import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
class ConvertVelocity(om.ExplicitComponent):
Convert the freestream velocity magnitude into a velocity vector at each
evaluation point. In this case, each of the panels sees the same velocity.
This really just helps us set up the velocities for use in the VLM analysis.
alpha : float
The angle of attack for the aircraft (all lifting surfaces) in degrees.
beta : float
The sideslip angle for the aircraft (all lifting surfaces) in degrees.
v : float
The freestream velocity magnitude.
rotational_velocities[system_size, 3] : numpy array
The rotated freestream velocities at each evaluation point for all
lifting surfaces. system_size is the sum of the count of all panels
for all lifting surfaces.
freestream_velocities[system_size, 3] : numpy array
The rotated freestream velocities at each evaluation point for all
lifting surfaces. system_size is the sum of the count of all panels
for all lifting surfaces.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list)
"rotational", False, types=bool, desc="Set to True to turn on support for computing angular velocities"
def setup(self):
surfaces = self.options["surfaces"]
rotational = self.options["rotational"]
system_size = 0
sizes = []
# Loop through each surface and cumulatively add the number of panels
# to obtain system_size.
for surface in surfaces:
mesh = surface["mesh"]
nx = mesh.shape[0]
ny = mesh.shape[1]
size = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1)
system_size += size
self.system_size = system_size
self.add_input("alpha", val=0.0, units="deg", tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("beta", val=0.0, units="deg", tags=["mphys_input"])
self.add_input("v", val=1.0, units="m/s", tags=["mphys_input"])
if rotational:
self.add_input("rotational_velocities", shape=(system_size, 3), units="m/s")
self.add_output("freestream_velocities", shape=(system_size, 3), units="m/s")
self.declare_partials("freestream_velocities", "alpha")
self.declare_partials("freestream_velocities", "beta")
self.declare_partials("freestream_velocities", "v")
if rotational:
nn = 3 * system_size
row_col = np.arange(nn)
val = np.ones((nn,))
self.declare_partials("freestream_velocities", "rotational_velocities", rows=row_col, cols=row_col, val=val)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
# Rotate the freestream velocities based on the angle of attack and the sideslip angle.
alpha = inputs["alpha"][0] * np.pi / 180.0
beta = inputs["beta"][0] * np.pi / 180.0
cosa = np.cos(alpha)
sina = np.sin(alpha)
cosb = np.cos(beta)
sinb = np.sin(beta)
v_inf = inputs["v"][0] * np.array([cosa * cosb, -sinb, sina * cosb])
outputs["freestream_velocities"][:, :] = v_inf
if self.options["rotational"]:
outputs["freestream_velocities"][:, :] += inputs["rotational_velocities"]
def compute_partials(self, inputs, J):
alpha = inputs["alpha"][0] * np.pi / 180.0
beta = inputs["beta"][0] * np.pi / 180.0
cosa = np.cos(alpha)
sina = np.sin(alpha)
cosb = np.cos(beta)
sinb = np.sin(beta)
J["freestream_velocities", "v"] = np.tile(np.array([cosa * cosb, -sinb, sina * cosb]), self.system_size)
J["freestream_velocities", "alpha"] = np.tile(
inputs["v"][0] * np.array([-sina * cosb, 0.0, cosa * cosb]) * np.pi / 180.0, self.system_size
J["freestream_velocities", "beta"] = np.tile(
inputs["v"][0] * np.array([-cosa * sinb, -cosb, -sina * sinb]) * np.pi / 180.0, self.system_size