Source code for openaerostruct.aerodynamics.lift_coeff_2D

import numpy as np

import openmdao.api as om

[docs] class LiftCoeff2D(om.ExplicitComponent): """ Calculate 2D lift coefficient distribution based on section forces. This is for one given lifting surface. These are the sectional Cls. Parameters ---------- alpha : float Angle of attack in degrees. sec_forces[nx-1, ny-1, 3] : numpy array Flattened array containing the sectional forces acting on each panel. Stored in Fortran order (only relevant with more than one chordwise panel). widths[ny-1] : numpy array The spanwise widths of each individual panel. chords[ny] : numpy array The chordwise distance between the leading and trailing edges. v : float Freestream air velocity in m/s. rho : float Air density in kg/m^3. Returns ------- Cl[ny-1] : numpy array 2D lift coefficient distribution for the lifting surface. """ def initialize(self): self.options.declare("surface", types=dict) def setup(self): self.surface = surface = self.options["surface"] self.nx = surface["mesh"].shape[0] self.ny = surface["mesh"].shape[1] self.num_panels = (self.nx - 1) * (self.ny - 1) # Inputs self.add_input("alpha", val=3.0, units="deg", tags=["mphys_input"]) self.add_input("sec_forces", val=np.ones((self.nx - 1, self.ny - 1, 3)), units="N", tags=["mphys_coupling"]) self.add_input("widths", val=np.ones((self.ny - 1)) * 0.2, units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"]) self.add_input("chords", val=np.ones((self.ny)), units="m", tags=["mphys_coupling"]) self.add_input("v", val=1.0, units="m/s", tags=["mphys_input"]) self.add_input("rho", val=1.0, units="kg/m**3", tags=["mphys_input"]) # Outputs self.add_output("Cl", val=np.zeros((self.ny - 1))) self.declare_partials("Cl", "widths") self.declare_partials("Cl", "v") self.declare_partials("Cl", "rho") self.declare_partials("Cl", "alpha") # Added to declare Jacobian sparse arange = np.arange(self.ny - 1) rows = np.tile(arange, 2) cols = np.hstack((arange, arange + 1)) self.declare_partials("Cl", "chords", rows=rows, cols=cols) rows = np.tile(np.repeat(arange, 3), self.nx - 1) cols = np.arange((self.ny - 1) * (self.nx - 1) * 3) self.declare_partials("Cl", "sec_forces", rows=rows, cols=cols) def compute(self, inputs, outputs): # Input parameters alpha = inputs["alpha"] * np.pi / 180.0 cosa = np.cos(alpha) sina = np.sin(alpha) sec_forces = inputs["sec_forces"] widths = inputs["widths"] chords = inputs["chords"] v = inputs["v"] rho = inputs["rho"] # Lift distribution: dimensional l(y) = -Fx(y) sin(alpha) + Fz(y) cos(alpha) / widths(y) forces = np.sum(sec_forces, axis=0) # sum section forces in the chordwise x-direction: forces(ny,3) lift_dist = (-forces[:, 0] * sina + forces[:, 2] * cosa) / widths[:] # Mid-panel chord chord = 0.5 * (chords[1:] + chords[:-1]) # chord c(y) # Lift coefficient distribution outputs["Cl"] = lift_dist[:] / (0.5 * rho * v**2 * chord[:]) def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): """Jacobian for 2D lift coefficient distribution.""" # Input parameters alpha = inputs["alpha"] * np.pi / 180.0 cosa = np.cos(alpha) sina = np.sin(alpha) sec_forces = inputs["sec_forces"] widths = inputs["widths"] chords = inputs["chords"] v = inputs["v"] rho = inputs["rho"] # Lift distribution: dimensional l(y) = -Fx(y) sin(alpha) + Fz(y) cos(alpha) / widths(y) forces = np.sum(sec_forces, axis=0) # sum section forces in the chordwise x-direction: forces(ny,3) lift_dist = (-forces[:, 0] * sina + forces[:, 2] * cosa) / widths[:] # Mid-panel chord chord = 0.5 * (chords[1:] + chords[:-1]) # chord c(y) # Linearization of lift coefficient distribution # outputs['Cl'] = lift_dist[:] / ( 0.5 * rho * v**2 * chord[:] ) # Analytic derivatives for alpha p180 = np.pi / 180.0 partials["Cl", "alpha"] = ( p180 * (-forces[:, 0] * cosa - forces[:, 2] * sina) / widths[:] / (0.5 * rho * v**2 * chord[:]) ) # Analytic derivatives for sec_forces tmp = np.concatenate((-sina, np.array([0]), cosa)) # ### Replaced to vectorize computation # print(tmp) # for ix in range(self.nx-1): # for jy in range(self.ny-1): # for ind in range(3): # partials['Cl', 'sec_forces'][jy, ix*(self.ny-1)*3 + jy*3 + ind] = \ # tmp[ind] / widths[jy] / ( 0.5 * rho * v**2 * chord[jy] ) # partials["Cl", "sec_forces"] = np.ravel( np.tile(np.einsum("i,j,j->ji", tmp, 1 / widths, 1 / (0.5 * rho * v**2 * chord)), (self.nx - 1, 1)) ) # Analytic derivatives for widths partials["Cl", "widths"] = np.diag( -1.0 / widths[:] ** 2 * (-forces[:, 0] * sina + forces[:, 2] * cosa) / (0.5 * rho * v**2 * chord[:]) ) # Analytic derivatives for chords tmp_der = -1 / (0.5 * (chords[:-1] + chords[1:]) ** 2) * lift_dist / (0.5 * rho * v**2) partials["Cl", "chords"] = list(tmp_der) * 2 # ### Replaced to vectorize computation # for iy in range(self.ny-1): # partials['Cl', 'chords'][iy,iy ] = \ # -1. / ( 0.5 * (chords[iy] + chords[iy+1])**2 ) * \ # lift_dist[iy] / ( 0.5 * rho * v**2 ) # partials['Cl', 'chords'][iy,iy+1] = \ # -1. / ( 0.5 * (chords[iy] + chords[iy+1])**2 ) * \ # lift_dist[iy] / ( 0.5 * rho * v**2 ) # # Analytic derivatives for v partials["Cl", "v"] = -2.0 / v**3 * lift_dist[:] / (0.5 * rho * chord[:]) # Analytic derivatives for rho partials["Cl", "rho"] = -1.0 / rho**2 * lift_dist[:] / (0.5 * v**2 * chord[:])