.. _Aerostructural_Walkthrough: Aerostructural Optimization with Tubular Spar ============================================= With aerodynamic- and structural-only analyses done, we now examine an aerostructural design problem. The construction of the problem follows the same logic as outlined in :ref:`Aerodynamic_Optimization_Walkthrough`, though with some added details. For example, we use an `AerostructPoint` group instead of an `AeroGroup` because it contains the additional components needed for aerostructural optimization. Additionally, we have more variable connections due to the more complex problem formulation. For more details about ``mesh_dict`` and ``surface`` in the following script, see :ref:`Mesh and Surface Dict`. .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/integration_tests/test_aerostruct.py :start-after: docs checkpoint 0 :end-before: docs checkpoint 1 :dedent: 8