import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
from openaerostruct.utils.vector_algebra import compute_cross, compute_cross_deriv1, compute_cross_deriv2
class PanelForces(om.ExplicitComponent):
Compute the panel forces acting on all surfaces in the system.
rho : float
Air density at the flight condition.
horseshoe_circulations[system_size] : numpy array
The equivalent horseshoe circulations obtained by intelligently summing
the vortex ring circulations, accounting for overlaps between rings.
bound_vecs[system_size, 3] : numpy array
The vectors representing the bound vortices for each panel in the
This array contains points for all lifting surfaces in the problem.
force_pts_velocities[system_size, 3] : numpy array
The actual velocities experienced at the evaluation points for each
lifting surface in the system. This is the summation of the freestream
velocities and the induced velocities caused by the circulations.
panel_forces[system_size, 3] : numpy array
All of the forces acting on all panels in the total system.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list)
def setup(self):
surfaces = self.options["surfaces"]
system_size = 0
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
system_size += (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
self.system_size = system_size
self.add_input("rho", units="kg/m**3", tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("horseshoe_circulations", shape=system_size, units="m**2/s")
self.add_input("force_pts_velocities", shape=(system_size, 3), units="m/s")
self.add_input("bound_vecs", shape=(system_size, 3), units="m")
self.add_output("panel_forces", shape=(system_size, 3), units="N")
# Set up all the sparse Jacobians
rows=np.arange(3 * system_size),
cols=np.zeros(3 * system_size, int),
rows=np.arange(3 * system_size),
cols=np.outer(np.arange(system_size), np.ones(3, int)).flatten(),
np.arange(3 * system_size).reshape((system_size, 3)),
np.ones(3, int),
np.arange(3 * system_size).reshape((system_size, 3)),
np.ones(3, int),
np.arange(3 * system_size).reshape((system_size, 3)),
np.ones(3, int),
np.arange(3 * system_size).reshape((system_size, 3)),
np.ones(3, int),
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
rho = inputs["rho"][0]
horseshoe_circulations = np.outer(inputs["horseshoe_circulations"], np.ones(3))
velocities = inputs["force_pts_velocities"]
bound_vecs = inputs["bound_vecs"]
# Actually compute the forces by taking the cross of velocities acting
# at the force points with the bound vortex filament vector.
outputs["panel_forces"] = rho * horseshoe_circulations * compute_cross(velocities, bound_vecs)
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
rho = inputs["rho"][0]
horseshoe_circulations = np.outer(inputs["horseshoe_circulations"], np.ones(3))
velocities = inputs["force_pts_velocities"]
bound_vecs = inputs["bound_vecs"]
horseshoe_circulations_ones = np.einsum("i,jk->ijk", inputs["horseshoe_circulations"], np.ones((3, 3)))
deriv_array = np.einsum("i,jk->ijk", np.ones(self.system_size), np.eye(3))
partials["panel_forces", "rho"] = (horseshoe_circulations * compute_cross(velocities, bound_vecs)).flatten()
partials["panel_forces", "horseshoe_circulations"] = (rho * compute_cross(velocities, bound_vecs)).flatten()
partials["panel_forces", "force_pts_velocities"] = (
rho * horseshoe_circulations_ones * compute_cross_deriv1(deriv_array, bound_vecs)
partials["panel_forces", "bound_vecs"] = (
rho * horseshoe_circulations_ones * compute_cross_deriv2(velocities, deriv_array)