Source code for openaerostruct.aerodynamics.aero_groups

import openmdao.api as om
from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.compressible_states import CompressibleVLMStates
from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.geometry import VLMGeometry
from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.states import VLMStates
from openaerostruct.aerodynamics.functionals import VLMFunctionals
from openaerostruct.functionals.total_aero_performance import TotalAeroPerformance

[docs] class AeroPoint(om.Group): """ This group contains all the components needed for a single-point aerodynamic analysis. You would have one instance of `AeroPoint` for each flight condition you want to study. """ def initialize(self): self.options.declare("surfaces", types=list) self.options.declare("user_specified_Sref", types=bool, default=False) self.options.declare( "rotational", False, types=bool, desc="Set to True to turn on support for computing angular velocities" ) self.options.declare( "compressible", types=bool, default=False, desc="Turns on compressibility correction for moderate Mach number " "flows. Defaults to False.", ) def setup(self): surfaces = self.options["surfaces"] rotational = self.options["rotational"] # Check for multi-section surfaces and create suitable surface dictionaries for them for i, surface in enumerate(surfaces): # If multisection mesh then build a single surface with the unified mesh data if "is_multi_section" in surface.keys(): import copy target_keys = [ # Essential Info "name", "symmetry", "S_ref_type", "ref_axis_pos", "mesh", # aerodynamics "CL0", "CD0", "with_viscous", "with_wave", "groundplane", "k_lam", "t_over_c_cp", "c_max_t", ] # Constructs a surface dictionary and adds the specified supported keys and values from the mult-section surface dictionary. aeroSurface = {} for k in set(surface).intersection(target_keys): aeroSurface[k] = surface[k] # print(aeroSurface["name"]) surfaces[i] = copy.deepcopy(aeroSurface) # Loop through each surface and connect relevant parameters for surface in surfaces: name = surface["name"] self.connect(name + ".normals", "aero_states." + name + "_normals") # Connect the results from 'aero_states' to the performance groups self.connect("aero_states." + name + "_sec_forces", name + "_perf" + ".sec_forces") # Connect S_ref for performance calcs self.connect(name + ".S_ref", name + "_perf.S_ref") self.connect(name + ".widths", name + "_perf.widths") self.connect(name + ".chords", name + "_perf.chords") self.connect(name + ".lengths", name + "_perf.lengths") self.connect(name + ".lengths_spanwise", name + "_perf.lengths_spanwise") # Connect S_ref for performance calcs self.connect(name + ".S_ref", "total_perf." + name + "_S_ref") self.connect(name + ".widths", "total_perf." + name + "_widths") self.connect(name + ".chords", "total_perf." + name + "_chords") self.connect(name + ".b_pts", "total_perf." + name + "_b_pts") self.connect(name + "_perf" + ".CL", "total_perf." + name + "_CL") self.connect(name + "_perf" + ".CD", "total_perf." + name + "_CD") self.connect("aero_states." + name + "_sec_forces", "total_perf." + name + "_sec_forces") self.add_subsystem(name, VLMGeometry(surface=surface)) # Add a single 'aero_states' component that solves for the circulations # and forces from all the surfaces. # While other components only depends on a single surface, # this component requires information from all surfaces because # each surface interacts with the others. # check for ground effect and if so, promote ground_effect = False for surface in surfaces: if surface.get("groundplane", False): ground_effect = True if self.options["compressible"] is True: aero_states = CompressibleVLMStates(surfaces=surfaces, rotational=rotational) prom_in = ["v", "alpha", "beta", "rho", "Mach_number"] else: aero_states = VLMStates(surfaces=surfaces, rotational=rotational) prom_in = ["v", "alpha", "beta", "rho"] if ground_effect: prom_in.append("height_agl") aero_states.linear_solver = om.LinearRunOnce() if rotational: prom_in.extend(["omega", "cg"]) self.add_subsystem("aero_states", aero_states, promotes_inputs=prom_in, promotes_outputs=["circulations"]) # Explicitly connect parameters from each surface's group and the common # 'aero_states' group. # This is necessary because the VLMStates component requires information # from each surface, but this information is stored within each # surface's group. for surface in surfaces: self.add_subsystem( surface["name"] + "_perf", VLMFunctionals(surface=surface), promotes_inputs=["v", "alpha", "beta", "Mach_number", "re", "rho"], ) # Add the total aero performance group to compute the CL, CD, and CM # of the total aircraft. This accounts for all lifting surfaces. self.add_subsystem( "total_perf", TotalAeroPerformance(surfaces=surfaces, user_specified_Sref=self.options["user_specified_Sref"]), promotes_inputs=["v", "rho", "cg", "S_ref_total"], promotes_outputs=["CM", "CL", "CD"], ) # Need to set the default value/unit for beta since it is often unused (unconnected) self.set_input_defaults("beta", val=0.0, units="deg")