Class definition for the MeshPointForces component.
import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
class MeshPointForces(om.ExplicitComponent):
Component that simply converts the forces on the panel to an equivalent set of forces at the
mesh points.
Here we just assume the leading edge points take slightly more of the load so that the centroid
ends up at the quarter chord. The corresponding weights are stored in the le_wt and
te_wt options.
sec_forces[nx-1, ny-1, 3] : numpy array
The panel forces for each lifting surface.
There is one of these per surface.
mesh_point_forces[nx, ny, 3] : numpy array
The aeordynamic forces evaluated at the mesh nodes for each lifting surface.
There is one of these per surface.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list)
self.options.declare("le_wt", default=0.75 * 0.5)
self.options.declare("te_wt", default=0.25 * 0.5)
def setup(self):
surfaces = self.options["surfaces"]
le_wt = self.options["le_wt"]
te_wt = self.options["te_wt"]
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
name = surface["name"]
sec_forces_name = "{}_sec_forces".format(name)
mesh_point_forces_name = "{}_mesh_point_forces".format(name)
self.add_input(sec_forces_name, shape=(nx - 1, ny - 1, 3), units="N", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
# TODO: what should res_ref be when it was np.sqrt(self.comm.size)
self.add_output(mesh_point_forces_name, val=np.zeros((nx, ny, 3)), units="N", tags=["mphys_coupling"])
# Sparse partials
rowcol = np.arange(3 * (ny - 1))
row2 = rowcol + 3
rows1 = np.concatenate([rowcol, row2])
cols1 = np.concatenate([rowcol, rowcol])
le_rows = np.tile(rows1, nx - 1) + np.repeat(3 * ny * np.arange(nx - 1), 6 * (ny - 1))
te_le_cols = np.tile(cols1, nx - 1) + np.repeat(3 * (ny - 1) * np.arange(nx - 1), 6 * (ny - 1))
te_rows = le_rows + 3 * ny
rows = np.concatenate([le_rows, te_rows])
cols = np.concatenate([te_le_cols, te_le_cols])
nn = len(rows)
nn2 = int(nn / 2)
vals = np.empty((nn,))
vals[:nn2] = le_wt
vals[nn2:] = te_wt
self.declare_partials(mesh_point_forces_name, sec_forces_name, rows=rows, cols=cols, val=vals)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
Compute the forces on the nodmesh points from the panel section force.
surfaces = self.options["surfaces"]
le_wt = self.options["le_wt"]
te_wt = self.options["te_wt"]
for surface in surfaces:
name = surface["name"]
sec_forces_name = "{}_sec_forces".format(name)
mesh_point_forces_name = "{}_mesh_point_forces".format(name)
sec_forces = inputs[sec_forces_name]
outputs[mesh_point_forces_name][:] = 0.0
outputs[mesh_point_forces_name][:-1, :-1, :] += sec_forces * le_wt
outputs[mesh_point_forces_name][1:, :-1, :] += sec_forces * te_wt
outputs[mesh_point_forces_name][1:, 1:, :] += sec_forces * te_wt
outputs[mesh_point_forces_name][:-1, 1:, :] += sec_forces * le_wt