""" Manipulate geometry mesh based on high-level design parameters. """
import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
from pygeo import DVGeometry
except ImportError:
class GeometryMesh(om.ExplicitComponent):
OpenMDAO component that performs mesh manipulation functions. It reads in
the initial mesh from the surface dictionary and outputs the altered
mesh based on the geometric design variables.
Depending on the design variables selected or the supplied geometry information,
only some of the follow parameters will actually be given to this component.
If parameters are not active (they do not deform the mesh), then
they will not be given to this component.
mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Modified mesh based on the initial mesh in the surface dictionary and
the geometric design variables.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surface", types=dict)
self.options.declare("DVGeo", types=DVGeometry)
def setup(self):
self.surface = surface = self.options["surface"]
self.mx, self.my = self.surface["mx"], self.surface["my"]
self.DVGeo = self.options["DVGeo"]
# Associate a 'reference axis' for large-scale manipulation
self.DVGeo.addRefAxis("wing_axis", xFraction=0.25, alignIndex="i")
# Now add local (shape) variables
self.DVGeo.addLocalDV("shape", lower=-0.5, upper=0.5, axis="z")
pts = surface["mesh"].reshape(-1, 3)
self.DVGeo.addPointSet(pts, "surface")
coords = self.DVGeo.getLocalIndex(0)
self.inds = coords[:, 0, :]
self.inds2 = coords[:, 1, :]
self.add_input("shape", val=np.zeros((self.mx, self.my)), units="m")
self.add_output("mesh", val=surface["mesh"], units="m")
self.declare_partials("*", "*")
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
surface = self.surface
dvs = self.DVGeo.getValues()
for i, row in enumerate(self.inds):
for j, ind in enumerate(row):
ind2 = self.inds2[i, j]
dvs["shape"][ind] = inputs["shape"][i, j]
dvs["shape"][ind2] = inputs["shape"][i, j]
coords = self.DVGeo.update("surface")
mesh = coords.copy()
mesh = mesh.reshape(surface["mesh"].shape)
outputs["mesh"] = mesh
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
jac = self.DVGeo.JT["surface"].toarray().T
my_jac = partials["mesh", "shape"]
my_jac[:, :] = 0.0
for i, ind in enumerate(self.inds.flatten()):
ind2 = self.inds2.flatten()[i]
my_jac[:, i] += jac[:, ind]
my_jac[:, i] += jac[:, ind2]
partials["mesh", "shape"] = my_jac