""" Utility for quickly generating a multi-section user specificed OAS mesh
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def generate_mesh(surface):
Automatically generates meshes for single and multi-section wings using the OpenAeroStruct surface dictionary.
surface : dict
OpenAeroStruct surface or multi-section surface dictionary.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Nodal mesh defining the aerodynamic surface.
sec_mesh : list
List of nodal meshes corresponding to each section in a multi-section surface.
# Get Data
num_sections = surface["num_sections"]
symmetry = surface["symmetry"]
if symmetry or num_sections == 1:
root_section = num_sections - 1
if "root_section" not in surface.keys():
raise Exception("The root section of an asymmetrical mesh needs to be identified")
root_section = surface["root_section"]
# Geometry data dictionary
section_data = {
"taper": surface["taper"],
"sweep": surface["sweep"],
"span": surface["span"],
"root_chord": surface["root_chord"],
if "bpanels" in surface.keys():
ny = surface["bpanels"] + 1
ny = surface["ny"]
if "cpanels" in surface.keys():
nx = surface["cpanels"] + 1
nx = surface["nx"]
# Generate the mesh data
panel_gx, panel_gy = generate_section_geometry(num_sections, symmetry, section_data, ny, nx, root_section)
# Sitch the mesh into a unified mesh and out in OAS format
panel_geom_x, panel_geom_y = stitch_section_geometry(num_sections, panel_gy, panel_gx)
mesh = output_oas_mesh(panel_geom_x, panel_geom_y)
# Produce meshes for each section in OAS format
sec_meshes = []
for section in range(num_sections):
sec_mesh = output_oas_mesh(panel_gx[section], panel_gy[section])
return mesh, sec_meshes
def generate_section_geometry(sections, symmetry, section_data, ny, nx, root_section):
Constructs the multi-section wing geometry specified by the user and generates a mesh for each section.
sections : int
Integer for number of wing sections specified
symmetry : bool
Bool inidicating if the funciton should only generate the left span of the wing
section_data : dict
Dictionary with arrays corresponding the taper, span, sweep, and root chord of each section
ny : numpy array
Array with ints correponding to the number of spanwise points per section
nx : int
Number of chordwise points
The section number that should be treated as the root section(y=0 origin)
panel_gx : List
List containing the mesh x-coordinates for each section
panel_gy : List
List containing the mesh y-coordinates for each section
# Preallocate the lists
panel_gy = [None] * sections
panel_gx = [None] * sections
# Jump to root section and build left wing
for sec in np.arange(root_section, -1, -1):
taper = section_data["taper"][sec]
b = section_data["span"][sec]
le_lambda = section_data["sweep"][sec]
if sec == root_section:
root_c = section_data["root_chord"]
root_te = 0
root_y = 0
root_c = np.abs(panel_gx[sec + 1][0, 0] - panel_gx[sec + 1][nx - 1, 0])
root_te = panel_gx[sec + 1][nx - 1, 0]
root_y = panel_gy[sec + 1][0]
tip_c = root_c * taper
root_le = root_c + root_te
tip_le = root_le - b * np.tan(le_lambda)
tip_te = tip_le - tip_c
root_x = np.linspace(root_le, root_te, nx)
if tip_le == tip_te:
tip_x = tip_le * np.ones(len(root_x))
tip_x = np.linspace(tip_le, tip_te, len(root_x))
panel_geom_y = np.zeros(ny[sec])
panel_geom_x = np.zeros([nx, ny[sec]])
panel_geom_y = np.linspace(root_y - b, root_y, ny[sec])
for i in range(len(root_x)):
panel_geom_x[i, :] = root_x[i] - ((tip_x[i] - root_x[i]) / b) * (panel_geom_y - root_y)
panel_gy[sec] = panel_geom_y
panel_gx[sec] = panel_geom_x
# Build the right wing if asymmetrical
if not symmetry:
for sec in np.arange(root_section + 1, sections):
taper = section_data["taper"][sec]
b = section_data["span"][sec]
le_lambda = section_data["sweep"][sec]
root_c = np.abs(panel_gx[sec - 1][0, -1] - panel_gx[sec - 1][nx - 1, -1])
tip_c = root_c * taper
root_y = panel_gy[sec - 1][-1]
root_te = panel_gx[sec - 1][nx - 1, 0]
root_le = root_c + root_te
tip_le = root_le + b * np.tan(le_lambda)
tip_te = tip_le - tip_c
root_x = np.linspace(root_le, root_te, nx)
if tip_le == tip_te:
tip_x = tip_le * np.ones(len(root_x))
tip_x = np.linspace(tip_le, tip_te, len(root_x))
panel_geom_y = np.zeros(ny[sec])
panel_geom_x = np.zeros([nx, ny[sec]])
panel_geom_y[0 : ny[sec]] = np.linspace(root_y, root_y + b, ny[sec])
for i in range(len(root_x)):
panel_geom_x[i, :] = root_x[i] + ((tip_x[i] - root_x[i]) / (b / 2)) * (panel_geom_y - root_y)
panel_gy[sec] = panel_geom_y
panel_gx[sec] = panel_geom_x
return panel_gx, panel_gy
def stitch_section_geometry(sections, panel_gy, panel_gx):
Combines the split section array into singular unified mesh
sections : int
Integer for number of wing sections specified
panel_gx : List
List containing the mesh x-coordinates for each section
panel_gy : List
List containing the mesh y-coordinates for each section
panel_geom_x : numpy array
Array of the mesh x-coordinates
panel_geom_y : numpy array
Array of the mesh y-coordinates
# Stitch the results into a singular mesh
if sections > 1:
panel_geom_y = panel_gy[0][:-1]
panel_geom_x = panel_gx[0][:, :-1]
for i in np.arange(1, sections - 1):
panel_geom_y = np.concatenate((panel_geom_y, panel_gy[i][:-1]))
panel_geom_x = np.concatenate((panel_geom_x, panel_gx[i][:, :-1]), axis=1)
panel_geom_y = np.concatenate((panel_geom_y, panel_gy[sections - 1]))
panel_geom_x = np.concatenate((panel_geom_x, panel_gx[sections - 1]), axis=1)
panel_geom_y = panel_gy[0]
panel_geom_x = panel_gx[0]
return panel_geom_x, panel_geom_y
def reflect_symmetric(panel_geom_x, panel_geom_y):
Reflects the mesh over y=0
panel_geom_x : numpy array
Array of the mesh x-coordinates
panel_geom_y : numpy array
Array of the mesh y-coordinates
panel_geom_x : numpy array
Array of the mesh x-coordinates
panel_geom_y : numpy array
Array of the mesh y-coordinates
panel_geom_x = np.hstack((panel_geom_x, panel_geom_x))
panel_geom_y = np.hstack((panel_geom_y, -panel_geom_y))
return panel_geom_x, panel_geom_y
def output_oas_mesh(panel_geom_x, panel_geom_y):
Outputs the mesh in OAS format
panel_geom_x : numpy array
2D array of the mesh x-coordinates
panel_geom_y : numpy array
1D array of the mesh y-coordinates
mesh : numpy array
3-D array with the OAS format mesh
panel_geom_y = np.broadcast_to(panel_geom_y, (panel_geom_x.shape[0], len(panel_geom_y)))
mesh = np.zeros((panel_geom_x.shape[0], panel_geom_y.shape[1], 3))
mesh[:, :, 0] = panel_geom_x[::-1]
mesh[:, :, 1] = panel_geom_y
return mesh
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Runs the mesh generator to be run independently of OAS. Example 2 section mesh provided."""
surface = {
# Wing definition
# Basic surface parameters
"name": "surface",
"num_sections": 2, # The number of sections in the multi-section surface
"sec_name": ["sec0", "sec1"], # names of the individual sections
"symmetry": True, # if true, model one half of wing. reflected across the midspan of the root section
"S_ref_type": "wetted", # how we compute the wing area,
# can be 'wetted' or 'projected'
"root_section": 1,
# Geometry Parameters
"taper": np.array([1.0, 1.0]), # Wing taper for each section
"span": np.array([1.0, 1.0]), # Wing span for each section
"sweep": np.array([0.0, 0.0]), # Wing sweep for each section
"chord_cp": [np.array([1, 1]), np.array([1.0, 0.2])],
# "sec_chord_cp": [np.ones(1),2*np.ones(1),3*np.ones(1)], #Chord B-spline control points for each section
"root_chord": 1.0, # Wing root chord for each section
# Mesh Parameters
"meshes": "gen-meshes", # Supply a mesh for each section or "gen-meshes" for automatic mesh generation
"nx": 2, # Number of chordwise points. Same for all sections
"ny": np.array([2, 2]), # Number of spanwise points for each section
# Aerodynamic Parameters
"CL0": 0.0, # CL of the surface at alpha=0
"CD0": 0.015, # CD of the surface at alpha=0
# Airfoil properties for viscous drag calculation
"k_lam": 0.05, # percentage of chord with laminar
# flow, used for viscous drag
"sec_t_over_c_cp": [np.array([0.15]), np.array([0.15])], # thickness over chord ratio (NACA0015)
"sec_c_max_t": 0.303, # chordwise location of maximum (NACA0015)
# thickness
"with_viscous": False, # if true, compute viscous drag
"with_wave": False, # if true, compute wave drag
"groundplane": False,
meshT, sec_meshes = generate_mesh(surface)
def plot_meshes(meshes):
"""this function plots to plot the mesh"""
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
for i, mesh in enumerate(meshes):
mesh_x = mesh[:, :, 0]
mesh_y = mesh[:, :, 1]
color = "k"
for i in range(mesh_x.shape[0]):
plt.plot(mesh_y[i, :], mesh_x[i, :], color, lw=1)
# plt.plot(-mesh_y[i, :], mesh_x[i, :], color, lw=1) # plots the other side of symmetric wing
for j in range(mesh_x.shape[1]):
plt.plot(mesh_y[:, j], mesh_x[:, j], color, lw=1)
# plt.plot(-mesh_y[:, j], mesh_x[:, j], color, lw=1) # plots the other side of symmetric wing
plt.xlabel("y (m)")
plt.ylabel("x (m)")