import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
class WaveDrag(om.ExplicitComponent):
Compute the wave drag if the with_wave option is True. If not, the CDw is 0.
This component exists for each lifting surface.
Mach_number : float
Mach number.
widths[ny-1] : numpy array
The width in the spanwise direction of each VLM panel. This is the numerator of cos(sweep).
lengths_spanwise[ny-1] : numpy array
The spanwise length of each VLM panel at 1/4 chord, rotated by the sweep angle. This is the denominator
of cos(sweep)
CL : float
The CL of the lifting surface used for wave drag estimation.
chords[ny] : numpy array
The chord length of each mesh slice. This is dimension ny rather than ny-1 which would be
expected for chord length of each VLM panel.
t_over_c[ny-1] : numpy array
The streamwise thickness-to-chord ratio of each VLM panel.
CDw : float
Wave drag coefficient for the lifting surface computed using equations based on the
Korn equation
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surface", types=dict)
self.options.declare("with_wave", types=bool)
def setup(self):
self.surface = surface = self.options["surface"]
self.with_wave = surface["with_wave"]
# Thickness over chord for the airfoil
self.ka = 0.95 # airfoil technology level (for NASA SC airfoil)
ny = surface["mesh"].shape[1]
self.add_input("Mach_number", val=1.6, tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("widths", val=np.ones((ny - 1)) * 0.2, units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
"lengths_spanwise", val=np.arange((ny - 1)) + 1.0, units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"]
) # set to np.arange so that d_CDw_d_chords is nonzero
self.add_input("CL", val=0.33)
self.add_input("chords", val=np.ones((ny)), units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
self.add_input("t_over_c", val=np.arange((ny - 1)), tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_output("CDw", val=0.0)
self.declare_partials("CDw", "*")
self.set_check_partial_options(wrt="*", method="cs", step=1e-50)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
if self.with_wave:
t_over_c = inputs["t_over_c"]
widths = inputs["widths"]
cos_sweep = widths / inputs["lengths_spanwise"]
M = inputs["Mach_number"]
chords = inputs["chords"]
CL = inputs["CL"]
panel_mid_chords = (chords[:-1] + chords[1:]) / 2.0
panel_areas = panel_mid_chords * widths
sum_panel_areas = np.sum(panel_areas)
avg_cos_sweep = np.sum(cos_sweep * panel_areas) / sum_panel_areas # weighted average of 1/4 chord sweep
avg_t_over_c = np.sum(t_over_c * panel_areas) / sum_panel_areas # weighted average of streamwise t/c
MDD = self.ka / avg_cos_sweep - avg_t_over_c / avg_cos_sweep**2 - CL / (10 * avg_cos_sweep**3)
Mcrit = MDD - (0.1 / 80.0) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
if np.real(M) > np.real(Mcrit):
outputs["CDw"] = 20 * (M - Mcrit) ** 4
outputs["CDw"] = 0.0
if self.surface["symmetry"]:
outputs["CDw"] *= 2
outputs["CDw"] = 0.0
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
"""Jacobian for wave drag."""
# Explicitly zero out the partials to begin, we can't assume the input partials arrays contain zeros already
partials["CDw", "CL"][:] = 0.0
partials["CDw", "lengths_spanwise"][:] = 0.0
partials["CDw", "widths"][:] = 0.0
partials["CDw", "Mach_number"][:] = 0.0
partials["CDw", "chords"][:] = 0.0
partials["CDw", "t_over_c"][:] = 0.0
if self.with_wave:
ny = self.surface["mesh"].shape[1]
t_over_c = inputs["t_over_c"]
widths = inputs["widths"]
lengths_spanwise = inputs["lengths_spanwise"]
cos_sweep = widths / lengths_spanwise
M = inputs["Mach_number"]
chords = inputs["chords"]
CL = inputs["CL"]
panel_mid_chords = (chords[:-1] + chords[1:]) / 2.0
panel_areas = panel_mid_chords * widths
sum_panel_areas = np.sum(panel_areas)
avg_cos_sweep = np.sum(cos_sweep * panel_areas) / sum_panel_areas
avg_t_over_c = np.sum(t_over_c * panel_areas) / sum_panel_areas
MDD = self.ka / avg_cos_sweep - avg_t_over_c / avg_cos_sweep**2 - CL / (10 * avg_cos_sweep**3)
Mcrit = MDD - (0.1 / 80.0) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
if np.real(M) > np.real(Mcrit):
dCDwdMDD = -80 * (M - Mcrit) ** 3
dMDDdCL = -1.0 / (10 * avg_cos_sweep**3)
dMDDdavg = (-10 * self.ka * avg_cos_sweep**2 + 20 * avg_t_over_c * avg_cos_sweep + 3 * CL) / (
10 * avg_cos_sweep**4
dMDDdtoc = -1.0 / (avg_cos_sweep**2)
dtocavgdtoc = panel_areas / sum_panel_areas
ccos = np.sum(widths * panel_mid_chords)
ccos2w = np.sum(panel_mid_chords * widths**2 / lengths_spanwise)
davgdcos = (
2 * panel_mid_chords * widths / lengths_spanwise / ccos - panel_mid_chords * ccos2w / ccos**2
dtocdcos = (
panel_mid_chords * t_over_c / ccos
- panel_mid_chords * np.sum(panel_mid_chords * widths * t_over_c) / ccos**2
davgdw = -1 * panel_mid_chords * widths**2 / lengths_spanwise**2 / ccos
davgdc = widths**2 / lengths_spanwise / ccos - widths * ccos2w / ccos**2
dtocdc = t_over_c * widths / ccos - widths * np.sum(panel_mid_chords * widths * t_over_c) / ccos**2
dcdchords = np.zeros((ny - 1, ny))
i, j = np.indices(dcdchords.shape)
dcdchords[i == j] = 0.5
dcdchords[i == j - 1] = 0.5
partials["CDw", "Mach_number"] = -1 * dCDwdMDD
partials["CDw", "CL"] = dCDwdMDD * dMDDdCL
partials["CDw", "lengths_spanwise"] = dCDwdMDD * dMDDdavg * davgdw
partials["CDw", "widths"] = dCDwdMDD * dMDDdavg * davgdcos + dCDwdMDD * dMDDdtoc * dtocdcos
partials["CDw", "chords"] = dCDwdMDD * dMDDdavg * np.matmul(
davgdc, dcdchords
) + dCDwdMDD * dMDDdtoc * np.matmul(dtocdc, dcdchords)
partials["CDw", "t_over_c"] = dCDwdMDD * dMDDdtoc * dtocavgdtoc
if self.surface["symmetry"]:
partials["CDw", "CL"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDw", "lengths_spanwise"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDw", "widths"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDw", "Mach_number"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDw", "chords"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDw", "t_over_c"][0, :] *= 2