import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
class ViscousDrag(om.ExplicitComponent):
Compute the skin friction drag if the with_viscous option is True.
If not, the CDv is 0.
This component exists for each lifting surface.
re : float
Dimensionalized (1/length) Reynolds number. This is used to compute the
local Reynolds number based on the local chord length.
Mach_number : float
Mach number.
S_ref : float
The reference area of the lifting surface.
sweep : float
The angle (in degrees) of the wing sweep. This is used in the form
factor calculation.
widths[ny-1] : numpy array
The spanwise width of each panel.
lengths[ny] : numpy array
The sum of the lengths of each line segment along a chord section.
t_over_c[ny-1] : numpy array
The streamwise thickness-to-chord ratio of each VLM panel.
CDv : float
Viscous drag coefficient for the lifting surface computed using flat
plate skin friction coefficient and a form factor to account for wing
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surface", types=dict)
self.options.declare("with_viscous", types=bool)
def setup(self):
self.surface = surface = self.options["surface"]
self.with_viscous = surface["with_viscous"]
# Percentage of chord with laminar flow
self.k_lam = surface["k_lam"]
# Thickness over chord for the airfoil
self.c_max_t = surface["c_max_t"]
ny = surface["mesh"].shape[1]
self.add_input("re", val=5.0e6, units="1/m", tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("Mach_number", val=1.6, tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("S_ref", val=1.0, units="m**2", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
self.add_input("widths", val=np.ones((ny - 1)) * 0.2, units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
self.add_input("lengths_spanwise", val=np.arange((ny - 1)) + 1.0, units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
self.add_input("lengths", val=np.ones((ny)), units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
self.add_input("t_over_c", val=np.arange((ny - 1)), tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_output("CDv", val=0.0)
self.declare_partials("CDv", "*")
self.set_check_partial_options(wrt="*", method="cs", step=1e-50)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
if self.with_viscous:
re = inputs["re"]
M = inputs["Mach_number"]
S_ref = inputs["S_ref"]
widths = inputs["widths"]
lengths = inputs["lengths"]
cos_sweep = inputs["widths"] / inputs["lengths_spanwise"]
t_over_c = inputs["t_over_c"]
# Take panel chord length to be average of its edge lengths
chords = (lengths[1:] + lengths[:-1]) / 2.0
Re_c = re * chords
cdturb_total = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c)) ** 2.58 / (1.0 + 0.144 * M**2) ** 0.65
cdlam_tr = 1.328 / np.sqrt(Re_c * self.k_lam)
# Use eq. 12.27 of Raymer for turbulent Cf
if self.k_lam == 0:
cdlam_tr = 0.0
cdturb_tr = 0.0
elif self.k_lam < 1.0:
cdturb_tr = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c * self.k_lam)) ** 2.58 / (1.0 + 0.144 * M**2) ** 0.65
cdturb_total = 0.0
cdturb_tr = 0.0
cd = (cdlam_tr - cdturb_tr) * self.k_lam + cdturb_total
# Multiply by section width to get total normalized drag for section
d_over_q = 2 * cd * chords
# Calculate form factor (Raymer Eq. 12.30)
k_FF = 1.34 * M**0.18 * (1.0 + 0.6 * t_over_c / self.c_max_t + 100 * t_over_c**4)
FF = k_FF * cos_sweep**0.28
# Sum individual panel drags to get total drag
D_over_q = np.sum(d_over_q * widths * FF)
outputs["CDv"] = D_over_q / S_ref
if self.surface["symmetry"]:
outputs["CDv"] *= 2
outputs["CDv"] = 0.0
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
"""Jacobian for viscous drag."""
partials["CDv", "lengths"] = np.zeros_like(partials["CDv", "lengths"])
re = inputs["re"]
t_over_c = inputs["t_over_c"]
if self.with_viscous:
M = inputs["Mach_number"]
S_ref = inputs["S_ref"]
widths = inputs["widths"]
lengths = inputs["lengths"]
cos_sweep = widths / inputs["lengths_spanwise"]
# Take panel chord length to be average of its edge lengths
chords = (lengths[1:] + lengths[:-1]) / 2.0
Re_c = re * chords
cdturb_total = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c)) ** 2.58 / (1.0 + 0.144 * M**2) ** 0.65
cdlam_tr = 1.328 / np.sqrt(Re_c * self.k_lam)
# Use eq. 12.27 of Raymer for turbulent Cf
if self.k_lam == 0:
cdlam_tr = 0.0
cdturb_tr = 0.0
elif self.k_lam < 1.0:
cdturb_tr = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c * self.k_lam)) ** 2.58 / (1.0 + 0.144 * M**2) ** 0.65
cdturb_total = 0.0
cdturb_tr = 0.0
cd = (cdlam_tr - cdturb_tr) * self.k_lam + cdturb_total
# Multiply by section width to get total normalized drag for section
d_over_q = 2 * cd * chords
# Calculate form factor (Raymer Eq. 12.30)
k_FF = 1.34 * M**0.18 * (1.0 + 0.6 * t_over_c / self.c_max_t + 100 * t_over_c**4)
FF = k_FF * cos_sweep**0.28
# Sum individual panel drags to get total drag
D_over_q = np.sum(d_over_q * widths * FF)
chords = (lengths[1:] + lengths[:-1]) / 2.0
Re_c = re * chords
cdl_Re = 0.0
cdt_Re = 0.0
cdT_Re = 0.0
B = (1.0 + 0.144 * M**2) ** 0.65
if self.k_lam == 0:
cdT_Re = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c)) ** 3.58 / B * -2.58 / np.log(10) / Re_c
elif self.k_lam < 1.0:
cdl_Re = 1.328 / (Re_c * self.k_lam) ** 1.5 * -0.5 * self.k_lam
cdt_Re = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c * self.k_lam)) ** 3.58 / B * -2.58 / np.log(10) / Re_c
cdT_Re = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c)) ** 3.58 / B * -2.58 / np.log(10) / Re_c
cdl_Re = 1.328 / (Re_c * self.k_lam) ** 1.5 * -0.5 * self.k_lam
cd_Re = (cdl_Re - cdt_Re) * self.k_lam + cdT_Re
CDv_lengths = 2 * widths * FF / S_ref * (d_over_q / 4 / chords + chords * cd_Re * re / 2.0)
partials["CDv", "lengths"][0, 1:] += CDv_lengths
partials["CDv", "lengths"][0, :-1] += CDv_lengths
partials["CDv", "lengths_spanwise"][0, :] = d_over_q / S_ref * (-0.28 * k_FF * cos_sweep**1.28)
partials["CDv", "S_ref"] = -D_over_q / S_ref**2
partials["CDv", "widths"][0, :] = d_over_q / S_ref * (FF + 0.28 * k_FF * cos_sweep**0.28)
partials["CDv", "t_over_c"] = (
d_over_q * widths * 1.34 * M**0.18 * (0.6 / self.c_max_t + 400 * t_over_c**3) * cos_sweep**0.28
) / S_ref
term = (-0.65 / (1 + 0.144 * M**2) ** 1.65) * 2 * 0.144 * M
dcdturb_total__dM = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c)) ** 2.58 * term
dcdturb_tr__dM = 0.455 / (np.log10(Re_c * self.k_lam)) ** 2.58 * term
if self.k_lam == 0:
dCd__dM = dcdturb_total__dM
elif self.k_lam < 1:
dCd__dM = -self.k_lam * dcdturb_tr__dM + dcdturb_total__dM
dCd__dM = 0.0
dd_over_q__dM = 2 * chords * dCd__dM
dk_ff__dM = 1.34 * 0.18 * M**-0.82 * (1.0 + 0.6 * t_over_c / self.c_max_t + 100 * t_over_c**4)
dFF__dM = dk_ff__dM * cos_sweep**0.28
dD_over_q__dM = np.sum(widths * (dd_over_q__dM * FF + dFF__dM * d_over_q))
partials["CDv", "Mach_number"] = dD_over_q__dM / S_ref
term = 0.455 / (1 + 0.144 * M**2) ** 0.65
dRe_c__dRe = chords
dcdturb_tr__dRe = (
* -2.58
/ np.log10(Re_c * self.k_lam) ** 3.58
/ (Re_c * self.k_lam * np.log(10))
* self.k_lam
* dRe_c__dRe
dcdlam_tr__dRe = -1.328 / 2.0 / (Re_c * self.k_lam) ** 1.5 * self.k_lam * dRe_c__dRe
dcdturb_total__dRe = term * -2.58 / np.log10(Re_c) ** 3.58 / (Re_c * np.log(10)) * dRe_c__dRe
if self.k_lam == 0:
dcd__dRe = dcdturb_total__dRe
elif self.k_lam < 1:
dcd__dRe = self.k_lam * (dcdlam_tr__dRe - dcdturb_tr__dRe) + dcdturb_total__dRe
dcd__dRe = 0.0
ddoq__dRe = 2 * chords * dcd__dRe
dDoq__dRe = np.sum(widths * ddoq__dRe * FF)
partials["CDv", "re"] = dDoq__dRe / S_ref
if self.surface["symmetry"]:
partials["CDv", "lengths"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDv", "lengths_spanwise"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDv", "S_ref"] *= 2
partials["CDv", "widths"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDv", "Mach_number"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDv", "re"][0, :] *= 2
partials["CDv", "t_over_c"][0, :] *= 2