import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
class PanelForcesSurf(om.ExplicitComponent):
Take in the computed panel forces and convert them to sectional forces
for each surface. Basically just takes the long array that has info
for all surfaces and creates a new output for each surface with only
that surface's panel forces.
panel_forces[system_size, 3] : numpy array
All of the forces acting on all panels in the total system.
sec_forces[nx-1, ny-1, 3] : numpy array
Only the panel forces for one individual lifting surface.
There is one of these per surface.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list)
def setup(self):
surfaces = self.options["surfaces"]
system_size = 0
# Loop through the surfaces to get the total system size
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
system_size += (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
arange = np.arange(3 * system_size)
self.add_input("panel_forces", shape=(system_size, 3), units="N")
# Loop through the surfaces and add the output of sec_forces based on
# the size of each surface. Here we keep track of the total indices
# from panel_forces to make sure the forces go to the correct output
ind1, ind2 = 0, 0
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = surface["name"]
sec_forces_name = "{}_sec_forces".format(name)
ind2 += (nx - 1) * (ny - 1) * 3
self.add_output(sec_forces_name, shape=(nx - 1, ny - 1, 3), units="N", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
rows = np.arange((nx - 1) * (ny - 1) * 3)
cols = arange[ind1:ind2]
self.declare_partials(sec_forces_name, "panel_forces", val=1.0, rows=rows, cols=cols)
ind1 += (nx - 1) * (ny - 1) * 3
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
surfaces = self.options["surfaces"]
ind1, ind2 = 0, 0
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = surface["name"]
sec_forces_name = "{}_sec_forces".format(name)
ind2 += (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
# Just pluck out the relevant forces and reshape them
outputs[sec_forces_name] = inputs["panel_forces"][ind1:ind2].reshape((nx - 1, ny - 1, 3))
ind1 += (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)