis_pos"] self.add_input("span", val=val, units="m") self.add_input("in_mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") self.add_output("mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") nx, ny, _ = mesh_shape nn = nx * ny rows = 3 * np.arange(nn) + 1 cols = np.zeros(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "span", rows=rows, cols=cols) # First: x and z on diag is identity. nn = nx * ny xz_diag = 3 * np.arange(nn) # Four columns at le (root, tip) and te (root, tip) i_le0 = 1 i_le1 = ny * 3 - 2 i_te0 = (nx - 1) * ny * 3 + 1 i_te1 = nn * 3 - 2 rows_4c = np.tile(3 * np.arange(nn) + 1, 4) cols_4c = np.concatenate([np.tile(i_le0, nn), np.tile(i_le1, nn), np.tile(i_te0, nn), np.tile(i_te1, nn)]) # Diagonal stripes base = 3 * np.arange(1, ny - 1) + 1 row_dg = np.tile(base, nx) + np.repeat(ny * 3 * np.arange(nx), ny - 2) rows_dg = np.tile(row_dg, 2) col_dg = np.tile(base, nx) cols_dg = np.concatenate([col_dg, col_dg + 3 * ny * (nx - 1)]) rows = np.concatenate([xz_diag, xz_diag + 2, rows_4c, rows_dg]) cols = np.concatenate([xz_diag, xz_diag + 2, cols_4c, cols_dg]) self.declare_partials("mesh", "in_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] span = inputs["span"][0] mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] # Set the span along the quarter-chord line le = mesh[0] te = mesh[-1] ref_axis = self.ref_axis_pos * te + (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * le # The user always deals with the full span, so if they input a specific # span value and have symmetry enabled, we divide this value by 2. if symmetry: span /= 2.0 # Compute the previous span and determine the scalar needed to reach the # desired span prev_span = ref_axis[-1, 1] - ref_axis[0, 1] s = ref_axis[:, 1] / prev_span outputs["mesh"][:] = mesh outputs["mesh"][:, :, 1] = s * span def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] span = inputs["span"][0] mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] nx, ny, _ = mesh.shape # Set the span along the quarter-chord line le = mesh[0] te = mesh[-1] ref_axis = self.ref_axis_pos * te + (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * le # The user always deals with the full span, so if they input a specific # span value and have symmetry enabled, we divide this value by 2. if symmetry: span /= 2.0 # Compute the previous span and determine the scalar needed to reach the # desired span prev_span = ref_axis[-1, 1] - ref_axis[0, 1] s = ref_axis[:, 1] / prev_span d_prev_span = -ref_axis[:, 1] / prev_span**2 d_prev_span_qc0 = np.zeros((ny,)) d_prev_span_qc1 = np.zeros((ny,)) d_prev_span_qc0[0] = d_prev_span_qc1[-1] = 1.0 / prev_span if symmetry: partials["mesh", "span"] = np.tile(0.5 * s, nx) else: partials["mesh", "span"] = np.tile(s, nx) nn = nx * ny * 2 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][:nn] = 1.0 nn2 = nx * ny partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn : nn + nn2] = np.tile( -(1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * span * (d_prev_span - d_prev_span_qc0), nx ) nn3 = nn + nn2 * 2 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn + nn2 : nn3] = np.tile( (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * span * (d_prev_span + d_prev_span_qc1), nx ) nn4 = nn3 + nn2 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn3:nn4] = np.tile(-self.ref_axis_pos * span * (d_prev_span - d_prev_span_qc0), nx) nn5 = nn4 + nn2 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn4:nn5] = np.tile(self.ref_axis_pos * span * (d_prev_span + d_prev_span_qc1), nx) nn6 = nn5 + nx * (ny - 2) partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn5:nn6] = (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * span / prev_span partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn6:] = self.ref_axis_pos * span / prev_span
[docs] class ShearY(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh by shearing the wing in the y direction (distributed sweep). Parameters ---------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface. yshear[ny] : numpy array Distance to translate wing in y direction. Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh with the new chord lengths. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for y shear.") self.options.declare("mesh_shape", desc="Tuple containing mesh shape (nx, ny).") def setup(self): mesh_shape = self.options["mesh_shape"] val = self.options["val"] self.add_input("yshear", val=val, units="m") self.add_input("in_mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") self.add_output("mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") nx, ny, _ = mesh_shape nn = nx * ny rows = 3.0 * np.arange(nn) + 1 cols = np.tile(np.arange(ny), nx) val = np.ones(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "yshear", rows=rows, cols=cols, val=val) nn = nx * ny * 3 rows = np.arange(nn) cols = np.arange(nn) val = np.ones(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "in_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols, val=val) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): outputs["mesh"][:] = inputs["in_mesh"] outputs["mesh"][:, :, 1] += inputs["yshear"]
[docs] class Dihedral(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh by applying dihedral angle. Positive angles up. Parameters ---------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface. dihedral : float Dihedral angle in degrees. symmetry : boolean Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane. Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the aerodynamic surface with dihedral angle. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for dihedral.") self.options.declare("mesh_shape", desc="Tuple containing mesh shape (nx, ny).") self.options.declare( "symmetry", default=False, desc="Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane." ) def setup(self): mesh_shape = self.options["mesh_shape"] val = self.options["val"] self.add_input("dihedral", val=val, units="deg") self.add_input("in_mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") self.add_output("mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") nx, ny, _ = mesh_shape nn = nx * ny rows = 3 * np.arange(nn) + 2 cols = np.zeros(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "dihedral", rows=rows, cols=cols) nn = nx * ny * 3 n_rows = np.arange(nn) if self.options["symmetry"]: y_cp = ny * 3 - 2 te_cols = np.tile(y_cp, nx * (ny - 1)) te_rows = np.tile(3 * np.arange(ny - 1) + 2, nx) + np.repeat(3 * ny * np.arange(nx), ny - 1) se_cols = np.tile(3 * np.arange(ny - 1) + 1, nx) else: y_cp = 3 * (ny + 1) // 2 - 2 n_sym = (ny - 1) // 2 te_row = np.tile(3 * np.arange(n_sym) + 2, 2) + np.repeat([0, 3 * (n_sym + 1)], n_sym) te_rows = np.tile(te_row, nx) + np.repeat(3 * ny * np.arange(nx), ny - 1) te_col = np.tile(y_cp, n_sym) se_col1 = 3 * np.arange(n_sym) + 1 se_col2 = 3 * np.arange(n_sym) + 4 + 3 * n_sym # neat trick: swap columns on reflected side so we can assign in just two operations te_cols = np.tile(np.concatenate([te_col, se_col2]), nx) se_cols = np.tile(np.concatenate([se_col1, te_col]), nx) rows = np.concatenate(([n_rows, te_rows, te_rows])) cols = np.concatenate(([n_rows, te_cols, se_cols])) self.declare_partials("mesh", "in_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] dihedral_angle = inputs["dihedral"][0] mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] # Get the mesh parameters and desired sweep angle _, ny, _ = mesh.shape le = mesh[0] p180 = np.pi / 180 tan_theta = np.tan(p180 * dihedral_angle) # If symmetric, simply vary the z-coord based on the distance from the # center of the wing if symmetry: y0 = le[-1, 1] dz = -(le[:, 1] - y0) * tan_theta else: ny2 = (ny - 1) // 2 y0 = le[ny2, 1] dz_right = (le[ny2:, 1] - y0) * tan_theta dz_left = -(le[:ny2, 1] - y0) * tan_theta dz = np.hstack((dz_left, dz_right)) # dz added spanwise. outputs["mesh"][:] = mesh outputs["mesh"][:, :, 2] += dz def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] dihedral_angle = inputs["dihedral"][0] mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] # Get the mesh parameters and desired sweep angle nx, ny, _ = mesh.shape le = mesh[0] p180 = np.pi / 180 tan_theta = np.tan(p180 * dihedral_angle) dtan_dangle = p180 / np.cos(p180 * dihedral_angle) ** 2 # If symmetric, simply vary the z-coord based on the distance from the # center of the wing if symmetry: y0 = le[-1, 1] dz_dtheta = -(le[:, 1] - y0) * dtan_dangle else: ny2 = (ny - 1) // 2 y0 = le[ny2, 1] ddz_right = (le[ny2:, 1] - y0) * dtan_dangle ddz_left = -(le[:ny2, 1] - y0) * dtan_dangle dz_dtheta = np.hstack((ddz_left, ddz_right)) # dz added spanwise. partials["mesh", "dihedral"] = np.tile(dz_dtheta, nx) nn = nx * ny * 3 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][:nn] = 1.0 nn2 = nx * (ny - 1) partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn : nn + nn2] = tan_theta partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn + nn2 :] = -tan_theta
[docs] class ShearZ(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh by shearing the wing in the z direction (distributed sweep). Parameters ---------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface. zshear[ny] : numpy array Distance to translate wing in z direction. Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh with the new chord lengths. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for z shear.") self.options.declare("mesh_shape", desc="Tuple containing mesh shape (nx, ny).") def setup(self): mesh_shape = self.options["mesh_shape"] val = self.options["val"] self.add_input("zshear", val=val, units="m") self.add_input("in_mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") self.add_output("mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") nx, ny, _ = mesh_shape nn = nx * ny rows = 3.0 * np.arange(nn) + 2 cols = np.tile(np.arange(ny), nx) val = np.ones(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "zshear", rows=rows, cols=cols, val=val) nn = nx * ny * 3 rows = np.arange(nn) cols = np.arange(nn) val = np.ones(nn) self.declare_partials("mesh", "in_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols, val=val) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): outputs["mesh"][:] = inputs["in_mesh"] outputs["mesh"][:, :, 2] += inputs["zshear"]
[docs] class Rotate(om.ExplicitComponent): """ OpenMDAO component that manipulates the mesh by compute rotation matrices given mesh and rotation angles in degrees. Parameters ---------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the initial aerodynamic surface. theta_y[ny] : numpy array 1-D array of rotation angles about y-axis for each wing slice in degrees. symmetry : boolean Flag set to True if surface is reflected about y=0 plane. rotate_x : boolean Flag set to True if the user desires the twist variable to always be applied perpendicular to the wing (say, in the case of a winglet). Returns ------- mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array Nodal mesh defining the twisted aerodynamic surface. """ def initialize(self): """ Declare options. """ self.options.declare("val", desc="Initial value for dihedral.") self.options.declare("mesh_shape", desc="Tuple containing mesh shape (nx, ny).") self.options.declare( "symmetry", default=False, desc="Flag set to true if surface is reflected about y=0 plane." ) self.options.declare( "rotate_x", default=True, desc="Flag set to True if the user desires the twist variable to " "always be applied perpendicular to the wing (say, in the case of " "a winglet).", ) self.options.declare( "ref_axis_pos", default=0.25, desc="Fraction of the chord to use as the reference axis", ) def setup(self): mesh_shape = self.options["mesh_shape"] val = self.options["val"] self.ref_axis_pos = self.options["ref_axis_pos"] self.add_input("twist", val=val, units="deg") self.add_input("in_mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") self.add_output("mesh", shape=mesh_shape, units="m") nx, ny, _ = mesh_shape nn = nx * ny * 3 rows = np.arange(nn) col = np.tile(np.zeros(3), ny) + np.repeat(np.arange(ny), 3) cols = np.tile(col, nx) self.declare_partials("mesh", "twist", rows=rows, cols=cols) row_base = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) col_base = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) # Diagonal nn = nx * ny dg_row = np.tile(row_base, nn) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(nn), 9) dg_col = np.tile(col_base, nn) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(nn), 9) # Leading and Trailing edge on diagonal terms. row_base_y = np.tile(row_base, ny) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny), 9) col_base_y = np.tile(col_base, ny) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny), 9) nn2 = 3 * ny te_dg_row = np.tile(row_base_y, nx - 1) + np.repeat(nn2 * np.arange(nx - 1), 9 * ny) le_dg_col = np.tile(col_base_y, nx - 1) le_dg_row = te_dg_row + nn2 te_dg_col = le_dg_col + 3 * ny * (nx - 1) # Leading and Trailing edge off diagonal terms. if self.options["symmetry"]: row_base_y = np.tile(row_base, ny - 1) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny - 1), 9) col_base_y = np.tile(col_base + 3, ny - 1) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(ny - 1), 9) nn2 = 3 * ny te_od_row = np.tile(row_base_y, nx) + np.repeat(nn2 * np.arange(nx), 9 * (ny - 1)) le_od_col = np.tile(col_base_y, nx) te_od_col = le_od_col + 3 * ny * (nx - 1) rows = np.concatenate([dg_row, le_dg_row, te_dg_row, te_od_row, te_od_row]) cols = np.concatenate([dg_col, le_dg_col, te_dg_col, le_od_col, te_od_col]) else: n_sym = (ny - 1) // 2 row_base_y1 = np.tile(row_base, n_sym) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(n_sym), 9) col_base_y1 = np.tile(col_base + 3, n_sym) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(n_sym), 9) row_base_y2 = row_base_y1 + 3 * n_sym + 3 col_base_y2 = col_base_y1 + 3 * n_sym - 3 nn2 = 3 * ny te_od_row1 = np.tile(row_base_y1, nx) + np.repeat(nn2 * np.arange(nx), 9 * n_sym) le_od_col1 = np.tile(col_base_y1, nx) te_od_col1 = le_od_col1 + 3 * ny * (nx - 1) te_od_row2 = np.tile(row_base_y2, nx) + np.repeat(nn2 * np.arange(nx), 9 * n_sym) le_od_col2 = np.tile(col_base_y2, nx) te_od_col2 = le_od_col2 + 3 * ny * (nx - 1) rows = np.concatenate([dg_row, le_dg_row, te_dg_row, te_od_row1, te_od_row2, te_od_row1, te_od_row2]) cols = np.concatenate([dg_col, le_dg_col, te_dg_col, le_od_col1, le_od_col2, te_od_col1, te_od_col2]) self.declare_partials("mesh", "in_mesh", rows=rows, cols=cols) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] rotate_x = self.options["rotate_x"] theta_y = inputs["twist"] mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] te = mesh[-1] le = mesh[0] ref_axis = self.ref_axis_pos * te + (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * le _, ny, _ = mesh.shape if rotate_x: # Compute spanwise z displacements along quarter chord if symmetry: dz_qc = ref_axis[:-1, 2] - ref_axis[1:, 2] dy_qc = ref_axis[:-1, 1] - ref_axis[1:, 1] theta_x = np.arctan(dz_qc / dy_qc) # Prepend with 0 so that root is not rotated rad_theta_x = np.append(theta_x, 0.0) else: root_index = int((ny - 1) / 2) dz_qc_left = ref_axis[:root_index, 2] - ref_axis[1 : root_index + 1, 2] dy_qc_left = ref_axis[:root_index, 1] - ref_axis[1 : root_index + 1, 1] theta_x_left = np.arctan(dz_qc_left / dy_qc_left) dz_qc_right = ref_axis[root_index + 1 :, 2] - ref_axis[root_index:-1, 2] dy_qc_right = ref_axis[root_index + 1 :, 1] - ref_axis[root_index:-1, 1] theta_x_right = np.arctan(dz_qc_right / dy_qc_right) # Concatenate thetas rad_theta_x = np.concatenate((theta_x_left, np.zeros(1), theta_x_right)) else: rad_theta_x = 0.0 rad_theta_y = theta_y * np.pi / 180.0 mats = np.zeros((ny, 3, 3), dtype=type(rad_theta_y[0])) cos_rtx = np.cos(rad_theta_x) cos_rty = np.cos(rad_theta_y) sin_rtx = np.sin(rad_theta_x) sin_rty = np.sin(rad_theta_y) mats[:, 0, 0] = cos_rty mats[:, 0, 2] = sin_rty mats[:, 1, 0] = sin_rtx * sin_rty mats[:, 1, 1] = cos_rtx mats[:, 1, 2] = -sin_rtx * cos_rty mats[:, 2, 0] = -cos_rtx * sin_rty mats[:, 2, 1] = sin_rtx mats[:, 2, 2] = cos_rtx * cos_rty outputs["mesh"] = np.einsum("ikj, mij -> mik", mats, mesh - ref_axis) + ref_axis def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): symmetry = self.options["symmetry"] rotate_x = self.options["rotate_x"] theta_y = inputs["twist"] mesh = inputs["in_mesh"] te = mesh[-1] le = mesh[0] ref_axis = self.ref_axis_pos * te + (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * le nx, ny, _ = mesh.shape if rotate_x: # Compute spanwise z displacements along quarter chord if symmetry: dz_qc = ref_axis[:-1, 2] - ref_axis[1:, 2] dy_qc = ref_axis[:-1, 1] - ref_axis[1:, 1] theta_x = np.arctan(dz_qc / dy_qc) # Prepend with 0 so that root is not rotated rad_theta_x = np.append(theta_x, 0.0) fact = 1.0 / (1.0 + (dz_qc / dy_qc) ** 2) dthx_dq = np.zeros((ny, 3)) dthx_dq[:-1, 1] = -dz_qc * fact / dy_qc**2 dthx_dq[:-1, 2] = fact / dy_qc else: root_index = int((ny - 1) / 2) dz_qc_left = ref_axis[:root_index, 2] - ref_axis[1 : root_index + 1, 2] dy_qc_left = ref_axis[:root_index, 1] - ref_axis[1 : root_index + 1, 1] theta_x_left = np.arctan(dz_qc_left / dy_qc_left) dz_qc_right = ref_axis[root_index + 1 :, 2] - ref_axis[root_index:-1, 2] dy_qc_right = ref_axis[root_index + 1 :, 1] - ref_axis[root_index:-1, 1] theta_x_right = np.arctan(dz_qc_right / dy_qc_right) # Concatenate thetas rad_theta_x = np.concatenate((theta_x_left, np.zeros(1), theta_x_right)) fact_left = 1.0 / (1.0 + (dz_qc_left / dy_qc_left) ** 2) fact_right = 1.0 / (1.0 + (dz_qc_right / dy_qc_right) ** 2) dthx_dq = np.zeros((ny, 3)) dthx_dq[:root_index, 1] = -dz_qc_left * fact_left / dy_qc_left**2 dthx_dq[root_index + 1 :, 1] = -dz_qc_right * fact_right / dy_qc_right**2 dthx_dq[:root_index, 2] = fact_left / dy_qc_left dthx_dq[root_index + 1 :, 2] = fact_right / dy_qc_right else: rad_theta_x = 0.0 deg2rad = np.pi / 180.0 rad_theta_y = theta_y * deg2rad mats = np.zeros((ny, 3, 3), dtype=type(rad_theta_y[0])) cos_rtx = np.cos(rad_theta_x) cos_rty = np.cos(rad_theta_y) sin_rtx = np.sin(rad_theta_x) sin_rty = np.sin(rad_theta_y) mats[:, 0, 0] = cos_rty mats[:, 0, 2] = sin_rty mats[:, 1, 0] = sin_rtx * sin_rty mats[:, 1, 1] = cos_rtx mats[:, 1, 2] = -sin_rtx * cos_rty mats[:, 2, 0] = -cos_rtx * sin_rty mats[:, 2, 1] = sin_rtx mats[:, 2, 2] = cos_rtx * cos_rty dmats_dthy = np.zeros((ny, 3, 3)) dmats_dthy[:, 0, 0] = -sin_rty * deg2rad dmats_dthy[:, 0, 2] = cos_rty * deg2rad dmats_dthy[:, 1, 0] = sin_rtx * cos_rty * deg2rad dmats_dthy[:, 1, 2] = sin_rtx * sin_rty * deg2rad dmats_dthy[:, 2, 0] = -cos_rtx * cos_rty * deg2rad dmats_dthy[:, 2, 2] = -cos_rtx * sin_rty * deg2rad d_dthetay = np.einsum("ikj, mij -> mik", dmats_dthy, mesh - ref_axis) partials["mesh", "twist"] = d_dthetay.flatten() nn = nx * ny * 9 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][:nn] = np.tile(mats.flatten(), nx) # Quarter chord direct contribution. eye = np.tile(np.eye(3).flatten(), ny).reshape(ny, 3, 3) d_qch = (eye - mats).flatten() nqc = ny * 9 partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][:nqc] += (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_qch partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn - nqc : nn] += self.ref_axis_pos * d_qch if rotate_x: dmats_dthx = np.zeros((ny, 3, 3)) dmats_dthx[:, 1, 0] = cos_rtx * sin_rty dmats_dthx[:, 1, 1] = -sin_rtx dmats_dthx[:, 1, 2] = -cos_rtx * cos_rty dmats_dthx[:, 2, 0] = sin_rtx * sin_rty dmats_dthx[:, 2, 1] = cos_rtx dmats_dthx[:, 2, 2] = -sin_rtx * cos_rty d_dthetax = np.einsum("ikj, mij -> mik", dmats_dthx, mesh - ref_axis) d_dq = np.einsum("ijk, jm -> ijkm", d_dthetax, dthx_dq) d_dq_flat = d_dq.flatten() del_n = nn - 9 * ny nn2 = nn + del_n nn3 = nn2 + del_n partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn:nn2] = (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_dq_flat[-del_n:] partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn2:nn3] = self.ref_axis_pos * d_dq_flat[:del_n] # Contribution back to main diagonal. del_n = 9 * ny partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][:nqc] += (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_dq_flat[:del_n] partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn - nqc : nn] += self.ref_axis_pos * d_dq_flat[-del_n:] # Quarter chord direct contribution. d_qch_od = np.tile(d_qch.flatten(), nx - 1) partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn:nn2] += (1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_qch_od partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn2:nn3] += self.ref_axis_pos * d_qch_od # off-off diagonal pieces if symmetry: d_dq_flat = d_dq[:, :-1, :, :].flatten() del_n = nn - 9 * nx nn4 = nn3 + del_n partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn3:nn4] = -(1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_dq_flat nn5 = nn4 + del_n partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn4:nn5] = -self.ref_axis_pos * d_dq_flat else: d_dq_flat1 = d_dq[:, :root_index, :, :].flatten() d_dq_flat2 = d_dq[:, root_index + 1 :, :, :].flatten() del_n = nx * root_index * 9 nn4 = nn3 + del_n partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn3:nn4] = -(1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_dq_flat1 nn5 = nn4 + del_n partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn4:nn5] = -(1 - self.ref_axis_pos) * d_dq_flat2 nn6 = nn5 + del_n partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn5:nn6] = -self.ref_axis_pos * d_dq_flat1 nn7 = nn6 + del_n partials["mesh", "in_mesh"][nn6:nn7] = -self.ref_axis_pos * d_dq_flat2