Source code for openaerostruct.aerodynamics.eval_velocities

import numpy as np

import openmdao.api as om

[docs] class EvalVelocities(om.ExplicitComponent): """ Compute the total velocities at each of the evaluation points for every panel in the entire system. This is the sum of the freestream and induced velocities caused by the circulations. Parameters ---------- freestream_velocities[system_size, 3] : numpy array The rotated freestream velocities at each evaluation point for all lifting surfaces. system_size is the sum of the count of all panels for all lifting surfaces. circulations[system_size] : numpy array The vortex ring circulations obtained from solving the AIC linear system. vel_mtx[num_eval_points, nx - 1, ny - 1, 3] : numpy array The AIC matrix for the all lifting surfaces representing the aircraft. This has some sparsity pattern, but it is more dense than the FEM matrix and the entries have a wide range of magnitudes. One exists for each combination of surface name and evaluation points name. Returns ------- velocities[num_eval_points, 3] : numpy array The actual velocities experienced at the evaluation points for each lifting surface in the system. This is the summation of the freestream velocities and the induced velocities caused by the circulations. """ def initialize(self): self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list) self.options.declare("eval_name", types=str) self.options.declare("num_eval_points", types=int) def setup(self): surfaces = self.options["surfaces"] eval_name = self.options["eval_name"] num_eval_points = self.options["num_eval_points"] system_size = 0 # Determine system_size by looping through each surface and summing # the number of panels. for surface in surfaces: mesh = surface["mesh"] nx = mesh.shape[0] ny = mesh.shape[1] system_size += (nx - 1) * (ny - 1) self.system_size = system_size self.add_input("freestream_velocities", shape=(system_size, 3), units="m/s") self.add_input("circulations", shape=system_size, units="m**2/s", tags=["mphys_coupling"]) # Get the correct output name; the velocities output depends on which # set of evaluation points we use, either collocation or force. velocities_name = "{}_velocities".format(eval_name) self.add_output(velocities_name, shape=(num_eval_points, 3), units="m/s") # Set up indices to create the sparsity pattern for the derivatives. circulations_indices = np.arange(system_size) velocities_indices = np.arange(num_eval_points * 3).reshape((num_eval_points, 3)) self.declare_partials( velocities_name, "circulations", rows=np.einsum("ik,j->ijk", velocities_indices, np.ones(system_size, int)).flatten(), cols=np.einsum("ik,j->ijk", np.ones((num_eval_points, 3), int), circulations_indices).flatten(), ) # These derivatives are linear and don't change so we set the val here self.declare_partials( velocities_name, "freestream_velocities", val=1.0, rows=np.arange(3 * num_eval_points), cols=np.arange(3 * num_eval_points), ) # For each surface we need to correctly set up the sparsity pattern # based on the vel_mtx. This is pretty hairy due to the highly # dimensional nature of the vel_mtx. ind_1 = 0 ind_2 = 0 for surface in surfaces: mesh = surface["mesh"] nx = mesh.shape[0] ny = mesh.shape[1] name = surface["name"] num = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1) ind_2 += num vel_mtx_name = "{}_{}_vel_mtx".format(name, eval_name) self.add_input(vel_mtx_name, shape=(num_eval_points, nx - 1, ny - 1, 3), units="1/m") vel_mtx_indices = np.arange(num_eval_points * num * 3).reshape((num_eval_points, num, 3)) self.declare_partials( velocities_name, vel_mtx_name, rows=np.einsum("ik,j->ijk", velocities_indices, np.ones(num, int)).flatten(), cols=vel_mtx_indices.flatten(), ) ind_1 += num def compute(self, inputs, outputs): surfaces = self.options["surfaces"] eval_name = self.options["eval_name"] num_eval_points = self.options["num_eval_points"] velocities_name = "{}_velocities".format(eval_name) # Start with just the freestream velocities as the base for the output # velocities. outputs[velocities_name] = inputs["freestream_velocities"] ind_1 = 0 ind_2 = 0 for surface in surfaces: mesh = surface["mesh"] nx = mesh.shape[0] ny = mesh.shape[1] name = surface["name"] num = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1) ind_2 += num vel_mtx_name = "{}_{}_vel_mtx".format(name, eval_name) # Add the induced velocities; the contributions from the # circulations. outputs[velocities_name] += np.einsum( "ijk,j->ik", inputs[vel_mtx_name].reshape((num_eval_points, num, 3)), inputs["circulations"][ind_1:ind_2], ) ind_1 += num def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials): surfaces = self.options["surfaces"] eval_name = self.options["eval_name"] num_eval_points = self.options["num_eval_points"] system_size = self.system_size velocities_name = "{}_velocities".format(eval_name) dv_dcirc = np.zeros((num_eval_points, system_size, 3)) ind_1 = 0 ind_2 = 0 for surface in surfaces: mesh = surface["mesh"] nx = mesh.shape[0] ny = mesh.shape[1] name = surface["name"] num = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1) ind_2 += num vel_mtx_name = "{}_{}_vel_mtx".format(name, eval_name) partials[velocities_name, vel_mtx_name] = np.einsum( "ijk,j->ijk", np.ones((num_eval_points, num, 3)), inputs["circulations"][ind_1:ind_2], ).flatten() dv_dcirc[:, ind_1:ind_2, :] = inputs[vel_mtx_name].reshape((num_eval_points, num, 3)) ind_1 += num partials[velocities_name, "circulations"] = dv_dcirc.flatten()