import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
class RotateToWindFrame(om.ExplicitComponent):
Rotate the VLM Geometry from the standard aerodynamic to the wind frame.
In the wind frame the freestream will be along the x-axis.
This transformation is given by the following rotation matrix:
| x_wind | | cosb*cosa, -sinb, cosb*sina | | x_aero |
| y_wind | = | sinb*cosa, cosb, sinb*sina | . | y_aero |
| z_wind | | -sina, 0, cosa | | z_aero |
Where "a" is the angle of attack and "b" is the sideslip angle.
def_mesh[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Array defining the nodal coordinates of the lifting surface in aero
bound_vecs[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array
The vectors representing the bound vortices for each panel in the
This array contains points for all lifting surfaces in the problem.
coll_pts[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array
The xyz coordinates of the collocation points used in the VLM analysis.
This array contains points for all lifting surfaces in the problem.
force_pts[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array
The xyz coordinates of the force points used in the VLM analysis.
We evaluate the velocity of the air at these points to get the sectional
forces acting on the panel. This includes both the freestream and the
induced velocity acting at these points.
This array contains points for all lifting surfaces in the problem.
normals[nx-1, ny-1, 3] : numpy array
The normal vector for each panel in aero frame, computed as the cross of
the two diagonals from the mesh points.
rotational_velocities[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array
The rotated freestream velocities at each evaluation point for all
lifting surfaces.
This array contains points for all lifting surfaces in the problem.
alpha : float
Angle of attack in degrees.
beta : float
Sideslip angle in degrees.
def_mesh_w_frame[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
Array defining the nodal coordinates of the lifting surface in wind
bound_vecs_w_frame[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array
Bound points for the horseshoe vortices in wind frame.
coll_pts_w_frame[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array
Collocation points on the 3/4 chord line where the flow tangency
condition is satisfed in wind frame.
force_pts_w_frame[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array
Force pts in wind frame.
normals_w_frame[nx-1, ny-1, 3] : numpy array
The normal vector for each panel in wind frame.
rotational_velocities_w_frame[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array
Velocity component at collecation points due to rotational velocity in
wind frame.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list)
"rotational", False, types=bool, desc="Set to True to turn on support for computing angular velocities"
def setup(self):
surfaces = self.options["surfaces"]
rotational = self.options["rotational"]
# Loop through all the surfaces to determine the total number
# of evaluation points.
num_eval_points = 0
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
num_eval_points += (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
self.add_input("alpha", val=0.0, units="rad", tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("beta", val=0.0, units="rad", tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("coll_pts", shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m")
self.add_input("force_pts", shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m")
self.add_input("bound_vecs", shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m")
self.add_output("coll_pts_w_frame", shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m")
self.add_output("force_pts_w_frame", shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m")
self.add_output("bound_vecs_w_frame", shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m")
if rotational:
self.add_input("rotational_velocities", shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m/s")
self.add_output("rotational_velocities_w_frame", shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m/s")
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = surface["name"]
mesh_name = "{}_def_mesh".format(name)
self.add_input(mesh_name, shape=(nx, ny, 3), units="m")
normals_name = "{}_normals".format(name)
self.add_input(normals_name, shape=(nx - 1, ny - 1, 3))
mesh_name = "{}_def_mesh_w_frame".format(name)
self.add_output(mesh_name, shape=(nx, ny, 3), units="m")
normals_name = "{}_normals_w_frame".format(name)
self.add_output(normals_name, shape=(nx - 1, ny - 1, 3))
# We'll compute all of sensitivities associated with angle of attack and
# sideslip number through complex-step. Since it's a scalar this is
# pretty cheap.
self.declare_partials("*", "alpha", method="cs")
self.declare_partials("*", "beta", method="cs")
self.set_check_partial_options(wrt=["alpha", "beta"], method="fd", step=1e-8)
row = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])
col = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])
rows = np.tile(row, num_eval_points) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(num_eval_points), 9)
cols = np.tile(col, num_eval_points) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(num_eval_points), 9)
self.declare_partials("coll_pts_w_frame", "coll_pts", rows=rows, cols=cols)
self.declare_partials("force_pts_w_frame", "force_pts", rows=rows, cols=cols)
self.declare_partials("bound_vecs_w_frame", "bound_vecs", rows=rows, cols=cols)
if rotational:
self.declare_partials("rotational_velocities_w_frame", "rotational_velocities", rows=rows, cols=cols)
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = surface["name"]
nn = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
rows = np.tile(row, nn) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(nn), 9)
cols = np.tile(col, nn) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(nn), 9)
wrt_name = "{}_normals".format(name)
of_name = "{}_normals_w_frame".format(name)
self.declare_partials(of_name, wrt_name, rows=rows, cols=cols)
nn = nx * ny
rows = np.tile(row, nn) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(nn), 9)
cols = np.tile(col, nn) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(nn), 9)
wrt_name = "{}_def_mesh".format(name)
of_name = "{}_def_mesh_w_frame".format(name)
self.declare_partials(of_name, wrt_name, rows=rows, cols=cols)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
rotational = self.options["rotational"]
alpha = inputs["alpha"]
beta = inputs["beta"]
cosa = np.cos(alpha).item()
sina = np.sin(alpha).item()
cosb = np.cos(beta).item()
sinb = np.sin(beta).item()
# Define aero->wind rotation matrix
Tw = np.array(
[[cosb * cosa, -sinb, cosb * sina], [sinb * cosa, cosb, sinb * sina], [-sina, 0, cosa]], alpha.dtype
# Use einsum for fast vectorized matrix multiplication
outputs["bound_vecs_w_frame"] = np.einsum("lk,jk->jl", Tw, inputs["bound_vecs"])
outputs["coll_pts_w_frame"] = np.einsum("lk,jk->jl", Tw, inputs["coll_pts"])
outputs["force_pts_w_frame"] = np.einsum("lk,jk->jl", Tw, inputs["force_pts"])
if rotational:
outputs["rotational_velocities_w_frame"] = np.einsum("lk,jk->jl", Tw, inputs["rotational_velocities"])
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
name = surface["name"]
wrt_name = "{}_def_mesh".format(name)
of_name = "{}_def_mesh_w_frame".format(name)
outputs[of_name] = np.einsum("lk,ijk->ijl", Tw, inputs[wrt_name])
wrt_name = "{}_normals".format(name)
of_name = "{}_normals_w_frame".format(name)
outputs[of_name] = np.einsum("lk,ijk->ijl", Tw, inputs[wrt_name])
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
rotational = self.options["rotational"]
alpha = inputs["alpha"]
beta = inputs["beta"]
cosa = np.cos(alpha).item()
sina = np.sin(alpha).item()
cosb = np.cos(beta).item()
sinb = np.sin(beta).item()
num_eval_pts = inputs["bound_vecs"].shape[0]
# Define aero->wind rotation matrix
Tw = np.array(
[[cosb * cosa, -sinb, cosb * sina], [sinb * cosa, cosb, sinb * sina], [-sina, 0, cosa]], alpha.dtype
partials["coll_pts_w_frame", "coll_pts"] = np.tile(Tw, num_eval_pts)
partials["force_pts_w_frame", "force_pts"] = np.tile(Tw, num_eval_pts)
partials["bound_vecs_w_frame", "bound_vecs"] = np.tile(Tw, num_eval_pts)
if rotational:
partials["rotational_velocities_w_frame", "rotational_velocities"] = np.tile(Tw, num_eval_pts)
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = surface["name"]
wrt_name = "{}_normals".format(name)
of_name = "{}_normals_w_frame".format(name)
nn = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
partials[of_name, wrt_name] = np.tile(Tw, nn)
wrt_name = "{}_def_mesh".format(name)
of_name = "{}_def_mesh_w_frame".format(name)
nn = nx * ny
partials[of_name, wrt_name] = np.tile(Tw, nn)
class RotateFromWindFrame(om.ExplicitComponent):
Rotate the aerodynamic sectional and nodal force vectors from the wind to
the standard aerodynamic frame. This is the reverse operation of the
RotateToWindFrame component.
This transformation is given by the following rotation matrix:
| F_x_aero | | cosb*cosa, sinb*cosa, -sina | | F_x_wind |
| F_y_aero | = | -sinb, cosb, 0 | . | F_y_wind |
| F_z_aero | | cosb*sina, sinb*sina, cosa | | F_z_wind |
Where "a" is the angle of attack and "b" is the sideslip angle.
sec_forces_w_frame[nx-1, ny-1, 3] : numpy array
Force vectors on each panel (lattice) in wind frame.
alpha : float
Angle of attack in degrees.
beta : float
Sideslip angle in degrees.
sec_forces[nx-1, ny-1, 3] : numpy array
Force vectors on each panel (lattice) in aero frame.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list)
def setup(self):
self.add_input("alpha", val=0.0, units="rad", tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("beta", val=0.0, units="rad", tags=["mphys_input"])
# We'll compute all of sensitivities associated with angle of attack and
# sideslip number through complex-step. Since it's a scalar this is
# pretty cheap.
self.declare_partials("*", "alpha", method="cs")
self.declare_partials("*", "beta", method="cs")
self.set_check_partial_options(wrt=["alpha", "beta"], method="fd", step=1e-8)
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = surface["name"]
wrt_name = "{}_sec_forces_w_frame".format(name)
of_name = "{}_sec_forces".format(name)
self.add_input(wrt_name, val=np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1, 3)), units="N")
self.add_output(of_name, val=np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1, 3)), units="N", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
row = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])
col = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])
nn = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
rows = np.tile(row, nn) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(nn), 9)
cols = np.tile(col, nn) + np.repeat(3 * np.arange(nn), 9)
self.declare_partials(of_name, wrt_name, rows=rows, cols=cols)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
alpha = inputs["alpha"]
beta = inputs["beta"]
cosa = np.cos(alpha).item()
sina = np.sin(alpha).item()
cosb = np.cos(beta).item()
sinb = np.sin(beta).item()
# Define aero->wind rotation matrix
# wind->aero rotation matrix is given by transpose
Tw = np.array(
[[cosb * cosa, -sinb, cosb * sina], [sinb * cosa, cosb, sinb * sina], [-sina, 0, cosa]], alpha.dtype
# Use einsum for fast vectorized matrix multiplication
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
name = surface["name"]
wrt_name = "{}_sec_forces_w_frame".format(name)
of_name = "{}_sec_forces".format(name)
outputs[of_name] = np.einsum("lk,ijk->ijl", Tw, inputs[wrt_name])
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
alpha = inputs["alpha"]
beta = inputs["beta"]
cosa = np.cos(alpha).item()
sina = np.sin(alpha).item()
cosb = np.cos(beta).item()
sinb = np.sin(beta).item()
# Define aero->wind rotation matrix
Tw = np.array(
[[cosb * cosa, -sinb, cosb * sina], [sinb * cosa, cosb, sinb * sina], [-sina, 0, cosa]], alpha.dtype
for surface in self.options["surfaces"]:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = surface["name"]
wrt_name = "{}_sec_forces_w_frame".format(name)
of_name = "{}_sec_forces".format(name)
nn = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
partials[of_name, wrt_name] = np.tile(Tw, nn)