import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
from openaerostruct.utils.constants import grav_constant
class CenterOfGravity(om.ExplicitComponent):
Compute the center of gravity of the entire aircraft based on the inputted W0
and its corresponding cg and the weighted sum of each surface's structural
weight and location. We assume the fuel mass is acting at the cg point.
Note that we add information from each lifting surface.
structural_mass : float
Total weight of the structural spar for a given surface.
cg_location[3] : numpy array
Location of the structural spar's cg for a given surface.
total_weight : float
Total weight of the entire aircraft, including W0, all structural weights,
and fuel.
fuelburn : float
Computed fuel burn in kg based on the Breguet range equation.
W0 : float
The operating empty weight of the aircraft, without fuel or structural
mass. Supplied in kg despite being a 'weight' due to convention.
load_factor : float
Multiplicative factor on gravity. 1.0 is normal flight; 2.5 would be
for a 2.5g manuever.
empty_cg[3] : numpy array
The location of the cg of the empty aircraft, without considering
the structural spar or fuel mass's contribution to the cg location.
cg[3] : numpy array
The x, y, z coordinates of the center of gravity for the entire aircraft.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list)
def setup(self):
arange = np.arange(3)
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
name = surface["name"]
self.add_input(name + "_structural_mass", val=1.0, units="kg")
self.add_input(name + "_cg_location", val=np.ones(3), units="m")
self.declare_partials("cg", name + "_cg_location", rows=arange, cols=arange)
self.declare_partials("cg", name + "_structural_mass")
self.add_input("total_weight", val=1000.0, units="N")
self.add_input("fuelburn", val=1.5, units="kg")
self.add_input("W0", val=123.0, units="kg")
self.add_input("load_factor", val=1.05)
self.add_input("empty_cg", val=np.ones((3)), units="m")
self.add_output("cg", val=np.ones(3), units="m")
self.declare_partials("cg", "total_weight")
self.declare_partials("cg", "W0")
self.declare_partials("cg", "fuelburn")
self.declare_partials("cg", "load_factor")
self.declare_partials("cg", "empty_cg", rows=arange, cols=arange)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
g = grav_constant * inputs["load_factor"]
W0_cg = inputs["W0"] * inputs["empty_cg"]
spar_cg = np.zeros(3)
# Loop through the surfaces and compute the weighted cg location
# of all structural spars
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
name = surface["name"]
spar_cg = spar_cg + inputs[name + "_cg_location"] * inputs[name + "_structural_mass"]
# Compute the total cg of the aircraft based on the empty weight cg and
# the structures cg. Here we assume the fuel weight is at the cg.
outputs["cg"] = (W0_cg + spar_cg) / (inputs["total_weight"] / g - inputs["fuelburn"])
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
g = grav_constant * inputs["load_factor"]
W0 = inputs["W0"]
cg = inputs["empty_cg"]
fb = inputs["fuelburn"]
tw = inputs["total_weight"]
W0_cg = W0 * cg
spar_cg = np.zeros(3)
# Loop through the surfaces and compute the weighted cg location
# of all structural spars
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
name = surface["name"]
spar_cg = spar_cg + inputs[name + "_cg_location"] * inputs[name + "_structural_mass"]
partials["cg", "total_weight"] = -g * (W0_cg + spar_cg) / (tw - fb * g) ** 2
partials["cg", "fuelburn"] = g**2 * (W0_cg + spar_cg) / (tw - fb * g) ** 2
partials["cg", "load_factor"] = grav_constant * tw * (W0_cg + spar_cg) / (tw - fb * g) ** 2
partials["cg", "empty_cg"] = W0 / (tw / g - fb)
partials["cg", "W0"] = cg / (tw / g - fb)
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
name = surface["name"]
partials["cg", name + "_cg_location"] = -g * inputs[name + "_structural_mass"] / (fb * g - tw)
partials["cg", name + "_structural_mass"] = -inputs[name + "_cg_location"] * g / (fb * g - tw)